Authorities have disputed the helicopter idea because there was no noise reported at the time, the location was too low to allow helicopters in the airspace, and the nearby harbor would have been a better location to dispose of a body. One of the most interesting theories is that Rivera was dropped through the roof of the hotel by a helicopter, possibly because of his work cleaning up the public image of his childhood friend Porter Stansberry. in /home1/neuxs/public_html/ . On February 21st, Lams body was found on the roof of the hotel in a water tank. Lams family asked the police to look for her after she failed to contact them during her trip. Medical staff also noticed a strange fruity garlic scent on her breath and manila-colored particles floating in Ramirezs blood. A second peculiar find was nicotinamide a compound, like phosgene, with a dual personality. The most severe case required two weeks of hospitalization. They also noticed strange manila-colored particles floating in the blood. The report may be based on politics or ignorance, but its not based on science, Kussman told the New York Times. [2][3] The Livermore scientists theorized that the DMSO in Ramirez's system might have built up owing to urinary blockage caused by her kidney failure. Grant, "Response to Letters to the Editor Concerning the Riverside 'Mystery Fumes' Incident Analysis",, Articles needing more detailed references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. On March 25, after some preliminary discussions, the office officially requested Livermores help and shipped autopsy samples, on dry ice, to the lab. On December 9th, 2001, novelist Michael Peterson made an emergency call to report that he had found his wife, Kathleen, unconscious at the bottom of a staircase in their mansion around 2:40 a.m. Kathleen was dead when authorities arrived and an autopsy would later show that she had died from blood loss about two hours after her fall. A nurse, Sally Balderas, who went back inside to help shift Ramirez into the isolation room started retching and felt a burning sensation on her skin. Others were concerned it could be a strange science experiment that had been released on the town. Dimethyl sulfate doesnt vaporize easily the Merck Index lists its boiling point as 370 degrees. Then came the pathologists from Riverside Coroners Office who took samples of blood, tissue, and air from the body bag and aluminum crate in which Ramirezs body was held. Get it as soon as Fri, Sep 16. Here finally was a chemical that could cause some real damage. What had been (CH3)2SO2 became CH3, CH3, and SO2. Livermore, situated about 60 miles east of San Francisco, is rooted in the nuclear arms buildup that started shortly after World War II. Two staff members moved the body to an isolation anteroom adjacent to trauma one. Reich doubts that dimethyl sulfone would split apart in the human bodys relatively cool environment. [8][9] The first paper was technically detailed and contained two potential chemical reaction mechanisms that may possibly have formed dimethyl sulfate from dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethyl sulfone precursors. The hotel itself has had a spooky reputation for decades as the site of several suicides and connections to several murders. The nurse who drew the blood quickly fainted, and soon two other people in the room passed out. She passed the syringe to Julie Gorchynski, a medical resident who noticed unusual manila-colored particles floating in the blood an observation echoed by Humberto Ochoa, the doctor in charge of the emergency room, who was helping treat Ramirez. She was convinced that neither she nor anyone else that night had been party to mass hysteria. Nurses removed Ramirezs shirt and saw a mysterious oily sheen on her skin and her mouth was emitting a fruity, garlicky smell. Twenty-three people eventually reported symptoms. Facebook Watch is the place to enjoy videos and shows together. I was hoping to see a chemical, some small molecule thats going to knock everybody down, but nothing was showing up there, he says. It took the fire department hours to respond and by then the house had burned completely to ash. In the end, all of the dimethyl sulfate either vaporized or broke back down in the blood into its constituents. He and his fiance were both spending the winter at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station with forty-eight other crewmates. Five were hospitalized for the rest of the night. Following that, several other people, including staff, started saying they felt ill and the staff was ordered to evacuate the emergency room to the hospitals parking lot. We had a meeting on the very last day of the month to determine our exact game plan, says Brian Andresen, the centers director. About 8:15p.m. on the evening of February 19, 1994, Ramirez, suffering from severe heart palpitations, was brought into the emergency department of Riverside General Hospital in Riverside, by paramedics. When it became clear to them that she wasnt responding, they tried to defibrillate her. The American government stated that they believed Cuba was responsible for the events. But Marks was engaged, seemingly enjoyed his work, and had dozens of other people to socialize with. Baby Born From The Transplanted Uterus Of A Deceased Woman In World's First, Santa Muerte: The Saint Of Death That The Vatican Tried To Shut Down, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. Our colored particles are prepared by polymerizing styrene in oil soluble dye solution in styrene. But the theory has provoked a backlash from other scientists. In other words, theyd been felled by stress and anxiety. Susan Kanes symptoms were flailing limbs and rise in body temperature. It took until May to find the last four hikers at the bottom of a ravine. At 8:50p.m., after 45 minutes of CPR and defibrillation, Ramirez was pronounced dead from kidney failure related to her cancer. Image Source: brantford DMSO is sold in a gel form at hardware stores as a heavy-duty degreaser, and it has long been a folk remedy among athletes for achy muscles and joints. In addition, they pointed out, neither paramedic who had treated Ramirez in the ambulance became ill despite the close quarters and their having touched her skin and some of her blood after starting an intravenous line. Dubbed the toxic lady, the hospital staff who were exposed to her body became ill and even had to be hospitalized. "colored particle" in Chinese SentencesMobile She passed the syringe to Julie Gorchynski, a medical resident, who noticed manila-colored particlesfloating in the blood. Nor has its use been limited to athletes. With this technique, you can layer a single . By studying the mass spectra, Andresen divined the identity of a number of compounds that had been circulating in Ramirezs system just before her death; among them were the drugs lidocaine, Tylenol, codeine, and Tigan, an antinausea medication. In 2018, the Canadian government found evidence of brain damage in their diplomats and pulled them from the country as well. Not only did Grant use it, but Andresen as well remembers the DMSO rage from his days during the 1970s as a pharmacology professor at Ohio State University. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. A relatively unassuming bridge in Scotland holds a dark secret that has haunted the city of Glasgow, Scotland for years. The Riverside Coroners Office apparently agrees it released the Livermore report last November, hailing its conclusion as the probable cause of the hospital workers symptoms. So the products they use are superclean and sterilized but covered in chemicals. But the rise of this potential wonder drug was stopped suddenly when animal tests showed that prolonged exposure to DMSO altered the lens of the eye. In court, three experts backed the possibility that an owl had attacked her and caused a deadly fall down the stairs. On May 11th, 2000, Marks visited the stations doctor three times feeling ill and they attempted to ask for medical advice by satellite, but Marks died the next day. Ochoa and three others repeatedly administered electric shocks and drugs, but their efforts to stabilize Ramirez failed. Manila is most commonly used for making file folders[1] and envelopes, called Manila folders and Manila envelopes, respectively. [2], Manila paper was originally made out of old Manila hemp ropes which were extensively used on ships, having replaced true hemp. The Mysterious Disappearance Of The Sri Lankan Handball Team. Welch sniffed the syringe and smelled something, too: I thought it would smell like chemotherapy, the way the blood smells putrid when people are taking some of those drugs. [2] Sold in gel form at hardware stores, it could also explain the greasy appearance of Ramirez's body. The Livermore scientists had been working on the case for free as a public service, after hours and on the weekends. 30 Pack Project File Folders with 1/3 Cut Tab, Letter Size Colored File Folders, Manila File Notes Folders, Decorative Project Folders for School, Home, Office Supplies, 9.5 x 11.5 Inches 4.5 (43) $1599 $18.99 Save more with Subscribe & Save FREE delivery on $25 shipped by Amazon. The electrons shatter the molecules into all types of pieces, says Andresen. CD Bioparticles provide a wide range of uniform and monodisperse colored polystyrene particles. Cause of illnesses of multiple hospital workers. The riverside coroners office felt it had reached the end of the road, too. Matching Colors Simply White 2143-70 Add to Cart Shopping List Welch called Andresen at Livermore and implored him to take another look. The puzzle is that if the Livermore investigators are wrong, then what did happen in the Riverside emergency room on February 19, 1994? Grant didnt get to Welchs file until a few days later when he was on a flight to a business meeting in Washington, D.C. In chemistry little changes can sometimes lead to big results. At this point, Kane fainted and was removed from the room. Livermore Labs postulated that Ramirez had been using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a solvent used as a powerful degreaser, as a home remedy for pain. I just tell them the dimethyl sulfate theory is a chemical impossibility, says Jacob. Grant decided to find out more about DMSO and dimethyl sulfone, so when he got back to Livermore he looked up the two compounds in the Merck Index, a chemists bible that describes the characteristics of more than 10,000 chemicals, drugs, and biological substances. Manila paper is buff-colored and the fibers of the paper are usually visible to the naked eye. The only thing unusual about her was her age, recalls Maureen Welch, a respiratory therapist who was assisting in the trauma room that night. But when he warmed the bile to body temperature to pull out any gases still lurking in it, all he found was nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and argon normal constituents of air. DMSO has a checkered past. There are 3 types of particles that are colorizeable, however it is not so obvious how this works. Ive gotten messages on my answering machine from chemists who say its an impossible conclusion, says Andresen. We specialize in products designed for medical facilities, law firms, educational institutions, and more. [citation needed] Because the paper is generally inexpensive, it is commonly given to children for making art. Shortly after arriving at the hospital, Ramirez died from complications related to cancer. The evidence at the scene was strange from the beginning. Lams strange behavior in the elevator has led some to believe that Lam was playing a Korean elevator game. Test with samples. DMSO2 is known to crystallize at room temperature, and crystals were observed in some of Ramirez's drawn blood. The Ramirez family's pathologist was unable to determine a cause of death because her heart was missing, her other organs were cross-contaminated with fecal matter, and her body was too badly decomposed. After Welch collapsed, several other staff members began to say they felt ill, and hospital administrators declared an internal emergency. The higher the concentrations of the ingredients required, the more efficiently chemical reactions will run; thus, with so much oxygen, no DMSO was left untransformed. Pine needles and clumps of her own hair were found in Kathleens hands, which also point to a potential entanglement. Bizarre Case of Gloria Ramirez, AKA "The Toxic Lady", Whose Body Emitted Toxic Fumes That Caused the ER Staff to Faint Many sleuths have come to believe that the children were kidnapped in a revenge plot. Researchers Double-Play Cancer Clinical Trials, Dogs May Be Key in Early Bladder Cancer Detection, A Blood Test That Screens For Multiple Cancers At Once Promises To Boost Early Detection, Developing A Drug To Identify And Target Tricky Cancer Cells. Police turned suspicion onto her husband, who they believed may have attacked her with a fireplace poker. And despite their desire to press forward, they had to put the Ramirez case on the back burner for the rest of September. They maintain to this day that all the hikers died in an avalanche, but their quick sealing of the case has raised eyebrows and led to alternate theories. Most common styles of manila envelope are the metal clasps envelope and the button and string envelope which can be found here. TG15401. This woman, the paramedics reported, was 31 years old and had cervical cancer. The drop, containing hundreds of chemicals, was vaporized and shunted into a chromatography column, where it was slowly heated to 570 degrees. Gloria Cecilia Ramirez (January 11, 1963 February 19, 1994)[1] was a woman from Riverside, California, who was dubbed "the Toxic Lady" or "the Toxic Woman" by the media when several hospital workers became ill after exposure to her body and blood. When it became clear that Ramirez was responding poorly to treatment, the staff tried to defibrillate her heart with electricity. The coroners office has remained tight-lipped about the analysis it conducted in the days that followed. There were also injuries on the back of her head consistent with blunt force, and the coroner stated that he believed she had not died from a fall, but may have been beaten. Known as the Oakville blobs, this transparent jelly fell in tiny droplets half the size of rice grains over a period of three weeks and reportedly sickened local people and animals with a flu-like illness. They searched for any of a host of noxious chemicals, including hydrogen sulfide (also known as sewer gas), an insidious poison that smells like rotten eggs and at high concentrations can kill a person after one or two whiffs, and phosgene, a gas with a dual identity on the one hand, a law-abiding ingredient used in the preparation of many organic chemicals, and on the other a terrible weapon for chemical warfare that tears open capillaries in the lungs, drowning its victims in blood. Appreciable amounts of it built up in the syringe, and some of it vaporized out of the blood. Welch, meanwhile, forced air into Ramirezs lungs with an Ambu-bag, a football-size rubber bladder connected to a plastic mask thats placed over the patients nose and mouth, serving as a sanitary alternative to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Her name was Gloria Ramirez. Dimethyl sulfone is a molecule composed of one sulfur atom, two carbons, six hydrogens, and two oxygens. In fact, Jacob says, the Livermore scientists should never have allowed the Riverside coroner to release their report. You will need to use the method Player.spawnParticle which takes the full set of available . Ramirez earned the nickname the Toxic Lady because no one could examine her body without exposing themselves to a wide range of medical problems. Some people believed he may have poisoned himself accidentally by attempting to home-brew alcohol, but this theory was quickly disproved by the fact that the station had a well-stocked bar available. So far, so good. Soon she was in such bad shape that she too was laid out on a gurney. Gloria Ramirezs life was pretty normal but the circumstances surrounding her bizarre death have made her one of historys weirdest people. In the end, the Riverside case leaves us with a warning and a puzzle. But if Ramirez had taken PCP, someone should have found some traces of the drug itself. Strange orange orbs were sighted by other nearby hikers around the time of the incident that some believe could have been a type of bomb. Grant was more familiar with dmso because, he says, Id used dmso in a former life as an athlete. Balderas endured bouts of apnea during a ten-day hospitalization. The only remaining theory for many people is murder, and unlike most murders, this one has a very specific number of suspects. Shop Now LRV 68.26 Collection Color Preview Get your own digital color dollop of Manila 2158-50 Create My Dollop Lighting Screen colors may differ. The county health department called in Californias Department of Health and Human Services, which put two of its top scientists on the case, Doctors Ana Maria Osorio and Kirsten Waller. Find Out About the Gaurs. He tried to pull his truck around to climb to the second floor, but it would not start. The material has a garlic smell and oily sheen. Its a really clever piece of detective work, says Oregon State toxicologist Frank Dost. All in all, officials conducted three autopsies on Ramirezs body and concluded that she died of heart failure due to kidney failure brought on by her late-stage cancer. Like many other chemicals, dimethyl sulfate has a good side and a bad side. Gorchynski continued to experience tremors and apnea. In DMSO2 form, it is known to crystallize at room temperature, which could explain the manila-colored crystals the blood that was drawn from her body (at 98.6 0F) and into the syringe (at room temperature, 64 0F). The Livermore chemists envision a reaction which hasnt yet been observed in which some of the molecules of dimethyl sulfone in Ramirezs blood broke apart. file security - colored manila folders stock illustrations. When it became clear that Ramirez was responding poorly to treatment, the staff tried to defibrillate her heart; at that point several people saw an oily sheen covering Ramirez's body, and some noticed a fruity, garlic-like odor that they thought was coming from her mouth. If the children were kidnapped, they may not have come forward to protect the rest of their family from harm. Something wasn't right with the patient and it had nothing to do with heart failure. Adapted from Sheng, 2017. The texture can be the same as the underlying surface or any other texture you create in the scene. Her blood also alarmingly smelled like ammonia. First on the scene, arriving at the hospital at around 11 p.m., was a Riverside County hazardous materials team. However, Osorio and Waller did not rule out the possibility that some substance poisoned emergency room staff who had worked directly over Ramirez. At this point in the mystery, the only unusual thing were seeing is dimethyl sulfone, says Andresen. At 12:30 a.m. Jeannnie answered a phone call from a woman who claimed to have a wrong number. DMSO is a solvent used as a powerful degreaser and sometimes as a home remedy for pain. 839. An investigation by local scientists found human white blood cells in the material, leading to the idea that the blobs were at least once a living material. Grant mistook dimethyl sulfone for dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO the only difference between the two chemicals is that DMSO has one oxygen atom, not two. Experts have speculated that Cuba or a third party could have been testing a sonic weapon. Marc Micozzi, director of the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington, D.C., is one. Then, thanks to the publicity of the Riverside case, theyll have no problem shifting from one eldritch tale to another. The roof above Riveras body had a small hole that suggested he had smashed through at an almost vertical angle, but there was no clear area he could have jumped from. Boxed in groups of 1,000. The medics started standard protocol for her condition by administering fast-acting drugs, Valium, Versed, and Ativan. Her blood smelled like ammonia and there were manila-colored particles floating in her blood. Each of the emitters has its own texture emission attributes, so you can apply a different texture (or color) to each group of particles even though each emitter emits the same nParticle object. Instead, Welch says, it smelled like ammonia. I have used it as a solvent up to at least 300 degrees, he says. Residents speculated that it could be human waste dumped from passing planes, which could explain why it made people sick, but airlines quickly disputed this because plane waste is dyed blue. It is manufactured as an industrial solvent, but it is also sometimes produced naturally in our bodies from amino acids that contain sulfur. Potential military bombings of a nearby lake could have sent jellyfish material into the air and caused it to mix with rain clouds. But the strangest theory is a supernatural idea. Personal removed her immediately, but a few moments later Dr. Gorchynski felt ill. The medical staff injected her with diazepam, midazolam, and lorazepam to sedate her. However, the unique environment also means that the United States, New Zealand, and Australia all share jurisdiction, which prevented significant investigation from taking place. It incorporated all that was known about subatomic particles at the time and predicted the existence of additional particles as well. A third odd chemical signal defied being pigeonholed as either trivial or important: dimethyl sulfone. 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In real blood those crystals might have appeared manila-colored. Buy paint matching this color Up to 600 dogs may have died this way, prompting theories that a supernatural presence may be at play. However, a shopkeeper saw her the day of her disappearance and reported that she seemed happy and calm, picking up souvenirs for her family. At a press conference on April 29 to reveal the autopsy results, coroner Scotty Hill announced that Ramirez had died of cardiac dysrhythmia triggered by kidney failure stemming from her cervical cancer. Doctors quickly got to work trying to save her life, but nothing seemed to be working. It takes a really damn potent toxin to do all that, says Sheldon Wagner, a clinical toxicologist at Oregon State University. (Although dimethyl sulfate has been tested as a nerve gas, it has apparently never been manufactured for use in war.). Gloria Ramirez sickened half a dozen ER personnel after she came in. One thing that particularly struck him was a speculation in the autopsy report about the source of the garlicky odor of Ramirezs body and its oily sheen: DMSO. Shortly after, everyone standing near the dying woman was starting to feel sick and nauseous. Questions were immediately raised over how she made it to the locked rooftop and how she replaced the heavy lid from inside. someone shouted. They interviewed 34 hospital staff who had been working in the emergency room on February 19. But the most interesting theory is also the most cartoonish. No one had, and so the Livermore team decided that this scenario was impossible. Riverside Coroner's Office contacted Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to investigate the incident. They believed that Ramirez was using a chemical called dimethyl sulfoxide gel to treat pain at home. Because of concern that the stricken staff had been felled by a noxious chemical, they were stripped down to their underwear, and their clothes were bundled into plastic bags. An investigation by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory proposed that Ramirez had been self-administering dimethyl sulfoxide as a treatment for pain, which converted into dimethyl sulfate, an extremely poisonous and highly carcinogenic alkylating agent, via a series of chemical reactions in the emergency department. Its like that silliness with cold fusion, except this has the potential to hurt people, he says. A staff member asked her if she was okay, but before she could respond she also fainted. The Riverside Coroner's Office hailed Livermore's DMSO conclusion as the probable cause of the hospital workers' symptoms, while her family disagreed. National radio and television stations and is a solvent used as a solvent up to at least 300 degrees he... 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