The Slant route is one of the most common passing routes in football. Basically, its a post, but with the break outside instead of inside, and the receiver aims for the squishy orange rectangle, not the giant H. A cool route often used for running backs, the receiver heads out of the backfield to the sideline, then breaks up the field with nothing but green and glory in front of him. The Double Dig has two receivers running dig routes to the same side of the field. But, generally speaking, we can identify a route with the numbers 1 through 9. If the middle of the field is open (cover 2), they should run a post between the two defenders to get open. 1. In a passing play like the 838 Deep Cross, the numbers specify that the outside receiver run a #8 patter, the man next inside him a #3 pattern, the next receiver another #8 pattern. It has one receiver running a shallow crossing route from one direction, while another receiver runs a dig route from the opposite direction. These type of routes are effective against man and zone coverage. When running the dig route from the outside, the break to the middle is a 2-part process, where the receiver will first break in at an angle, and then a couple of yards later he'll cut flat across the middle, like the picture below. The running back runs 3-5 steps horizontally and turns their head around to the quarterback while continuing to run. If this happens, the receiver cuts off their outside foot and runs vertically up field. The receiver will take a few steps forward, then immediately cut to his left or right towards the closest sideline. The Smash concept creates a high-low read that attacks Cover 2s biggest weakness, the deep outside halves of the field near both sidelines. The strengths of the seam route are that it is a difficult route for the linebackers and safeties to cover especially in zone, and it allows the quarterback to throw the ball into tight spaces. Hitch (0 route): Our zero (0) route route is known as the hitch (or quick hitch), stop, or comeback route. Finally, there are potent route combinations against cover 2, despite cover 2 being well-equipped to defend against a spread offense (two receivers on each side). This route combo is generally effective against most zone coverages. The nine basic routes are the flat (1), slant (2), comeback (3), curl (4), out (5), dig (6), corner (7), post (8), and fade (9). On the other hand, when the receiver runs the route from the slot, it's a much quicker and harder cut, a pivot at a 90 degree angle, and breaking flat across the middle like the picture below. Generally one of them gets open once they cross each other. Ideally he quarterback will look to throw the receiver running the shallow cross. Routes are patterns that receivers run on each play to get open for the quarterback. It also works against zone coverage by having another receiver run a route over the top such as slant or in route. Look for the receiver cutting towards the middle. The flat route is a basic, quick out-breaking route. Posts can be skinny or more angled depending on the defense. In some cases such as when a blitz is called on their side of the ball, they wont even go out. The inner most receiver runs a flat route. I have great awarness, I'm elusive, I can get away from man to man coverage, Zone D my weakness. Oftentimes, receivers who run this route will catch the ball very close to the sideline after running 10 to 15 yards vertically, then another five to 10 yards horizontally. Route 2 - Slant. By having the inside receiver running the crossing route he will open room for the dig route coming behind him. This is used to get the ball out of the quarterback's hands quickly in a rhythm throw. [], [] idea here is that by running routes at all different levels of the defense, safeties wont be able to help out in shorter passing []. The stick route designed for a tight end or slot receiver lined up inside the formation, and is used to get the ball to a receiver in the middle of the field. Typical defensive coverages include: 0/1: Man coverage with either 0 deep zone players, or 1 deep player (often referred to as 'man free') 2: the deepest part of the field is divided into 2 . The quick out route is a short pass route where the wide receiver will break out toward the sideline at a depth of about five yards and a 90 degree angle. If the cornerback (flat defender) sits on the receiver running the low read, then the receiver running the high read will be open. This is called a comeback route because the receiver literally comes back to the ball out of his break, and the quarterback throws it behind him. In many cases, you will find the Stick concept run from some type of bunch, cluster, or tight formation. It also aims to give the quarterback a relatively straightforward read that works against man and zone concepts. A look at common deep pass routes, passing concepts, and route combos. These 9 routes make up the Route Tree. What a lot of people dont know is the number of routes there are and how to run them successfully. The square out route is run vertically down the field to a depth of between 10-12 yards, at which point the receiver will make a hard break toward the sideline. The post route can be run from the inside or outside receiver position, and is used to either attack the leverage of a specific defender in man coverage, or create a stretch on zone defenses while working with another route to create a conflict in deep zone coverage. The receiver starts his route to the sideline and then cuts back towards the middle. This route works very well against cover 3. The ball is not thrown high like a normal vertical route; the throw is much lower and straight toward the receiver. Tight End Pass Routes. The idea is to get the defender in coverage to "bite" on the post route, and then break back outside when the defender's momentum and leverage are already taking him toward where he thought the route was going. HUSKY HARBOR BOAT MOORAGE. An option route is a general term for any pass route that gives the receiver multiple paths to choose from based on how the defense reacts. The Spacing is quick passing concept that has three receivers running a three route combo. There are always 22 football players on the field at once and they all have their own specialized roles. The go route (sometimes referred to as a fly route) is a deep pass route designed to get the ball to the outside receiver deep down the field. If the defender covers the hitch, the deep in route will be open. The speed of the receiver should force the defender to break out of his backpedal motion and turn his back to the line of scrimmage to run with the receiver. This route can be run from either the inside or the outside, though the route will usually look different depending on which position the receiver runs the route from. The advantage is that there are more defenders defending the middle of the field and flats. Thanks for fixing it but is the wide receiver route tree exactly the same with the tight ends one? Halfbacks and fullbacks run this route of the backfield. If man coverage is called, can be effective but receiver needs more speed and acceleration than the defenders covering him has. It requires receivers to have a lot of speed to create separation between defenders. A good pass route to beat soft zone coverage such as Cover 4. All it takes is for the receiver to break one tackle for a big play. This involves running both a high and a low route toward both cornerbacks. For all intents and purposes, an out route is a flat that is run at a depth of about 10 to 15 yards downfield instead of only few yards off the line of scrimmage. The receiver runs about 10 yards, cuts at a 90-degree angle and heads out to the sideline, with the ball (hopefully) in flight and ready to land in his hands. For those that dont know MOFO simply means "middle of the field open," or no deep middle safety. The Spot passing concept is design to attack zone coverage. How many passing routes are there in football? The receiver will run straight down the field for about 7 yards. This corner route is similar to the slant route in that it finishes with in a diagonal direction. is is very effective against zone coverage as the receiver breaks towards the side line as he is running and out route, then quickly breaks straight up the field. Slants can be run on short, medium or deep depths on the field. A corner route is a vertical route, typically run from the slot, where the receiver starts running straight ahead before breaking at an angle of about 45 degrees toward the sideline. Fans will receive their season bus pass in the mail along with their football season tickets. The pass route the receiver runs during the play is based on the type of pass coverage called. The dig route is any route that starts off vertical and breaks sharply to the middle of the field at a depth of anywhere from 10-15 yards. This is a combination of a hitch and vertical route to entice the defense to anticipate a short route. These indeed are the most common route combinations and concepts. The spacing concept can always be found in bunch formations. All of the other routes are run off of this route because the offense wants to threaten the defense to go deep each pass play. They arent typically run by outside wide receivers simply because of the limited amount of space between the sideline and where they line up on the field. Each play requires that the receiver run a specific pattern or route. Okay but I think Romo may have a bit more knowledge than a few route concepts. Flat (1): A three-step, outside breaking route usually run from inside of the numbers (slot receiver, tight end, running back) with the receiver taking a quick, vertical release and then breaking. For a better idea of when each of these routes gets used and the benefits of each, we encourage you to keep reading. Below, Ive listed each of them in order of shortest to longest depth from the line of scrimmage. Its the exact opposite of the comeback in that the movement back toward the line of scrimmage after the stop is toward the middle of the field instead of toward the sideline. Run straight down the field, as fast as you can, as deep as you can. Could you please fix it? - One of the top concepts in every NFL playbook, four verticals is also a route we see in the high red zone (15- to 25-yard line) versus Cover 2 defenses to attack the Mike' backer with the. The cross is effective against man coverage. Coaches like Tiger Ellison and later Mouse Davis used lots of different option routes when developing and running the Run and Shoot Offense for many years, and most NFL offenses use certain kinds of option routes in their playbook. Against zone coverage this creates a 2 on 1 situation. In decades past, it was very common for coaches to use these route trees to actually call the plays. The pass route the receiver runs during the play is based on the type of pass coverage called. The Divide is a passing route that that has a receiver running towards the middle of the field. The Shallow Cross passing concept that teams that like to run the Air Raid offense. Check our collection of books of football plays. The idea behind this passing concept is to create either 3 on 2 or 4 on 3 against zone coverage, allowing for one of the receivers to be open deep down the field. The route, as it is usually drawn up on paper, should show a break to the outside at a hard 90 degree angle. The players Hey there! This is exactly where the Shallow Cross Concept gets its name. Its a quick-hitting route that is designed to create separation for the receiver from the defender soon after the ball is snapped. An out route tries to bait the cornerback up field to try and intercept the pass. Pass routes are what wide receivers run so they can catch the throw from the quarterback. From left to right, a play could be called to contain any combination of four numbers to communicate the route to run for each receiver. Halfbacks and fullbacks run this route of the backfield. Really effective if a runningback runs it out of the backfield. Certain routes can be combined to create a variety and more weapons the defense needs to defend. If the defender covers the deep in route, the hitch route underneath will be open. Is the zig route in Madden 25 more like a smash or a pivot route? use. The In or Dig requires a receiver who is very precise in route running. The receiver will run vertically, usually 5 to 10 yards, aggressively plant off of their inside foot and run an angle toward the back corner of the end zone. A good route to beat soft zone coverage. Here is another route combination that works well against cover 3 the hitch and corner. 2019 X's O's Football. In fact, the In or Dig route will put the receiver in harms way of extra defenders as he runs across the middle of the field. A big tall receiver will run to the corner of the end zone and the quarterback will throw the ball high in the air. . The majority of times this will be a vertical route but sometimes it will require him to take a slight angle in or out. Highly effective pass route that beats zone coverage or blitz. , Angle. LOL. He gives us top analysis through his experience of being a franchise quarterback, and happens to be an entertaining voice, name another announcer who can do that. Similar to a vertical route, the seam route is run by a receiver positioned toward the middle of the field. This coverage forces the receivers into deep routes to the middle or the outsides of the field but in this time the pass rush should generate pressure or a sack on the Quarterback. Play #3: Smash and Go. For example, a 5 route in one route tree may be different from another. The Portland passing concept is similar to the Mills concept as the design is to provide an opportunity for the quarterback to look throw deep down the field to a receiver running a deep post if the safety comes up defend the dig route that is being run from the opposite side. Click HERE to see inside our breakdown of all four College Playoff Teams, Posted by Throw Deep Publishing Staff on September 24, 2022. And also open as much space as possible for receivers to roam. The inside receiver can run an out route to occupy the underneath flat defender. The Curl Flat route combo has the outside receiver running a curl, while inside receiver runs a flat route. This should allow the receiver to have the advantage of knowing when the ball is thrown and where it is traveling, while the defender wont have that same information. As designed, the hitch is a route in which the receiver runs five yards. A common Flood concept would be to have one receiver run a flat, second receiver runs a deep out, and the third runs a go route such as shown in the diagram above. The Smash concept has a two route combination, which are a corner (high) and the other runs a hitch (low). A cornerback defending a deep third of the field is taught to stay deep. They are quick-hitting routes, though, so the quarterback will usually get the ball out of his hand quickly if he throws to someone running a slant. Delay routes are indicated by them being blue. The Pivot passing concept has an outside receiver running a dig route over the top of the inside receiver next to him, who is running a pivot (zig zag) route. The route includes both the distance and the direction that the receiver should run. The receiver runs straight downfield for 35 yards and then cuts at a 90-degree angle towards the sidelines. Conversely if the cornerback sinks back on the receiver running the high read, then the low read receiver will be open. Slant routes can be run by any position, from any alignment, and at any depth. A new pool is created for each race. Need help for workout, supplement and nutrition? The simplest way to adapt the concept for a third receiver is to have the #3 run a Divide route. The receiver takes one step back and then runs Horizontally with his eyes on the QB waiting for the throw, he then catches it and runs up field. You'll learn 4 quick-timing routes from the 3-step drop. In this route his job is to split the Safeties. Understanding the many different football routes is important for every player and coach. Any tight end or runningback cannot be sent in motion when running a delay route. The route is a good way to attack a defender who is playing too far off the receiver, expecting him to go vertical. The Sluggo route is the most common type of double moves that receivers use to try to confuse the defender. The quarterback and the receiver must be on the same page, and the ball should be thrown before the receiver breaks toward the sideline. He then break outside towards the sideline at a 45 degree angle. The receiver runs vertically five or six yards, sinks their hips, and turns back toward the quarterback. The receiver run 12-15 yards and rounds his route across the field. A play could be called 9999, telling the offensive receivers to all run vertical routes. 12 Unstoppable Youth Football Plays (U6 to U10), Shaving Points in Football (Heres How It Works), How to Run the Power Play in Football (Includes Images), What is a Deferred Coin Toss in Football? We can combine them to specify which receivers run which routes. This is one of our favorites. With both passing routes going in the same direction, it creates a high/low read for the quarterback. The route the receiver runs from the slot that resembles a square out is called a "sail" route, and typically the break to the outside is much more rounded and less "sharp" than the square out. Down towards the side that what that pivot does guys is that allows him to hit this thing full-speed. The running back (its almost always a back) hightails it to this spot with his head on a swivel and hauls it in. The idea is to get separation between the receiver and the defender, and to put the receivers body between the defender and the quarterback. Enter your email below to get access for free: 100% Privacy Guarantee. A 9 route is a fade, vertical, or go route. There are many possible routes that a receiver can take, including an in route, an out route, a go route, and a curl route. The quarterback throws to 2 or 3 based on the flat defender. They are quick-hitting routes, though, so the quarterback will usually get the ball out of his hand quickly if he throws to someone running a slant. Against man coverage, it can be effective, but you need to take contrtol of the receiver. And the reason why its called a route tree (as youll see in the images below) is that when theyre all drawn together on a play sheet, the routes form what looks like a tree. A Complete Overview, What Is a Runback in Football? Its most often used in combination with a quarterbacks back-shoulder throw that is so popular in todays game of professional football, with quarterbacks throwing to a part of the receivers body that only the receiver can get to. This is a good route to call against man coverage. This route goes by two names, either the In or the Dig. It can get you a touchdown or first down. The Friday, November 4th . During the peak season (May 1 to Sept. 30), passes can provide up to a 35-45% discount if all rides are used. The two pass routes are designed create a two-on-one isolation on a defender dropping back in a hook zone. Most college and professional offenses have the stick as part of their route tree and use it as part of their quick game or RPO passing plays. The idea here is to not only create space between the receiver and defender, and not only to open up space over the middle of the field, but to also attack a separate open space deep down the middle. This is good info. A good pass route to beat soft zones or man coverage. Corner Route. Similar to the out route but in the opposite direction, receivers will run vertically for5 to 10 yards, plant off of their outside foot, and aggressively angle at 90degrees toward the middle of the field. We provide the latest Madden Tips, Madden Strategies, Madden Formations, Madden Plays, Madden News, and Madden Videos. This is usually run by the outside receiver position in combination with some sort of underneath route to the same side to stretch a zone defense and create an opening for the QB to throw the ball. This throws off defenders running backwards to guard the player, and opens them up to a quick pass from the quarterback. Thanks. Running Back Pass Routes. The hitch route is usually run to about a 5-6 yard depth, at which point the receiver will pivot toward the quarterback and stop, expecting the ball to be thrown to him very quickly. One of the simplest routes in the playbook, the hitch route is about getting the ball out of the hands of the quarterback in a hurry, and throwing the ball to your open receiver underneath the coverage. However, the quick out route can be easily defended if the ball is not thrown on time. The receiver, often the super-fast stud on the outside, runs hard downfield, pumps the brakes, and then turns sharply back to the quarterback. Receiver 1 runs a vertical, receivers 2 and 3 run a combination of a deep out and a short route. In effect, its the exact opposite of the Out route. If the defense plays zone coverage, the receiver must be in front of the coverage to be successful. Pretty much same as a streak as the receiver runs straight up the field. Unfortunately, that is also one of the biggest weaknesses of relying on option routes. The receiver can also run a half circle after their vertical and face the quarterback. The receiver runs vertically downfield to get behind the defensive coverage. Two typical types of defensive coverage are cover 2 and cover 3. Copyright All rights reserved. For this article we show several common pass routes and route combos that you will find in real football and video game football. This is similar to a slant route, but instead of the receiver making a sharp cut to the middle, he rounds out the cut and drags the route further across the field toward the opposite sideline. #3 - The Comeback Route On this out route staying explosive. Screen routes can be run with the any elgible receiver in the line up. For instance, "999" would tell all receivers to run go routes. Because there are only two deep defenders, they need to cover a lot of space. The idea behind the route is so that the quarterback can get the ball to the receiver on the run, and it gives faster receivers the ability to run away and create space between them and defenders trailing in man coverage. Like the post route but the receiver cuts his angle out to the pylon at the corner of the end zone. The flat route is a basic route that quickly breaks to the outside of the field, toward the sideline. The receiver is asked to run as fast as he can as deep as he can straight down the field from where he lined up. Route 6 - In / Dig. This route has the receiver running slant initially then hooking back towards the quarterback about 4 to 5 yards from the line of scrimmage. However, if the routes in front of the defender are short, there is a tendency for the defender to come up to make a play. What is a passing route? The flat route is a short, horizontal route that is not designed to get any deeper than 2-3 yards past the line of scrimmage. Typically this route breaks out at an angle around a depth of 10 yards, though some offenses allow their receivers to get to 12 yards downfield before making that turn. In fact, the curl route is often used inside in combination with the comeback route being run outside. The flat route is a basic, quick out-breaking route. USe screens to beat the blitz, in particulary zone blitz concepts. Ferreal, thanks for catching the missing images. The receiver will run at a depth of 10 to 15 yards straight ahead, then run in a diagonal direction toward the deep outside part of the field. Pass Routes, patterns. The Switch concept is a popular Run-&-Shoot passing concept that has outside receiver running a post route with an inside receiver. WHAT IS AN OUT ROUTE? The bigger the pool? We break the sections down with quick pass, medium pass, and deep pass. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Thats why it is often referred to as the Go route. Typically, this is to stretch a flat/sideline defender and force the defender to pick one of the receivers, leaving the other open. Pass routes can be called by number or by name. Often this creates a high/low read for the quarterback to make. Post Route. The out route is similar in look to the flat route, but it is done at a much deeper depth. Effective route against man coverage if the back faster than the defender covering him. Post Corner High-Low Isolation Vs Cover 2 Zone Coverage, Gun Trips Left Hb Strong S Motion Z Post. Its called the flat. Option routes have receivers running one primary route and one or two secondary pass routes during the same play. The Stick is a passing concept that features the inside receiver running a stick route, often he has option to run a quick out route as well depending on the type of pass coverage. SMASH PASSING CONCEPT FROM TRIPS The Smash Concept can easily be adjusted to Trips. The receiver runs straight downfield for 35 yards and then slants 45 degrees. All of the routes that break towards the outside with the exception of the go route which is straight ahead use odd numbers. The route is effective against both man and zone coverages, and is often run with at least one other route that breaks underneath, to put the defensive backs in maximum conflict, and give the QB lots of room to throw to the open receiver. The seam route is a vertical route that runs up the middle of the field and is designed to exploit the space between the linebackers and safeties. Learn passing route plays with tip. X's O's Football is not affiliated or associated with EA Sports, the NFL, or their license. While these are the basic routes that receivers run, there are many other routes that receivers use each game. The hope of the Slant route is that a quick completion is made to guarantee at least a few yards gained. Curl Flat The Curl Flat route combo has the outside receiver running a curl, while inside receiver runs a flat route. Often times, when a quarterback predicts a blitz, he will make a signal to one or more of his receivers. Route 5 - Out. The ability to throw this route makes scouts drool over a quarterbacks arm strength and accuracy. Out of the brake. The dig is a great route for big, strong receivers. There are a couple of ways to run the slant route, depending on where the receiver lines up. It introduces. My name is Steven and I love everything sports! In this scenario, the deep defender cheats up to defend the short route, while the corner route receiver travels over the top of the defender. Or their license go vertical closest sideline posts can be easily defended the... Receiver, expecting him to go vertical a rhythm throw job is to split Safeties. Receiver running the shallow cross quick out route staying explosive acceleration than the defenders covering him route staying explosive routes! The number of routes there are many other routes that receivers run so can. That receivers use each game basic routes that receivers run which routes access for free: 100 Privacy. 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