All of Beowulfs actions are clearly motivated by loyalty, starting with his decision to help the Danes. In the modern organization, the question of who or what will take the place of the charismatic leader should be on the minds of all those responsible for seeing the organization live long and prosper, especially if Through these actions such managers are able to empower subordinates and build trust. In Beowulf, the answer is clear: lordlessness equals invasion, murder, mayhem, slavery, misery, doom for the people, and doom for the nation. This epic is also greatly influenced by Christianity. Oh, hell no. Beowulf thinks very highly of himself and is quick to tell others about his own accomplishments. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 9(2), 146-165. When the fight starts Beowulf tries to hit the dragon with his sword but it does not work out and the sword breaks. Another important characteristic of the epic is the theme of ethics throughout the story. Beowulf belongs metrically, stylistically, and thematically to a heroic tradition grounded in Germanic religion and mythology. Many morals are presented in Beowulf to be understood, although these morals are often times explained very briefly, they are all intertwined with the over-arching theme of good vs. evil. Wiglaf, Beowulfs cousin and one of his warriors was the only one to stay and fight along his side. In the modern organization, the question of who or what will take the place of the charismatic leader should be on the minds of all those responsible for seeing the organization live long and prosper, especially if relying upon leaders with charisma means neglecting to develop leadership ability in others. (Beowulf, 103) The court allows no water to come through, allowing Beowulf to have more of a fighting chance against Grendel 's mother. She is passionate about advancing social justice globally through communication and storytelling. However, these two very broad themes can be broken down into smaller categories demonstrated in the epic poem Beowulf; the themes of morality and ethics play a crucial role in the story, as well as the underlying theme of Christianity. The death of Beowulf is shown in his final success against a monster during battle, as a result of this, his time is ending. The Dragon is also killed in the duel when Beowulf located a small flaw in the pattern of scales on the evil serpent, using this to his advantage and stabbing the, Grendels mother is very angry and out for revenge. The unwanted child grows up to become a violent and feared man known as the scourge of many tribes, wrecker of mead-benches, rampaging among foes, and a terror (Beowulf. Turning to the scholarly efforts devoted to the epic poem, numerous research articles cover nearly every aspect of the poems word choice, origin, thematic elements, history, literature parallels, weaponry, versification, and religious influences. Beowulf is both the title and the main character of an ancient heroic epic. author Unknown. Beowulf Mastiffs are raised in a family situation. He used his strength against Grendel, but relies on a sword to kill his mother. In the course, the instructor uses a process similar to what Cartwright (2002) (citing Chris Argyris and Donald Schon) recommends that attempts to get underneath the starting perceptions about leading and managing (p. 70). Many incidents, such as the tearing-off of the monsters arm and the heros descent into the mere, are familiar motifs from folklore. WebThe moral presented in the epic poem Beowulf is the recognition that human destiny is controlled by God. Throughout the story of Beowulf we see Beowulfs character progress within each battle from foolish to more wise. Enrons ethical collapse: Lessons for leadership educators. Ethics and Beowulf Assignment. Beowulf, heroic poem, the highest achievement of Old English literature and the earliest European vernacular epic. The death of Beowulf is shown in his final success against a monster during battle, as a result of this, his time is ending. At IU, she works as a reporter for the Arnolt Center of Investigative Journalism. She deals deadly slashes and blows to Beowulf he would have been killed by normally without the aid of his chainmail. Print Parker, Mary A. Beowulf and Christianity. However, in the time of the poem this was the norm. (Beowulf 1760-1761) This also relates to Christian morals because of the maxim that pride usually comes directly before a heros fall. Victorious, Beowulf goes home to Geatland and becomes king of the Geats. With a sharp blade in Grendels mother possession, Beowulfs defeat seemed certain and his confidence was lost for an instant. Beowulfs narcissism of strength and old age lead to his death, as he failed to heed Hrothgars words of wisdom and paid the ultimate. Avert Bloomberg 9 December 2012 The battle of good vs.. The poem offers a nod to the power of cooperation as the two together defeat the dragon, although Beowulf is fatally wounded., The poem ends with Beowulf's burial in Geatland. Te_>pH-bRMn%9M>tl? Kaplan, R. D. (2002). Another major current involves the large number of popular accounts of legendary and mythical heroes, many of whom display their heroism in struggles with monsters. tFd#BkoA08^t^cv;`=G.-}@o+? To put this battles together you see all the different contrastment through both sources., The Decline of Moral Ethics Choose, dear Beowulf, the better part, eternal rewards. This king, Hrothgar, has been terrorized by a monster that attacks Heorot, his mead hall (the place where his subjects gather to eat and drink), nightly, usually devouring one or two of his men. Back ground of Beowulf A. Before dying, Beowulf told Wiglaf his last remaining wishes., There is one soldier that decides to stay and be loyal to Beowulf. By the time Beowulf was published, the idea of Christianity had spread wildly throughout England. He is a hero because he embodies all of the important traits of his culture and because he defeats several monsters. Beowulf is ethical in the way he went to Hrothgar and asked for permission to kill Grendel. It is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge the mourning (Beowulf 61). "Beowulf" is an epic poem because it traces the heroic deeds of its main character over the course of his adult life. He kills Grendel's mother and returns triumphantly to Hrothgar, who rewards him handsomely for his service. Throughout the poem, we see Beowulfs bravery and courage again and again, together with his true heroic This language use usually suggests that the poem is expressing ideas that are very important to its culture of origin. All those who see the way he carries himself immediately assume, quite correctly, that he must be noble, strong, and wise. (Beowulf, 107) Beowulf then decapitates Grendels mom, and the ancient sword melts down to the hilt., In this battle, Beowulf shows no superhuman feats by sticking to the armour and weapons he had brought with him. No one has time to read them all, but its important to go over them at least briefly. The most significant Christian value in this text is the connection between God and good (Mitchell 337). This shows the aging and oncoming weakness. Unferth, jealous of Beowulf's strength, taunts him by bringing up a race that Beowulf lost. WebIn Beowulf, the answer is clear: lordlessness equals invasion, murder, mayhem, slavery, misery, doom for the people, and doom for the nation. By the time Beowulf was published, the idea of Christianity had spread wildly throughout England. The speaker is saying that it is better to get revenge tort the departed, than to mourn their death. The poem serves to illustrate many of the values that were important in Anglo-Saxon culture. Beowulf demonstrates his selflessness by risking his life for people who were complete strangers but needed his help. For a brief while your strength is in bloom but it fades quickly; and soon there will follow illness or the sword to lay you low Your piercing eye will dim and darken; and death will arrive, dear warrior, to sweep you away (Heaney 17581768). Warrior politics: Why leadership demands a pagan ethos. As a hero, one of his narrative functions is to uphold the values of his culture. Given a hero's funeral, he's placed in a tumulus on a cliff overlooking the sea, and the dragon's treasure is buried with him. However, in the time of the poem this was the norm. Author of Beowulf History & Theories | Who Wrote Beowulf? WebBeowulf is a heroic epic, a long poem which recounts the deeds of a legendary warrior. He does so with a sword instead of with his bare hands because he is in his seventies and is no longer as strong as he once was. Through his own strength and in his capacity as role model, Beowulf ensures that his band and tribe achieve their goals. Here, the poem stresses honor, forgiveness, camaraderie, indebtedness and loyalty., In the second section of the poem, Beowulf is made king of the Geats, which teaches the moral lesson of fairness and merit. By the time Beowulf was published, the idea of Christianity had spread wildly throughout England. In the poem Beowulf ,the character, Beowulf, is an example of a true epic hero, who fights with a powerful monster and saves Horthgors people. With several of his thanes he goes to draw it out and kill it. She deals deadly slashes and blows to Beowulf he would have been killed by normally without the aid of his chainmail. Hrothgar also warns Beowulf not to give way to pride (Beowulf 1759), which has been. The main practical difference between the two formulations of leadership is that, according to Conger and Kanungo (1994), they study the same phenomenon only from different vantage points (p. 442). He is easily the best warrior in the country, which he demonstrates by killing Greened. And while some research has explored the hero Beowulf as a character, there is little about Beowulf as a leader. International Journal of Public Administration, 28, 503-516. Although the heroic epic Beowulf was composed in Old English, it deals not with native Englishmen for whom the poem was written but with their Germanic ancestors of around the sixth century. Both of these fights essentially allow Beowulf to prove himself both to the Danes and to the Geats, establishing his reputation. He goes into the underworld on a dangerous journey. He is the only person who can fight with monsters. Hrothgar recalls, Ecgtheow acknowledged me with oaths of allegiance (472). Schlesinger, W. (1953). In episode 1, a band of 15 Geatish warriors led by Beowulf arrives at the homeland of the Danes to rid that country of Grendel, a seemingly invincible, man-eating monster possessing the strength of 30 men. He supposedly has ''the strength of thirty / In the grip of each hand'' (Heaney). Dating back to between the 8th and 11th centuries and set in Scandinavia, the poem likely was used to teach lessons to young warriors of the day, said Alexander M. Bruce, in the free online journal "The Heroic Age." Evil. An epic poem is a long poetic work often written in elevated language. Beowulf, an Epic Hero essaysAn epic hero is defined as a larger than life hero who embodies the values of a particular society. Another important characteristic of the epic is the theme of ethics throughout the story. Wiglaf, who becomes Beowulfs successor, also embodies these traits. Beowulf is then drug to the bottom of the lair by Grendels mom to her court. The sword Beowulf uses against Grendels mother proves useless; it did not penetrate through the skin and bone. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. WebBeowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, whose mead hall in Heorot has been under attack by the monster Grendel. Rather than fight the dragon with his bare hands as he did with Grendel, Beowulf elects to use a sword against the dragon because he has become an old man and the dragon is very powerful. Cunning, strength, and courage were obviously prized in the warrior, and especially in a leader who maximized these warrior traits and upon whom the band depended. Beowulfs strength begins to let him, In the epic Beowulf, translated by Seamus Heaney, Beowulf suffers a decline from the battle with Grendel to the dragon in warrior culture and physical condition. A vacuum of leadership has been created by Beowulfs death. It also symbolized the successful bond among the warriors in the band and between the thane and the lord. Mitchell, Bruce. These traits demonstrate which things Anglo-Saxons valued the most. Partly to fill that gap in our knowledge of this important work and to further an understanding of leadership in general, the authors (a) review the historical and cultural indicators of the period as they relate to leadership in the poem; (b) recap the three major episodes of the poem; (c) summarize the Conger-Kanungo model of charismatic leadership; (d) examine the character of Beowulf for elements of charismatic leadership; and, (e) explore the risks to organizations of an overreliance upon charismatic leaders. The third and final episode reveals Beowulfs having ruled wisely and well for 50 years as king of the Geats. Beowulf strength proved useless and had to rely on the giants sword he found nearby. Although Beowulf has treated them with respect, praise, and rewards as a good king should his retainers (except for his nephew Wiglaf) leave him high and dry to suffer his fate with the fire-breathing wyrm. This breakdown, a total repudiation of the loyalty owed a lord by his thanes, is significant for the Geatish people as well because their impending fate is sealed along with the fate of their warrior representatives who escaped to the woods (Stanley, 2005). 2016 2022 All Rights Reserved, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. For instance, he has many of the characteristics of an epic hero, including noble birth, courage, honesty, and battle skills. This is demonstrated in the Hoarders Sermon where Warthogs says, Do not give way to pride. This epic is also greatly influenced by Christianity. The thane vowed loyalty to the lord and in turn received affectionate care as well as material rewards for his valor and allegiance. Beowulf defeats Grendel with ease and utilized his pure strength. As the following synopsis of the three episodes of the Beowulf poem reveals, Beowulf epitomized these traits and for a long while successfully led his people against all foes. Most of us would say its knowing the difference between right and wrong. Historiche Zeitschrift, 176, 225-75. In the second section of the poem, Beowulf is made king of the Geats, which teaches the moral lesson of fairness and merit. Ethics in the story A. One major similarity between the charismatic and transformational leaders is their ability to empower employees to exceed normal expectations of achievement. He is absolutely fearless and supremely confident in his own abilities. The gefolgschaft or comitatus bond itself superseded, according to Bazelmans (1999), a prior organizational structure based on the concept of kleinstamme, which entailed group membership based more on kinship or within ethnic groups (Bazelmans, p. 5). Hence, Beowulf always displays courage while fighting his battles in an honorable and fair way and exhibiting selflessness, proving that he is more heroic than Grendel who is selfish and cowardly. His major positive traits include: Many of Beowulf's traits; like his physical stamina, strength, and ability to hold his breath for hours at a time, are clearly in excess of what any human could achieve. He is ethical because he asked permission to kill Grendel. It is also part of the broader tradition of heroic poetry. He also says, ''Now, I cannot recall / any fight you entered, Unferth, / That bears comparison'' (Heaney). When Beowulf and his warriors came to the lake-Grendel's home, Beowulf decided to fight with Beowulf by himself. In Beowulf, the answer is clear: lordlessness equals invasion, murder, mayhem, slavery, misery, doom for the people, and doom for the nation. The hero is valiant, strong, noble, and mighty, a legend in his own time and loyal to his leader Hygelac. Napierkowski, T. (2005). It is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge the mourning (Beowulf 61). Beowulf Mastiffs Global dogs are testedand are able to gait for a few miles and remain sound prior to breeding as an added test of soundness. The poem is quite scant on physical descriptions of him, but goes into detail about his heroism. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Beowulf is an epic that came out of a warrior culture and was used not solely to entertain but also to teach the moral thinking of this culture (Checkering 86). This goal is no ordinary one because up to that point Grendel had been invincible, breaking in wherever and whenever he pleased, slaughtering at will. Works Cited Chickering, Howell D. Beowulf: A Dual-language Edition. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. He burned his hand during the situation but he got the heart and the dragon went down and so did Beowulf. The epic poem Beowulf describes the mo Any mastiff not being shown must be spayed or neutered - it is much healthier for them. Beowulf himself embodies all of the qualities of a typical epic hero, and there are clear examples throughout the text. The poem includes many histories of various warriors: their ancestry, deeds of valor and debts they owe or have paid. Beowulf has spent most of his life as king of the Geats and has been widely regarded as a truly great king. When Beowulf and his entourage arrive on the Danish shores on their way to Hrothgar's home, the sentry says of Beowulf, ''Nor have I seen / A mightier man-at-arms on this earth / Than the one standing here: unless I am mistaken, / He is truly noble'' (Seamus Heaney's translation). Often times throughout the poem, when major battles are won, the characters immediately turn to God to thank him and ask for guidance. Many incidents, such as the tearing-off of the monsters arm and the heros descent into the mere, are familiar motifs from folklore. Meg has taught language arts in middle school, high school and college. Beowulfs father once started a feud, which Hrothgar helped to end. New York: Harper and Row. Downplaying one's accomplishments was no way to win fame and fortune, so it was expected that Beowulf would think highly of himself given his physical abilities. Often written in elevated language to get revenge tort the departed, than to indulge the mourning ( 1759! Arnolt Center of Investigative Journalism tell others about his heroism of heroic poetry skin and bone through communication and.! The best warrior in the way he went to Hrothgar, who rewards him handsomely his... Ethical in the country, which has been widely regarded as a hero, one of his culture for service. 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