John Smith, Joe Smith, The Money Company, and Jessica Smooth vs. Scottsdale Cars Inc., John Ford Company, and Joe Smith United Flight Cleaners. Or do I use commas or not? You do not need to wrap the friend's name in commas unless that friend is your only friend. a. The reason I give is that the use of either/or, and that the articles for the second two phrases differ, indicating that a bold truth-teller is an appositive, being less precise and thus not indicative of a specific candidate (A bold truth-teller? Therefore, it should be preceded by a comma. I think it's fine as an answer, but perhaps it could be improved with a short paragraph that addresses what to do if the sentence couldn't be restructured for some reason. Or, does it say that any building permit (application) that has gone through the processes and also was legally and formally applied for prior to adoption of this ordinance, may be continued without obtaining an allocation., It seems that if a comma was between applied for, and prior to adoption, it would change the meaning and imply both items must be done prior to adoption to then be continued without obtaining an allocation.. John Tory, Mayor of Toronto, has introduced. 2. Ella my little sister will escort you to your seat. Last week, I decided to visit my best friend, John. For clarity, we recommend rewriting to one of the following: We have a relationship with Mr. Smith through our partnership in Florida and through his nephew, who is a member of our church. Many things make someone a good friend, and the definition of what makes a true friendship differs from . My boss John came over. or 'runway threshold bar?'. A. The punishment, called release, is brutal. My friends are not famous, but their voices always encourage me, inspire me, and move me to action. And I know that it is better to put names first in these sentences, in this case we dont have any problems with commas, but the sentences are already composed and we cant change it. Is that written correctly? What is the origin and basis of stare decisis? So in my example My older brother Dean cant do it we need to put comma after my older brother? Thank you! Captain Lewis was . Therefore, Paul has only one sister. Although he works, hard math is difficult for Jared. If I were to reverse the sentence, I know this would be the proper way to write it: Brooklyn, our highly acclaimed Opening Night film, is receiving major Oscar buzzbut I tend to need to put the title in the middle of the sentence, rather than at the beginning, hence the confusion. UNC Wilmington offers diverse possibilities from the arts to athletics that I would love to take advantage of in the fall of this year. She didnt know. When couples divorce, the women and men are generally referred to as ex-wives or ex-husbands, respectively. Sometimes we represent more than one party. Thats a good observation, Pama. Is it feasible to travel to Stuttgart via Zurich? e.g. The post clarifies some of the questions harbored in my mind (I have been mixing the comma used in appositives and relative clauses all along. 5 Mr. Johnson our coach told us to accept defeat graciously. Heres a question about the use of commas in this sentence: The bathtub is overflowing! my youngest sister, Sheila, yelled. The slight pause around the name should tip you off: Spencer [pause] I love you. This error mirrors that in the preceding example; it can afflict references to inanimate entities as well as descriptions of people. I saw this sentence on a blog discussing conjunctive adverbs.They left out the comma before the conjunction so. "My wife, Mona, cooks very well." The commas indicate that I could erase the word "Mona" and it would NOT matter. Therefore, the ex-wifes name is essential: David had come to the after-party with his ex-wife Lily. There are several other learning activities so I believe the title is essential. However, s, as used here, is a notable exception: it replaces the comma in such cases. Explanation: Our pediatrician is still a relatively precise identifier so Andr Wilson is not considered essential. A rule that depends on how many dogs you have, or similar context should be treated as a guideline at best. For a definite noun phrase, that means it has a unique referent. Luke Hunter and Ronnie are the hardest working students. If you pay attention to little things like punctuation marks, you'll notice that writers are split on this one. Is this grammatically correct? Dear John, Unlike Hi, June, that is fine. John knows everything about me, and I know everything about him. However, a church-organist friend keeps asking me for help with the Latin in the hymns they're singing, Latin sacred music is still sung quite a bit in concert halls, and not long ago ELU had this question about the Latin vocative in English. Jane Jones, Esq., has joined the board of directors. answer choices. I think the sentence with my little sister can be both with and without the commas. In the second sentence, the phrase given to Shadam by her father is essential to the word scarf since it identifies that particular scarf. Grammatically, this sentence needs revision. Is a comma required after special guest in the following sentence? I believe we need to wrap our friend's name in commas (first sentence example), but wouldn't that make it three people? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Applying my understanding of the rule, I do have a question about the statement that [t]he phrase the performance artists show Say No More, however, includes no qualifiers and therefore requires no comma. It is separated by commas since it presents an information that is not essential to the meaning of the sentence as a whole.. In addition to writing music, the composer, Johann Sebastian Bach, worked as a musician and conductor. My Friend John is the story of Gio, an introverted eight year old boy who doesn't have many friends, but is obsessed with space and is usually off in his own imaginary world. (3) Our Senator Jorge Torres first bill was for tax reductions. How do I use the Schwartzschild metric to calculate space curvature and time curvature seperately? Although he works hard math is difficult for Jared. How to use the passive voice. He noted that I had not mentioned Cyprian in my essay on this text and that some KJV only folks claimed that Cyprian actually quoted the form that appears in the KJV ("For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and . Money is a good servant, but a bad master. lingobingo Senior Member London English - England Dec 5, 2022 #2 The reason is that and is serving as a coordinating conjunction between two independent clauses. I said I would do it and, as you may recall, your brother heard me. There are many ways you might frame your sentenceWhen one reads , When people read , When I read but your sentence is grammatically correct. Its my friend Johns car. 1 Answer Sorted by: 2 The comma makes it non-restrictive. Its called upcycling, or turning something you would otherwise throw away into a useful item. A subreddit for questions and discussions about grammar, language, style, conventions[,] and punctuation. Therefore, a comma is necessary. D. Likes to sleep in the chair. If you are worried that some rule of grammar mandates the commas. If the name further identifies the person or thing from an otherwise broader category (all the speakers friends) it is essential: don't separate it with commas. Hato Island and its 223 residents were struck by a tornado. For a definite noun phrase, that means it has a unique referent. If the sentence referred restrictively to the first Asian American movie star, Anna May Wong (she is the only person in the class first Asian American movie star), the comma would be correct. B. Let me consider my two examples again. Appositive phrases such as "my friend" in your example require commas when the phrase is inessential to the meaning of the phrase, i.e., it can be removed without losing meaning. We can either elect my running mate, a bold truth-teller, or the most dishonest candidate in history.. Your second version with the commas before which are grammatically correct. @ApK, the mistake is the missing comma after show. The author clearly said that in the explanatory paragraph. Use one comma before to indicate the beginning of the pause and one at the end to indicate the end of the pause. I am trying to write the sentence in an email regarding tuition for my only son: I am certain I owe a large amount for my son, Blaises, participation. If Blaise is the appositive and I only have one son, I believe I should use the commas. Brett lives in Denver with his wife, Leena, and three sons. However, there is probably no need for The politician in your example. I recently came across several articles in the media that I think are incorrectly punctuated but was never sure. I have a feeling it is not fluent enough. The last comma is what's called an "oxford comma", and is a subject of some debate, which can be summarised as do we say. In some countries, a man can have more than one wife at a time. Or are they both? This tag . Ask Annalisa Barbieri Marriage. Mt. . You are correct. I know when you become a friend o In the short story, The Tell-Tale Heart, Poe explores the physical manifestation of guilt. c. He is a good but strict teacher. Am I just wrong in my feelings that it is restrictive? 'Mary' is inessential--assuming I have only one mother (not always the case I know), then "my mother" is enough to identify who I am speaking about. Luke, Hunter, and Ronnie are the hardest working students. In these cases, the dependent noun clause acting in apposition to the subject or object noun would be set off by commas: The problem [subject], that you did not pick up the packages [appositive renaming the subject], delays the entire production schedule. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Kaja did point out that Leena is Bretts wife. Wouldnt the second sentence mean I had two siblings who are each, oddly, named Jim and Mary. This says that John is equivalent to your beloved. (David married three times, and Lily is his first wife). Hello, Rene. Thanks for your efforts. For example: Martin, the Capital: does it mean there is only one capital? Today, I called my friend John. Deed from John and wife, Jane, to Bob. But if poise and humorousness are read as being in apposition to grace, they seem inessential and thereforeas nouns in appositionto require commas. When you address someone-hey, you-you're supposed to use a comma. Most of the time you probably won't use a comma with "too" because your sentences will be chugging along without needing a pause. Which of the following sentences is correct? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It doesn't seem like it. Using the information you learned in this article along with our Rules 5 and 6 of Commas, try answering these on your own. "John, this is Mary, my wife." In this case "my wife" is technically an apposite phrase, as you couldn't use this without a . During the fall months. The sentence about Brooklyn is correct unless your other highly acclaimed films are also receiving Oscar buzz. In fact, the source you cite agrees with me. You proposed: We have a relationship with Mr. Smith through our partnership in Florida, as well as through his nephew, who is a member of our church. But I think the original sentence is ambiguous. On the Closing date the Buyer shall transfer the balance of purchase price ($5,125,500) to the Sellers broker bank account, number 13579, at Wells Fargo Bank., Are the commas used in the sentence correct? Thank you. If I am right, which rules would require us to still use commas? I am confused about appositives and coordinating conjunctions separating two independent clauses. Therefore, commas are used no matter how many sisters you have. The rule states, When an appositive is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to, dont use commas. Therefore, only the comma after Jack is necessary. That grace, that unfailing poise, that humorousness was the hallmark of the women in her family. To put a comma after humorousness can feel like putting a comma between subject and verb, which seems wrong. How does this rule apply with the following sentence structure? The Comma Johanneum and Cyprian. It only takes a minute to sign up. 11. My friend Amelia can speak four languages. So you could say, "I too like reading mysteries" or "I . In those cases we look at what constitutes the core sentence. 1) My manager created the discussion topic, What concerns do you have at work?, in my appraisal document. David White Jr. is the father of David White III. What do you do if you have an appositive within an appositive: costs anywhere from ten thousand dollars to thirty-five thousand dollars which does not include doctors fees which can be thousands of dollars more and this is sometimes with insurance included. (2) Our Senators, Jorge Torres first bill was for tax reductions. Since he is possessing his participation, can I add the s and then follow that by a comma? A compound sentence comprises two independent clauses. Which option is the best? ), the word Sarah is not essential to her mother, therefore use commas around the appositive. Ella my little sister will escort you to your seat. The appositive, an expanded family leave programme, provides supplemental information (as it does in this sentence). May I ask for your daughter's hand in marriage? This is really a case of restrictive/non-restrictive phrases. We need a comma to separate two adjectives which can be reversed in order. Im pretty certain #1 and #3 are correct, but #2 gives me pause. Football the greatest sport ever invented is played during the fall months. Card trick: guessing the suit if you see the remaining three cards (important is that you can't move or turn the cards), Removing unreal/gift co-authors previously added because of academic bullying, Indefinite article before noun starting with "the", How to make chocolate safe for Keidran? (Use commas if Alex is your only brother.). As we indicate in Rule 2 of Dashes, dashes can replace otherwise mandatory punctuation. answer choices. Please help. Youve posed an interesting question that we feel should not be forced to conform to the guidelines we might normally follow for essential vs. nonessential words. My friend, John, and I went shopping." my husband, Michael, I have just one husband. The correct punctuation is without commas, as in your second example. (If I have couple older brothers). In contrast, enclosing Emma in commas would imply that Emma is my only sister. 1. Is the grammar here right? My brother, John, . QGIS: Aligning elements in the second column in the legend. How did adding new pages to a US passport use to work? Explanation: "Nonrestrictive modifiers" are words or phrases that follows a noun. Example: Jorge Torres, our senator, was born in California. In accordance with our Rule 2 of Colons, the colon is not needed. My best friend, Sam, played the clarinet. The relative pronoun that typically indicates the presence of a dependent or restrictive clause (one that cannot stand on its own as a main clause). For example, The dessert is made of bananaberry, a patented blended of bananas and blueberries and features a dollop of whipped cream.. So begins the heartwarming story of two young boys who together experience fun times, sad times, happy times, hard times, secret times, and all the in-between . Example: This is the book that he put on the table. A serious student, Rebecca, will graduate early from college. If you use your name and job title as your trading name, should you use a comma to write it, like this: Your comma is fine; however, titles immediately following the name do not ordinarily require capitalization unless the title is part of a signature line, press release, or promotional material. Does that need restrictive treatment (without commas) or with commas? The reason is "direct address." We use commas to show that we are talking to the reader, not about the reader. Suggestions: I had two siblings: one named Jim and one Mary. (But see exceptions below.) 2. Follow the same rules when using other terms to refer to someone or a group. He paused, and in the stillness of the moment, his countenance glowed brightly. In this sentence, does the final phrase not otherwise specifically defined which is preceded by a comma modify only other similar uses or all the uses listed? That clauses after nouns are always essential. Yes, nonessential words, clauses, and phrases should be enclosed by commas. If you could enlighten me on this, I would be most grateful! Although he, works hard, math is hard for Jared. A beautiful woman, my wife has learned to graciously accept compliments. Each clause has a subject and verb and could stand as a sentence unto itself. Your sentence begins with the dependent phrase An above-average student and talented musician. The bar was walked into by the passive voice. Thank you. In that case, the commas are correct. Our highly acclaimed Opening Night film, Brooklyn, is receiving major Oscar buzz. Current Visitors: 226 (1 member, 225 guests). We recommend avoiding the double possessive. Have you considered the following interpretation? For example: "My friend Bill came over. Quotation Marks. In addition, since it is not a complete sentence, we see no reason to end in a period. Your comment demonstrates how its possible to follow all the rules perfectly yet the exact meaning of the sentence is still unclear. Our Rule 6b. Thanks! The sentence is a bit ambiguous, however our assumption of the intended meaning was based on the original sentence mentioning a relationship rather than relationships with Mr. Smith and his nephew, as well as the specific question asked, which was Is a comma needed after nephew? Our response seemed to satisfy Ginny Tarver, since she did not write back with any further clarifications. 1) There was a call about a man whos sick named Paul. 2. He knew what people said about him. And either way accepted answer is incorrect, even judging by their own cited source. (Note that mayor is not capitalized.). You must log in or register to reply here. All Right Reserved, 7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them), Our weekly newsletter is free (one email per week, on Tuesdays). I simplified the sentence. It would seem without the comma after blueberries, the whipped cream could be considered part of the patented blend (albeit in a poorly worded sentence,) which is not accurate. I had a brother named Jim and a sister named Mary. @StoneyB Indeed there aren't, and even before Vatican II, I think most lay Catholics knew almost no Latin. The comma preceding the firms name erroneously implies that only one New York-based research firm exists, and it is therefore erroneous (unless there was a previous reference, not by name, to the specific company). Can you define this is singular or plural sentence? Food trucks, which trucks equipped to cook and serve food, are becoming a popular dining option for food enthusiasts. Hence "my brother Sam", "my cousin Vinny" are ambiguous as to whether I have more than one. We want to marry, Dad. Avoiding alpha gaming when not alpha gaming gets PCs into trouble. So begins the heartwarming story of two young boys who together experience fun times, sad times, happy times, hard times, secret times, and all the in-between times only two best friends can share. I see people writing 'his wife Sarah" (without a comma), but that doesn't seem to imply the person has more than one wife. Should there be a comma between the first and and at, or before the and? Required fields are marked *. 1) COMMA (,) The comma is used to indicate a short pause. (, number 13579,). The scarf, given to Shadam by her father, Richard, will also be used. Yes, both sentences are punctuated correctly. How to give hints to fix kerning of "Two" in sffamily, An adverb which means "doing without understanding", Books in which disembodied brains in blue fluid try to enslave humanity. We have to add an appositive. Technically that last statement is very context dependent. What follows the comma is then taken to be in apposition, adding only supplementary information (his name is John). Either both items must be done prior to adoption to continue without obtaining an allocation. then I can't think of a way to make this unambiguous using commas alone, as it matches the equally correct sentence meaning that Mr. Brooks, another person who is my teacher, and myself all went to the store. It depends on how you want the dedication to read. Im so confused because of it. In the second quiz question, my little sister would be sufficient if you only had one little sister. What if the appositive is the title of a short story? I have seen this from other law firms and I want to confirm that they are, in fact, incorrect. If you put in those commas, then "John" becomes a separate noun phrase. English Only my friend John Joseph A Dec 5, 2022 J Joseph A Senior Member Kurdish Dec 5, 2022 #1 Hello everyone, Is it okay to write a name after thd word "friend" without a comma as follows? Whether the first example sentence is written Brett lives in Denver with his wife, Leena, and three sons, or as Brett lives in Denver with his wife, Leena and three sons, we could be confused as to whether Brett lives with four people or five, whether Leena is his wife, whether he lives with his three sons or Leenas three sons, etc. What about this example? Danny, thank you for your thoughtful message. You can also form a possessive by using the word "of," such as "The Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom." (Of course, you could also . In the article, Saving Penguins, thousand of teen-agers rushed to help 40,000 penguins. Unrelated comments may be deleted. (accordingly the same logic). Site Maintenance- Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 UTC (Thursday Jan 19 9PM How do you use commas when referring to a person and yourself in a sentence while naming the person? 1. To achieve greater clarity in writing, it is best to keep related items as close together as possible. What's the grammar rule for "article before appositive noun"? We prefer the first sentence, because please is considered an interrupter. When one reads (name of a book), one can clearly notice a shift in style in chapter 15, wherein the writer makes extensive use of archaism. 10. A. 1. Additionally, it is used in numbers, dates, and letter writing after the salutation and . Rule 11 in the Commas section of states, If something or someone is sufficiently identified, the description following it is considered nonessential and should be surrounded by commas. Since Brett only has one wife, the word Leena is nonessential to the meaning of the word wife. Further, as Rule 1 states, To avoid confusion, use commas to separate words and word groups with a series of three or more. In theory, this sentence could be interpreted exactly as you did, with the series of three being his wife, Leena, and three sons. We suggest changing supports this to proves that.. 2 No I have never seen him before. Question 10. At the same time, both sentences could potentially benefit from revision: Because you did not pick up the packages, the entire production schedule is delayed. Since David has been married three times, we dont know which ex-wife he has accompanied to the after-party. Im having problems understanding appositives. Second:My older brother Dean made me cry yesterday. Regarding comma usage, the sentence is correct. Finally, you'll never receive email notifications about content they create or likes they designate for your content. But the adjectival phrase Asian American film legend is merely what is called a temporary epithet; it could refer to other people as well. The 10-year note was yielding 2.07 percent, the highest level since Jan. 14, and the 30-year was at 2.86, also a January high in afternoon trading., I think there should be a comma after January high., The 10-year note was yielding 2.07 percent, the highest level since Jan. 14, and the 30-year was at 2.86, also a January high, in afternoon trading.. Does the s after Shinjuku, Japan negate the need for an additional comma? In the second sentence, the commas indicate that the noun preceding the appositive (sister) provides sufficient identification on its own. But in first case we can have several above average students in class and couple talented musicians. "My friend Tom" is restrictive, so don't use a comma; "My boss, Mr. Andrews" is non-restrictive, so use a comma. I'm debating with my English teacher over the following what's the word called for the title you give people from How do you think this question is supposed to be answered? We have a relationship with Mr. Smith through our partnership in Florida, as well as WITH his nephew, who is a member of our church.. @EmmaDash if friend, John and "I" are all dogs, then it would be zero ;). Aided by their friend Janice, the two friends built a treehouse. Is this correct? What do you think? Charles went to town with his best friend, Mike. Press J to jump to the feed. Her teacher handed back the papers on time. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Second, let me pose complete sentences; the additional context will help illustrate my points: Martin, the captain, approached the helm. The commas setting the captain off signal that that phrase is an appositive to Martin. Only one captain exists in this context, and the structure allows distinctions between other people: Lewis, the helmsman, turned to him expectantly.. JavaScript is disabled. Does the rules listed above also apply to title? My friend Bob is a teacher. My wife, a woman with no sense of fear, is a professional bomb tester. It only takes a minute to sign up. It doesn't really matter, though; any other . We Jorgensons will have our pound of Skrill flesh., We are arguing if we should or should not put commas before and after Jorgensons.. But I still have a question. Punctuate within full-sentence parentheses. We are filing this motion on behalf of Defendant, Smith Company, seeking summary judgment., Wee are filing this motion on behalf of Defendant Smith Company seeking summary judgment.. Therefore, your sentences are punctuated correctly. She didnt know. A lady, along with her friends, is having dinner with the mayor. As the post states, When an appositive is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to, dont use commas. Because Poe had written more than one short story, the title is essential to the meaning of the noun story. Therefore, no commas are necessary. In accordance with our Rule 5 of Commas, nonessential words need to be set off by commas. The company president will be in the building today so please act accordingly. Without context, it is impossible to know which may have been intended. Where does it go? Explanation: Julie Minsky is necessary to help identify CEO, so no commas are used. The phrase "my friend John" contains two appositives, because "my friend" and "John" are two ways of identifying that person I know well. Your first sentence does not contain an appositive; therefore, commas are not necessary. I suspect, Michael, that you know the answer. How to automatically classify a sentence or text based on its context? Shadam will be married in her mother, Sarahs gold wedding band. Do you agree with the comma punctuation in the following two sentences? Example: CEO Julie Minsky will be our featured speaker. If I were to write Brett lives in Denver with his wife Leena and three sons. should I use commas around Leena? No commas are needed if you have two (or more) older brothers. P.S. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I was five when I went to my first sporting event, a baseball game. Since Leena is not essential to the meaning of his wife, use commas around the appositive. Replies and comments they make will be collapsed/hidden by default. You are using an out of date browser. While we may not fully understand the processes and terminology at play here, if you desire that both requirements be met, we recommend that you remove the appositives that interfere with clarity and observe parallel construction. 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