.ehsOqYO6dxn_Pf9Dzwu37{margin-top:0;overflow:visible}._2pFdCpgBihIaYh9DSMWBIu{height:24px}._2pFdCpgBihIaYh9DSMWBIu.uMPgOFYlCc5uvpa2Lbteu{border-radius:2px}._2pFdCpgBihIaYh9DSMWBIu.uMPgOFYlCc5uvpa2Lbteu:focus,._2pFdCpgBihIaYh9DSMWBIu.uMPgOFYlCc5uvpa2Lbteu:hover{background-color:var(--newRedditTheme-navIconFaded10);outline:none}._38GxRFSqSC-Z2VLi5Xzkjy{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-actionIcon)}._2DO72U0b_6CUw3msKGrnnT{border-top:none;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);cursor:pointer;padding:8px 16px 8px 8px;text-transform:none}._2DO72U0b_6CUw3msKGrnnT:hover{background-color:#0079d3;border:none;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-body);fill:var(--newCommunityTheme-body)} ._3oeM4kc-2-4z-A0RTQLg0I{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-pack:justify;justify-content:space-between} Helpers, please remember rule 3, and ensure all comments are helpful and support related. The sound1.ogg is in a used resourcepack in the folder: assets\minecraft\sounds\ But even: /playsound entity.lightning.thunder weather @a does not work. You can play a sound effect any time you want using the /playsound command in Minecraft (see also /stopsound command). I guess what I am asking is how to play the sound server-wide so you can hear it continuously until the end? Hay everyone it's UnderMyCap if you liked this video please leave a like and also comment to let me know that you like the content. Here I am, answering my own question. Sounds used in Minecraft. Thank you, the minimum volume thing didn't seem to work, but setting the max higher let me go far away and still hear it! To play the sound to all players do. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Poisson regression with constraint on the coefficients of two variables be the same. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. /scoreboard objectives add water minecraft.custom:minecraft.walk_on_water_one_cm, /execute at @a[scores={water=220..}] run playsound minecraft:entity.player.swim master @a ~ ~ ~ 0.3 1 0.3, /scoreboard players reset @a[scores={water=220..}], but this plays the sound at the position of every player, not only at the specific player, /execute at @a[scores={water=220..}] run playsound minecraft:entity.player.swim master @s ~ ~ ~ 0.3 1 0.3 also doesn't work, because it only plays the sound for the player that walked on water. Minecraft - execute command testing logic (lightning Sword). When was the term directory replaced by folder? .s5ap8yh1b4ZfwxvHizW3f{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);padding-top:5px}.s5ap8yh1b4ZfwxvHizW3f._19JhaP1slDQqu2XgT3vVS0{color:#ea0027} playsound ps [x] [y] [z] Minecraft3Dxyz ps: [] ps 10. My arrows aren't being executed at by a looping function/command block, Command block won't execute trigger commands, Books in which disembodied brains in blue fluid try to enslave humanity, How Could One Calculate the Crit Chance in 13th Age for a Monk with Ki in Anydice? It has eight variants, and each plays a unique sound when used which can be heard by players in a large radius. When I use the playsound command, it plays the sound out of the command block. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? playsound Plays a specified sound at a player, in a location, and in a specific volume and pitch. Textures and sounds are made by Mojang . It does not work becouase it said "Player SwagFan2004 is too far away to hear the sound" This Is The Command i use: /playsound entity.generic.explode player @a ~ ~ ~ Any idea why this will not work? In . It does not work becouase it said "Player SwagFan2004 is too far away to hear the sound", This Is The Command i use: /playsound entity.generic.explode player @a ~ ~ ~. Playsound Command In Depth Tutorial || Minecraft Data Pack Tutorial Timber Forge 22.6K subscribers Subscribe 720 Share 35K views 2 years ago I experienced some weird behavior with the playsound. /playsound record.cat @p 2. By inspecting your code I cannot find the source of your problem. I'm playing on 1.17.1, and I am currently making a map. When I use the playsound command, it plays the sound out of the command block. Go back to the command block, and it should say in the "Previous Output" that you were too far away to hear the sound. ._1LHxa-yaHJwrPK8kuyv_Y4{width:100%}._1LHxa-yaHJwrPK8kuyv_Y4:hover ._31L3r0EWsU0weoMZvEJcUA{display:none}._1LHxa-yaHJwrPK8kuyv_Y4 ._31L3r0EWsU0weoMZvEJcUA,._1LHxa-yaHJwrPK8kuyv_Y4:hover ._11Zy7Yp4S1ZArNqhUQ0jZW{display:block}._1LHxa-yaHJwrPK8kuyv_Y4 ._11Zy7Yp4S1ZArNqhUQ0jZW{display:none} /execute @p ~ ~ ~ /playsound entity.generic.explode block @a ~ ~ ~ Worked! Why are there two different pronunciations for the word Tee. How can we cool a computer connected on top of or within a human brain? playSound method in net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundHandler Best Java code snippets using net.minecraft.client.audio. .FIYolDqalszTnjjNfThfT{max-width:256px;white-space:normal;text-align:center} Hello everyone, you probably don't know me but I'm a L4D2 modder that loves to play with material proxies (I manage to create new stuff for mods using texture programming, I managed to create a Random Texture System and other stuff) You for the last command you can add arguments to @a to further limit who it plays to, for example if there in a certain location. I'm on .14.4 and for some reason it wont play no matter what. We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft! Playsound Radius and More. @a [x=0,y=64,z=0,dx=5,dy=5,dz=5] You can see a list of all selectors here. .Rd5g7JmL4Fdk-aZi1-U_V{transition:all .1s linear 0s}._2TMXtA984ePtHXMkOpHNQm{font-size:16px;font-weight:500;line-height:20px;margin-bottom:4px}.CneW1mCG4WJXxJbZl5tzH{border-top:1px solid var(--newRedditTheme-line);margin-top:16px;padding-top:16px}._11ARF4IQO4h3HeKPpPg0xb{transition:all .1s linear 0s;display:none;fill:var(--newCommunityTheme-button);height:16px;width:16px;vertical-align:middle;margin-bottom:2px;margin-left:4px;cursor:pointer}._1I3N-uBrbZH-ywcmCnwv_B:hover ._11ARF4IQO4h3HeKPpPg0xb{display:inline-block}._2IvhQwkgv_7K0Q3R0695Cs{border-radius:4px;border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-line)}._2IvhQwkgv_7K0Q3R0695Cs:focus{outline:none}._1I3N-uBrbZH-ywcmCnwv_B{transition:all .1s linear 0s;border-radius:4px;border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-line)}._1I3N-uBrbZH-ywcmCnwv_B:focus{outline:none}._1I3N-uBrbZH-ywcmCnwv_B.IeceazVNz_gGZfKXub0ak,._1I3N-uBrbZH-ywcmCnwv_B:hover{border:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-button)}._35hmSCjPO8OEezK36eUXpk._35hmSCjPO8OEezK36eUXpk._35hmSCjPO8OEezK36eUXpk{margin-top:25px;left:-9px}._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP,._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP:focus-within,._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP._3aEIeAgUy9VfJyRPljMNJP:hover{transition:all .1s linear 0s;border:none;padding:8px 8px 0}._25yWxLGH4C6j26OKFx8kD5{display:inline}._2YsVWIEj0doZMxreeY6iDG{font-size:12px;font-weight:400;line-height:16px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;padding:4px 6px}._1hFCAcL4_gkyWN0KM96zgg{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button);margin-right:8px;margin-left:auto;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-errorText)}._1hFCAcL4_gkyWN0KM96zgg,._1dF0IdghIrnqkJiUxfswxd{font-size:12px;font-weight:700;line-height:16px;cursor:pointer;-ms-flex-item-align:end;align-self:flex-end;-webkit-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}._1dF0IdghIrnqkJiUxfswxd{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button)}._3VGrhUu842I3acqBMCoSAq{font-weight:700;color:#ff4500;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:4px}._3VGrhUu842I3acqBMCoSAq,.edyFgPHILhf5OLH2vk-tk{font-size:12px;line-height:16px}.edyFgPHILhf5OLH2vk-tk{font-weight:400;-ms-flex-preferred-size:100%;flex-basis:100%;margin-bottom:4px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText)}._19lMIGqzfTPVY3ssqTiZSX._19lMIGqzfTPVY3ssqTiZSX._19lMIGqzfTPVY3ssqTiZSX{margin-top:6px}._19lMIGqzfTPVY3ssqTiZSX._19lMIGqzfTPVY3ssqTiZSX._19lMIGqzfTPVY3ssqTiZSX._3MAHaXXXXi9Xrmc_oMPTdP{margin-top:4px} Double-sided tape maybe? Any idea why this will not work? Chained to the above, conditional (this is the problem line): execute as @a[tag=CrookedCrow,nbt=! JavaScript is required for this website to work properly. As you are typing, you will see the command appear in the lower left corner of the game window. How to Limit Crafting to Unlocked Recipes, Played sound 'minecraft:entity.elder_guardian.ambient' to DigMinecraft, For Pocket Edition (PE), tap on the chat button, For Nintendo Switch, press the right arrow button. Oh, I see Yeah, that wouldn't work, because some people would start off in range but then leave the range. {Inventory:[{tag:{CrookedCrow:1b}}]}] minecraft:vindicator_spawn_egg{display:{Name:'{"text":"Handful of Corpsedust","color":"aqua"}',Lore:['{"text":" "}','[{"text":"Use: ","color":"green"},{"text":"Summons an ","color":"white"},{"text":"undead illager","color":"aqua"}]','{"text":"who will attempt to attack","color":"white"}','{"text":"nearby mobs. rev2023.1.18.43174. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. What does "you better" mean in this context of conversation? How Could One Calculate the Crit Chance in 13th Age for a Monk with Ki in Anydice? Once the cheat has been entered, the sound effect will start playing for the player. and our Daughter caught and loves her first axolotl - please Press J to jump to the feed. Say if you playsound only to @s even players next to you won't hear them. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. ._3-SW6hQX6gXK9G4FM74obr{display:inline-block;vertical-align:text-bottom;width:16px;height:16px;font-size:16px;line-height:16px} Playsound, The sound is too far away to be heard - Commands, Command Blocks and Functions - Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms - Minecraft: Java Edition - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum Help Sign In/Register Minecraft Forums Advanced Search News Rules Forum Chat Mods Maps Resource Packs MC Station Free Minecraft Server Hosting Home Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. It gets hung up on the second block (the sound one) and prevents the delivering of the item because the sound doesn't fire if a player isn't near it. I need help with this iron farm. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Site Maintenance - Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 - 05:00 UTC (Thursday, Jan Screenshot of the Week #82 [Submissions closed!]. Hey awes0meGuy360 - would you mind explaining a little about how this command works? It only takes a minute to sign up. The particle effect from the first block works just fine. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, I see, I never get to use the minVolume. ._1QwShihKKlyRXyQSlqYaWW{height:16px;width:16px;vertical-align:bottom}._2X6EB3ZhEeXCh1eIVA64XM{margin-left:3px}._1jNPl3YUk6zbpLWdjaJT1r{font-size:12px;font-weight:500;line-height:16px;border-radius:2px;display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;vertical-align:text-bottom;white-space:pre;word-break:normal;padding:0 4px}._1jNPl3YUk6zbpLWdjaJT1r._39BEcWjOlYi1QGcJil6-yl{padding:0}._2hSecp_zkPm_s5ddV2htoj{font-size:12px;font-weight:500;line-height:16px;border-radius:2px;display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;vertical-align:text-bottom;white-space:pre;word-break:normal;margin-left:0;padding:0 4px}._2hSecp_zkPm_s5ddV2htoj._39BEcWjOlYi1QGcJil6-yl{padding:0}._1wzhGvvafQFOWAyA157okr{font-size:12px;font-weight:500;line-height:16px;border-radius:2px;margin-right:5px;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;vertical-align:text-bottom;white-space:pre;word-break:normal;box-sizing:border-box;line-height:14px;padding:0 4px}._3BPVpMSn5b1vb1yTQuqCRH,._1wzhGvvafQFOWAyA157okr{display:inline-block;height:16px}._3BPVpMSn5b1vb1yTQuqCRH{background-color:var(--newRedditTheme-body);border-radius:50%;margin-left:5px;text-align:center;width:16px}._2cvySYWkqJfynvXFOpNc5L{height:10px;width:10px}.aJrgrewN9C8x1Fusdx4hh{padding:2px 8px}._1wj6zoMi6hRP5YhJ8nXWXE{font-size:14px;padding:7px 12px}._2VqfzH0dZ9dIl3XWNxs42y{border-radius:20px}._2VqfzH0dZ9dIl3XWNxs42y:hover{opacity:.85}._2VqfzH0dZ9dIl3XWNxs42y:active{transform:scale(.95)} Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. {Inventory:[{tag:{CrookedCrow:1b}}]}], execute as @a[tag=CrookedCrow,nbt=! Your post is still visible on the sub. 3. The. Is there a way to test for what sounds are playing to a player? How many grandchildren does Joe Biden have? ._1aTW4bdYQHgSZJe7BF2-XV{display:-ms-grid;display:grid;-ms-grid-columns:auto auto 42px;grid-template-columns:auto auto 42px;column-gap:12px}._3b9utyKN3e_kzVZ5ngPqAu,._21RLQh5PvUhC6vOKoFeHUP{font-size:16px;font-weight:500;line-height:20px}._21RLQh5PvUhC6vOKoFeHUP:before{content:"";margin-right:4px;color:#46d160}._22W-auD0n8kTKDVe0vWuyK,._244EzVTQLL3kMNnB03VmxK{display:inline-block;word-break:break-word}._22W-auD0n8kTKDVe0vWuyK{font-weight:500}._22W-auD0n8kTKDVe0vWuyK,._244EzVTQLL3kMNnB03VmxK{font-size:12px;line-height:16px}._244EzVTQLL3kMNnB03VmxK{font-weight:400;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText)}._2xkErp6B3LSS13jtzdNJzO{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-top:13px;margin-bottom:2px}._2xkErp6B3LSS13jtzdNJzO ._22W-auD0n8kTKDVe0vWuyK{font-size:12px;font-weight:400;line-height:16px;margin-right:4px;margin-left:4px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-actionIcon)}._2xkErp6B3LSS13jtzdNJzO .je4sRPuSI6UPjZt_xGz8y{border-radius:4px;box-sizing:border-box;height:21px;width:21px}._2xkErp6B3LSS13jtzdNJzO .je4sRPuSI6UPjZt_xGz8y:nth-child(2),._2xkErp6B3LSS13jtzdNJzO .je4sRPuSI6UPjZt_xGz8y:nth-child(3){margin-left:-9px} You basically need to be right next to the command block that the command for the record is in, even though there is a 64 block sound radius on records/music discs. . Try @a in the first command block chain? Please read the pinned post before posting. Instead of solely relying on Volume for radius, you can split it up to Volume and Radius. sounds.jsonmob.pig.say mob.pig.say sounds.json sounds.json [Java] Why does removing 'const' on line 12 of this program stop the class from being instantiated? Card trick: guessing the suit if you see the remaining three cards (important is that you can't move or turn the cards). Here is what I have tried: Plays for everybody but still gets quieter as you move away! /playsound record.cat @p How many grandchildren does Joe Biden have? It worked perfectly! Are the models of infinitesimal analysis (philosophically) circular? I have tried it as-is and also with "~ ~ ~" after the "@s" part at the end, doesn't work either. /*# sourceMappingURL=https://www.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/chunkCSS/TopicLinksContainer.3b33fc17a17cec1345d4_.css.map*/ if you have any questions or concerns. JE:: resource_locationBE: sound: string: basic_string, JE:: entityBE: player: target: CommandSelector, JE:: vec3BE: position: x y z: CommandPositionFloat, JE:: floatBE: volume: float: float, JE:: floatBE: pitch: float: float, JE:: floatBE: minimumVolume: float: float. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. DigMinecraft.com is not affiliated with Mojang. The word "player" isn't a valid sound category. {Inventory:[{tag:{CrookedCrow:1b}}]}] run playsound block.soul_sand.place master @s[tag=CrookedCrow,nbt=! It should also be noted that a volume larger than 1 doesn't actually make the sound louder, it just makes it able to be heard from further away. Is this a structure problem, Press J to jump to the feed. I've followed dozens of tutorials but the results either end with the command not working or it giving me the prompt "The sound is too far away to be heard" no one can seem to find out what I am typing in wrong. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Can you bring it any closer? 2 Answers Sorted by: 7 /playsound has a volume and a minimumVolume optional argument: /playsound <sound> <player> [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimumVolume] If you set the minimumVolume to something other than 0, players will be able to hear it at that volume outside of the sound's normal audible range. Particle effect from the first block works just fine to this RSS feed, copy and paste URL! Rss feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader lightning Sword ) everything Minecraft to the. Plays a unique sound when used which can be heard by players in large... Then leave the range the problem line ): execute as @ a in the command! 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