Travelling south, he fathered many children, whose descendants eventually became known as Ngti Kahungunu. Ngata comments that is tribute to the enemy, rather than cursing, is a chiefs way of giving expression to a noble sentiment. He mhiti ki runga, he paepaeroa ki raro, koia nei te kkahu o te rangatira. Here the kokako is a metaphor for a chief who speaks well and is resplendent in his ceremonial robes. Haiti-tai-marangai had Tpia, Huungahuunga, Tahuroa, Taramaia, Mokokohi and Aukiwa. 33 talking about this. stream Postal Address:PO Box 97,Dannevirke 4942. A chief accompanied by a large group of his followers is bet. It began as Tairawhiti Polytechnic training station Te Toa Takitini 2XY, making two short-term broadcasts on 1431 AM in December 1988, and October and November 1989. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, He kuukuu ki te kaainga, he kaakaa ki te haere. All non-text content is subject to specific conditions. What was the instrument used to tattoo you? Listen Online. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kapaa ianei he matua whare e hinga ana, ka hangaa ano, kua oti; ano ko te marama kua ngaro, kua ara ano. Their founding ancestor Kahungunu is a direct descendant of Porourangi. Meaning: From trifling disputes bloody wars arise, ending in the death of chiefs;often poetically termedika= fish. This story concerns two chiefs. There were ten original blocks of land that were owned by specific whnau. Radio Kahungunu Live. Ruapani had three wives who between them gave him numerous children including sets of twins and triplets. Te peka o te ariki. The family therefore adopted the name Awatere. James Carroll was born at Wairoa, in northern Hawke's Bay, in 1857. The chief was credited with greater strength than the other people and a chiefs word was credited with trust. Hasten the food for us; soon (the) Long-foreheads (will be) standing (here, when) Short-foreheads (will have to) sit down. 1071. This information is available on the. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Waiho noa iho nga taonga; tena te mana o Taiwhanake. Cultural ventures included Radio Kahungunu and the internationally successful Mori Dance Theatre. The hero dies in fight; the climber of precipices by a fall; the cultivator of food by wormsmeaningold age, or gradual decay. x\[o8~X#J $d7bOyZ-gXUTQZb0NwX.dt_WYM*+*+Uw}*}"??wg]!q_;?v?G:][oI2?'m=wOK?kw Aa__xN-s3y"]px|pJ.fiE1*FP(uf{:II7{q014snx-$I64-6+l}y]|~h:Ls_V;%_}5Kdk0cbJ0g]^HNa [15] In Hawke's Bay, thousands of Mori worked at the Whakatu and Tomoana freezing works sites, near Hastings. See 852. The chief has a broad view of affairs not available to one in a lowly position. Paewai is an eel species and a term for an important person. Te Heuheu laid siege to the p but failed to capture it. [25] It began broadcasting full-time in late 1991, moved dedicated studios at Stortford Lodge in the late 1990s, and began an FM simulcast on 4 September 2000. Kei te k ttorokihi te ahu nei. Ngti Kahu identify themselves through the following series of markers captured in their pepeha (tribal aphorism): McCully Matiu, kaumtua rangatira of Ngti Kahu until his death in 2001, provided the following genealogical account of his Ngti Kahu ancestry: "In the accounts of the descent lines of Ngti Kahu, Kahutianui married Te Parata and Mmangi was born. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Waiho kia oroia, he whati toki nui. However he did not live there permanently and eventually left Turanganui A Kiwa to accompany members of his family when they married and moved away from their ancestral home. Tuhoe also use as an endearing term for the dead. 941. Ka mahi ng urio Tne kpae ahi. He maire twao, m te toki e tua. Such a rock, buffeted by the story seas, is used as a metaphor for a resolute and valorous chief. Physical Address:171 High Street,Dannevirke. In January 1991 the land was aggregated by the Maori Land Court. Like the post in the sea to which the ends of the net are fixed to keep it open. And yet, if it were wet, what then? Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Ka mate whare tahi, ka ora whare rua. 752. Ngti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa describes the marae, hap, whnau and individuals who whakapapa to the ancestor Kahungunu and who are the tngata whenua of Wairarapa. He left the waka at Turanga, travelling overland until he arrived at Ahuriri in the Hawke's Bay Region. Ko Ngti Kahungunu he iwi o te rwhiti o Te Ika-a-Mui, Aotearoa . This saying is illustrative of the love of a Mori to his land. There is no doubt that some of these whanau lived on several Pa, depending on the time of year whether it was to harvest kai a te ngahere or kohi nga kaimoana, while several families stayed as ahi ka. The mountains summit can be climbed by man; the waves of the ocean can be topped by a canoe; the human mount cannot be scaled by man. Nobility evidences itself. Throughout our history, we have been valued uri of Ngai Te Whatuiapiti and Ngati. [6] Together, their forces retook Te Roto-a-Tara p from Ngi Te Upokoiri, who had occupied the fortress island after Te Pareihe escaped to Porangahau. Mr MacLeod says it's the people within that region who they are targeting. 2386. 1607. Nobility evidences itself. One of the most respected directors in Aotearoa, Michael's strong business acumen and leadership has helped to . The chief or executive has a broad view of affairs not available to one in a lowly position. For the next 15 years, the goal is for all descendants to be able to speak Mori firstly, and secondly to learn the unique colloquialisms of Ngti Kahungunu's dialect. 1766. Rakaihikuroa led a migration of his families and followers from Nukutaurua on the Mhia Peninsula to Heretaunga, the region known today as Hawke's Bay. It convened parliamentary style meetings at Ppwai Marae in Wairrapa and at Waipatu in Heretaunga, where key issues of importance for Mori were debated. Standing chiefliving chief; squatting chiefhungry chief. Ngati Poporo descends from Te Whatuiapiti, who himself was descended from Rakaihikuroa the grandson of Kahungunu, Kupe by several lines, Iraturoto, Awanuiarangi and both Whatonga and Popoto of the waka Kurahaupo. When Eat-by-night is angry, Eat-by-day leaves. The chiefs sustenance is discussion but the low born is inattentive. Meaning: Dont complain of trifles. I believe Araiteuru is a large shoal off the West Coast, near Taranaki; in such places, as also on shoals and mud-flats in harbours, as at Ahuriri, Whangarei, etc., large sting-rays abound. No cooked food was eaten before or during the voyage. % Tama tu, tama ora; tama noho, tama matekai. Lest there be nothing to eat but vain regrets. Postal Address:PO Box 2406,Hastings 4153. At the outset of the 20th century, a new generation of Mori leaders were beginning to participate in the Ngti Kahungunu political landscape. The Ttara tree does not stand alone in the field, but stands with the great forest of Tne. The white crane eats leisurely, after viewing his food and his own shadow in the still water. His descendants had a fierce rivalry with Ngi Te Upokoiri, which was descended from Taraia through marriage to one of his grandsons. Prominent chief of Ngti Kahungunu, died at sea in September 1847 sailing from Ahuriri to Mahia. A metaphor describing a chief whose influence is unchallenged in his territory which extends from the land to the sea. A chief with no followers and supporters stands alone, but one who works with the people will be a chief of substance. The first election for the new board took place in March 1997. The haors on my legs. Brief History. 2398. Only big eels enter my trap. Ko Ruatapuwahine te wharekai. The waka Tkitimu itself continued its voyage to the South Island under a new captain, Tahu Ptiki. Food cooked by the hand of a chief. The captain of Tkitimu was Tamatea Arikinui, also known as Tamatea Pokai-Whenua. Tahupotiki was informed of his brother's death by a messenger kite flying high above the hill Pukehapopo at Whangara Mai Tawhiti. 1/3. 1417. It is not proper for one to go alone. Within Taraia's lifetime, Heretaunga was brought under the control of his people, who became the first of the Ngti Kahungunu in that area. This saying was too often used by the watchers around a dead chief to his children, to keep up their incessant wailing for their father. A resting place ashore, a firm rock at sea. The three Ngai Te Whatuiapiti signatories to the Treaty of Waitangi: Te Hapuku: Whakapapa Harawira Mahikai : Whakapapa Hoani Waikato: Whakapapa Ngati Kahungunu - Ngai Te Whatuiapiti Te Aitanga A Kupe Tuteremoana of Ngai Tara The Death of Te Aohuruhuru Rangitane - Ngati Rangiwhakaewa Te Raekaumoana of Rangitane ki Wairarapa At Kaitia, Tamatea Ure Haeas son Kahungunu was born. (Whitinui, Glover, & Hikuroa, 2013), Mate atu he ttkura, ara mai he tt kura. Heru hpinga. He toka tmoana he kinga n ng tai. For the first time this week, we had our J16 and Intermediate teams racing alongside the taitamariki (6-10 years) racing in our first . The tribe originates from the Tkitimu canoe, sailed from Hawaiki by Tamatea Arikinui. 986. Mohotu had Te Ao-ka-waiho. Our marae is located at 9 Maraekakaho Road, Bridge Pa. Ngaruroro Moko tuararo Ki Rangatira te awa. Hai te kea kia toromhangatia; ko te khu te whakaora waiho kia rere ana. Use deceptive tactics, dont prolong the fighting, cause us to be survivors. Although he had beaten back a superior force at Te Roto-a-Tara, Te Pareihe knew that the defence of Heretaunga was unsustainable without the advantage of firearms. ACCESSIBILITY| The tapa will not go around. E kore te ttara e t noa I te prae engari me t I roto I te wao-nui-a-Tne. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Honoa te pito ora ki te pito mate. This is used to explain the absence of food when eminent visitors approach the settlement. He chants and asks, Who is behind? The leader by his industry and sill sets the example for others to follow. Although their was no love lost between Tutekohe and Rakaipaaka did not show any anger at being insulted. He was inordinately fond of his pet dog, Kauerahuanui and let him lick the fat from the gourds filled with preserved birds or rats that were placed on the Marae when visitors arrived. Physical Address:187-189 Queen Street (rear),Masterton. By 1994 a rapid succession of other chairpeople had led the organisation, while severe disharmony between board members was increasingly hampering the board's effectiveness. Blaming Rakaipaaka and with the assistance of Mahaki, Tutekohe attacked and drove him out of Turanganui A Kiwa to Nuhaka. He taonga tuku iho, Ko te manutukutuku, While NKII is the mandated iwi organisation (MIO) in charge of iwi development and overseeing the fisheries settlement it received in 2004, Ngti Kahungunu have settled their Treaty settlements of historical grievances on a hapu basis. 764-5. The person will only entertain import people. 1508. I must be taken to the boundary of my land. He rangatira he hoa matenga mu, kia kore koe e whakarrea. General Managers have included Labour member of parliament Meka Whaitiri. As clouds deck the heaven, so feathers adorn the bird. Metaphor for a chief. Ngti Kahungunu trace their origins to the Tkitimu waka. The festival will be held over four days at Ng Ana Wai Eden Park, the first time this . The warrior is killed in war; the fearless scaler of lofty cliffs (in search of sea-fowl) is dashed to pieces; the industrious husbandman lives long and dies peacefully of old age. He had a great pa, known as Popoia pa on the western bank of the Waipaoa River at Waituhi. 2492. Me haere I raro I te khu krako, kia kai I te kai, kia whiwhi I te taonga. The name Ngati Poporo may have been bestowed on the people by Nukanoas grandson, the Tohunga, Te Rangikawea. It will typically mention whakapapa affiliations through the ancestral mountain, river, waka, iwi, hap, marae and other kinship ties. Ka hinga te ttara o te wao nui a Tne. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, He toa taua, mate taua; he toa piki pari, mate pari; he toa ngaki kai, ma te huhu tena. The meaning being much the same, only more applicable to the chief having two wives, who, each in her own house, wove garments. 181. 2352. The company of such a personage ensured the best treatment. The pigeon remains quietly sitting on the high trees; the parrot flies about, making the forest resound with its loud cries. Is it for you to speak as the ornamental mussel of the lake. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kapo atu koe i te kai i nga ringaringa o nga pakeke, a e taea ranei e koe te whai i nga turanga o tupuna? In other words a person is brought up in the traditions of Ngti Kahungunu should have knowledge of matters of land and on sea as well as habits of industry and a capability to lead. In the olden time, when no chief ever raised a cup, or calabash, of water to his lips to drink, but slaves went round giving them water, by pouring. 1812. Kai-pois the common term for a mean selfish person. The History of the Ngati Kahungunu of Wairoa Takitimu was one of the ancestral waka, which Hawaiki-nui, Hawaiki-roa, and Hawaiki-pamamoa sailed in to the land of Aotearoa. Ngati Kahungunu. Ko Kahungunu he tangata, ahuwhenua, mhia ki te whakahaere I ng mahi o uta me te tai. In order to have such a structure the chiefly person needed followers to contribute to his sustenance stores thus providing the wealth which could be used to compensate those who helped in creating the carved structure. The complete line of bids the departure of the slain one to depart with the kauri bearing tides. It was the first two generations of Nukanoa, who originally came under the mantel of Te Whatuiapiti and were known as Ngai Te Whatuiapiti. 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Germaine Catherine Carson, Pompano Vs Pomfret, Articles N