Thus, Young Sarah and William found themselves studying virtually the same curriculum under very similar circumstances. Moreover, the darkly stained beam has 46 lightly colored vertical rule lines which divide the gauge into 47 evenly spaced segments. There are other places in the House where the initiate will learn more lessons. Their web-like quality is the result of inverting all of the arcs that connect the three points of each ring. Furthermore, in addition to the number 111, Sarah adopted the Kabbalistic number 777 as a code number representing the name William Wirt Winchesterwe know this because, in the decade following Williams death, she maintained precisely 777 shares of stock in the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. 31 x 777 = 24087then, 24 + 87 = 111. a. Courtesy of the Winchester Mystery House. There may still be secrets lurking in the house, which is awesome because a world without secrets waiting to be discovered is a world you don't want to live in. It is the lunar number because there are always 13 full moons in a year. In addition to being the Key to Phi, 13 is also the dominant unifier of the three, primary Winchester numbers (i.e. Moreover, Williams full name amounts to 21 letters. For Example, the name Sarah = 20, which then simplifies to 2 because zeros are regarded as nulls (and are not counted). Her connection with Francis Bacon is undeniable. According to author Pamela Haag, Ph.D. (via the Smithsonian), relatives later said she believed building was the only way she could keep the ghosts away. He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven. As a result, Sarah was raised and educated in an environment ripe with Freemasonic and Rosicrucian philosophy. Instead of allowing admittance in the front of her House, Mrs. Winchester required people to enter from the rear, through one entrance strategically located near the northwest corner. Sarah and Williams destiny was not ineffable. There was a vault inside, so they opened that, too (via CSICOP). Additionally, Sarah Pardee and Williams sister Annie were classmates at the Young Ladies Collegiate Institute. Furthermore, distinguishing between large and small, up and down, front and back, left and right, inside and out, etc., would seem equally absurd to us. This crucial dynamic of String Theory known as the Modular Function was discovered by another of Sarahs contemporaries, the mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). He was also the first United States president to die in office, and a brief constitutional crisis resulted as . Whenever I make mention of Sarah Winchester the typical response I get from people is Oh yeahwasnt she the crazy lady who built that weird house because she was afraid the spirits would kill her? Many of these people have never been to the Winchester House. As Sarah and Escher saw, the beauty of higher dimensional numbers lies in their simplicity and symmetry. As we shall see, simplicity and symmetry are inter-related. Death . When the house peaked, it had around 200 rooms, 47 fireplaces, 2,000 doors of various types, and 10,000 windows. Although Sarahs labyrinthine House serves the same function as the ancient prototypes, her labyrinth is more a symbolic introductory step into her puzzle. Sarah and William had a child Annie Pardee Winchester. Since she clearly regarded her House as a living puzzle and a work of architectural art, we are compelled to examine the environment that influenced her views and her work. To that end Sarah carefully crafted Masonic and Rosicrucian features into the structure of her labyrinthine House. Or, it can be partitioned in reverse, i.e. Front Cover of the Crescent. Additionally, she gravitated to Theosophy. Moreover, the Baconian-Masonic preoccupation with secret encryption techniques using numbered cipher systems most certainly influenced young Sarahs world view. The novice student, called the initiate or candidate, was required to undergo a series of tests in order to prove that he was ready and worthy to advance to successively higher levels of learning. There was a lock of her husband's hair, a lock of her daughter's hair, and their obituaries. But then, where are we to find such a book? It should also be noted that Solomons Temple had a magnificent Great Golden Window that faced north. To the untrained eye, the beam has the appearance of just another piece of wood. . However, the revelations and insights to be gained through the initiatic process must be earned. The only difference with Sarahs Sun symbols is that, instead of the usual face in the center, Sarah has inserted the image of an eight petaled daisy (more about the eight petals later). Clearly, Mrs. Winchester isnt whimsically playing around with these particular passages from Shakespeare. The concept of a forth dimension became an obsession that permeated both the scientific and academic communities of the latter nineteenth century. Like all of the other anomalous features we find in the House, Sarah wanted the display of apparent irregularity in the Shakespearean Windows to utterly shock our sensibilities. Viewed through that lens, perhaps Sarah Winchester started building her house to throw away the family fortune. Written and edited by distinguished historians and beautifully illustrated with fine and often rare images of the city, the biannual publication interprets the stories of people and places that shaped the past. He was the son of Oliver Fisher Winchester who manufactured and marketed the first Winchester repeating rifle. (Seven.) See p. 112. The same symmetries we find in Ramanujans work, culminating in the E (8) x E (8) symmetry, also seem to conform to the symmetries that rule over the Winchester model. [5] when the legend becomes fact, print the legend. Fundamentally, the tour guides at the WMH know the canned patter they to feed the tourists is mostly Folklore. He died on March 7, 1881 in New Haven, Connecticut, United Statesat 43 years of age. Exploring the actual history of America's strangest mansion suggests the truth might be stranger than the fiction. They had a child Annie Pardee Winchester. The hammers and saws finally ceased. Youve got to hand it to them theyve created a highly effective marketing strategy for a very lucrative commercial enterprise. As we saw with the wrought iron gates in front of the House, Sarah displays two, eight petaled daisies. But this facsimile of the 24 inch gauge is made to scale, spanning a length of approximately 16 ft. He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven. William Wirt Winchester (1837 March 7, 1881) was the second president of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company from 1880 to 1881. An English mathematician by the name of Charles Dodgson, writing under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, wrote a childrens book that described the mind boggling properties one would encounter in a forth spatial dimension. In fact, the plot grows thicker when we note that the names Sarah Pardee and Francis Bacon both correspond (in the Pythagorean Cipher) with the number 51. There are stairs to nowhere, chimneys that don't go all the way outside, balconies on the inside, rooms built inside rooms, and doors with nothing behind them. As we saw with the front wrought iron gates, we are again left with two 7s. We recall the meaning of this number as it relates to both the number 13, and its prominent display in the grid of Sarahs bedroom ceiling. Thus, what appear to be upside-down pillars, chimneys and skylights that have overhead roofs, and doors or stairs that lead into solid walls make perfect sense when viewed from higher dimensions. Adding further to the mysterious features, the prime numbers 7, 11, and 13 are repeatedly displayed in various ways throughout the Housethe number 13 being most prominent. Furthermore, Sarahs use of Bacons stops (decimals or periods) in the inscriptions indicates that something is further concealed in code. As with Francis Bacon, Sarah Winchesters legacy has fallen victim to The Liberty Valance Effect, i.e. Additionally, the staircase has 7 turns. Moreover, like the Pardees, the Winchester family was not lacking in members who were Freemasons. We then move them around like pieces of a jig-saw puzzle. Furthermore, she knew we would see that the number 49 simplifies to 13hence, 13 x 777 = 10101 (111). The report includes medical statistics include medical and surgical cases from July 1, 1944 through June 30, 1945, lists of operations, number of births, and causes of death. Notwithstanding their mutual love, their union was destined by numbers. William = 34, Wirt = 25, Winchester = 52. Now, lets go to a higher level using the 777 symmetric triplet. For personal and mathematical reasons, he elected to have that number represent his last name rather than the number 6. William Wirt Winchester was the second president of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company from 1880 to 1881. Without symmetry, the universe and everything in it would not be coherentrather it would be chaotic. There is no record or evidence that Mrs. Winchester ever met the man. 13, 31, 22, 112, 211, or 1111. With regard to Cressida, most people presume that Sarah is alluding to the young maidens flirtatious nature. In fact, the traditional, orthodox, scholastic view of Cressida is that she is a whore. But this is not the point that Bacon (writing as Shakespeare) is trying to make, nor is it the point Sarah is trying to make. In fact, the term mystery is much too ethereal, implying an unreachable quality which cannot be ascertained. The double loss of Annie and William was a staggering blow to Sarah. It should be noted that most Rosicrucians are theosophists. Upon her arrival in California, Sarah began holding her own sances every midnight so that she could receive the next days building instructions from the spirits. As we shall see, Sarahs preference for the names Annie Pardee (56), and Annie Winchester (77) were important because they demonstrated a numerical kinship between Annie and Sarah, and Annie and William. Another possible scenario involving Mrs. Winchesters activities while abroad could well have included visits to esoteric, architectural landmarks such as the French Cathedral of Chartres. If you had $1,000 a day to spend, you'd probably build a mystery house, too. Ignoffo, Mary Jo. Then, 588 x 121 (11 squared) = 71,148. It is a mansion in San Jose and that was once the home of Sarah Winchester - the widow of William Wirt Winchester (the wealthy treasurer of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company). Some of the Houses 47 chimneys have an overhead ceilingwhile, in some places, there are skylights covered by a roofand some skylights are covered by another skylightand, in one place, there is a skylight built into the floor. The 1906 earthquake reduced the House to 4 stories. They welcomed a daughter, their only child, four years later; sadly, she only lived six weeks. In February 1923, five months after Winchester's death, the house was opened to the public, with Mayme Brown serving as the first tour guide. Sarah clearly uses this device to exemplify Bacons coded message in Psalm 46 of the King James Bible. In keeping with a popular trend of the day, he was named after William Wirt, the highly popular and longest serving Attorney General of the United States . He was the only son of Oliver Fisher Winchester and Jane Ellen Hope. The House abounds in oddities and anomalous features. Additionally, Sarah cleverly provides subtle hints of Pans presence as we detect glimpses of his horns blending in with the Windows overall design. William passed away of cause of death on month day 1959, at age 55 at death place. As noted earlier, John Dees secret signature was an elongated number 7 with two circles under it, representing his 007 identity. To make matters more interesting, Sarah has the window facing north with no perceivable source of light. Its tantamount to inserting the term Winchester goose (77) inside of the name Winchester (52). Their only child, Annie Pardee Winchester came into the world on July 12, 1866. It was Vitruvius who first expounded the virtue of the mathematical value of Phi (the Divine Proportion, Golden Ratio, etc.). Another important aspect of the 7/11 staircase is that it forms a large Letter Y, which symbolizes the fork in the road. The initiate must make a choice between traveling the easier left path or climb the more difficult right path. We are forced to ask if Sarah wants us to view these as two, separate 7s or as the number 77 ? The misinformation is further compounded by the Haunted House tour business thriving in San Jose as the commercial enterprise known as the Winchester Mystery House which profits by perpetuating the Folklore myth. Thus, Sarah induces us to multiply 11 x 7. Some of them actually have peepholes that Winchester used to spy on her staff. Adding further to the hide and seek theme, Sarah has introduced another tantalizing element to the Windows design. To the ancient Egyptian mind, this is where heaven is located. In accordance with the Pythagorean Cipher, we recall that the number 51 corresponds to both the names Francis Bacon and Sarah Pardee. This became the basis for a hieroglyphical pun in the form of a cane flanked by two balls representing Tubal-Cain. The clear evidence ensconced in Sarahs ingenious design of her Shakespearean Windows indicates she understood (or, at the very least, interpreted) Bacons message to be a harbinger of her own existence by which she would carry on his legacy. Using the Pythagorean Table is a simple matter of matching the letters in a name or word with their corresponding numbers, then adding the numbers together until you have one, simplified number. We can clearly see that this is a ball-like feature, and not a circle. His siblings include: Ann Rebecca Winchester (1835-1864) who married Charles B. Dye; and Hannah Jane Winchester who married Thomas Gray Bennett. The typical reaction people have when they first look at these inscriptions, is that they dont seem to make sense. Sarah, however, wasn't obsessed with building due to fear of being haunted; in fact, most of the anomalies in the house were due to quick repairs made after the 1906 earthquake destroyed much of the house.[3]. 4444. The eighth ordinal is the number 13. The Winchester House has 13 bathrooms. For example, lets multiply (get out your calculator) the numbers 7, 11, and 13 by any two digit numberlets use the number 12. Note further that the sequence is simply an endless repetition of combining a number with the preceding number in order to arrive at the next number in the sequence, e.g. Going back to the windows we now have the answer to our original question. Like Francis Bacon, she was a child prodigy. Such tables matched the twenty four letters of the Elizabethan-Jacobean Alphabet with specific numbers. Sharan Newman, The REAL HISTORY Behind the Da Vinci Code, published by Berkeley Books, New York, 2005. Later his son George C. Pardee followed in his fathers footsteps rising to the office of Governor of California (1903- 1907. Next, Sarah directs our attention to the number 52 ( Winchester). There is a staircase that leads nowhere, abruptly halting at the ceiling. It was perfect! All Rosicrucians have a room or space like this situated (as closely as possible) in the center of their homes. The top and bottom panes properly rearranged showing Sarahs Tubal-Cain Symbols. the Theory of Everything was well underway. God and Kings is a sci-fi suspense thriller set in ancient Egyptbased on real people and events. There are literally miles of maze-like corridors and twisting hallways, some of which have dead endsforcing the traveler to turn around and back-up. These are not coincidencesand we know what these and other numbers meant to Sarah. The three symmetric triplets of 777, 111, and 444 are actually higher dimensional expressions of 7, 11, and 13. There's no denying Sarah Winchester was witness to some heartbreaking personal tragedy, and from a storytelling point of view, a widow haunted by the ghosts of her family's fortune is a pretty darn good one. But why bother looking beyond the superficial orthodox Folklore when its much more convenient to embrace the myth, and keep reciting the mantra well never know what Mrs. Winchesters thoughts and motives were. However, historians and archeologists would sharply disagree, particularly when the person of interest has deliberately gone to great lengths to leave a well designed trail of clues and artifacts to follow. of Missouri Press, 2010. Why?) is a matter of connecting the dots and properly assembling the pieces of the puzzle Sarah has generously left behind. 4 + 9 = 13. Moreover, the Sun symbol is the insignia of the Senior Deacon of a Masonic Lodge. Elsewhere in the windows we see numerous crooked staffs connected to each other like branches growing out of Athenas mythical olive tree. The exterior wall around the entrance has 13 wood panels. Ah yes, true to Bacons theme of concealment, we have to look between the pieces of glassand, sure enough, the 49 pieces are all joined together at precisely 52 different points. In another place, there is a door which opens into a solid wall. 1. Johnston, Masonry Defined A Liberal Masonic Education, published by NATIONAL MASONIC PRESS, Inc., Shreveport, Louisiana, 1930. 12 x 49 = 588. It's thought most of the materials were reused elsewhere, but the tower itself was never rebuilt. The "Ark" was located near the eucalyptus grove at Winchester Road, south of what was to become the intersection of Anza Boulevard and U.S. Highway 101. The importance of the Winchester algorithm is that it reveals hidden symmetries that would otherwise not be seen or understood. Moreover, the name Annie Pardee corresponds with the number 56 in the Pythagorean Cipher. They were married until William's death in 1881 in New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Therefore, in describing the dynamics of space, a new, higher dimensional model was required. Tragedy befell Sarah - her infant daughter died of a childhood . After his death, his wife, Sarah, became notable for building Llanada Villa, later known as Winchester Mystery House. 444 (the combined value of Bacons Rossi Crosse seals). The house had been open for tours for around 90 years at that point, so pretty unlikely. Thus, she has one (Tubal-Cain) number 3 displayed in the right border of the windows, and a second (reversed) number 3 shown in the left bordersrendering the number 33 with the fleur- de-lis pattern occupying the middle portion of each window. At his death, she took his position in the company. Since we havent yet evolved into beings capable of higher dimensional perception, we are forced to understand the dynamics of higher dimensions through the precise language of numbers. Because we are already familiar with Numerological Tables, we know that in displaying the numbers 1 through 9, Sarah is alluding to the Pythagorean Table. Then, we see the triangles all sharing a 13th piece within the circle. Furthermore, Sarah infused the numbers 7 and 11 into the architecture because they are lucky numbers. Naturally, Sarah knew that we would eventually look up at the magnificent ceiling of her Ballroom. With the exception of the decorative middle panel that supports the 13 globe chandelier, we observe 9 main panels. Artists such as Georges Braque, and Pablo Picasso were painting stunning images depicting a forth dimensional world view appropriately called cubism. However, no one was more in step with Sarah Winchesters perspective than the Dutch artist M.C. Notice that 52 x 88 is really a variant of 7 x 7because 52 and 88 both simplify to the number 7. : Univ. Encryption CodesThe Winchester-Bacon Connection. However, the synergistic application of all three numbers (or their variants) is required in order to achieve the product of their higher dimensional symmetry. For example, 52 x 88 = 4,576. He commanded the corps from October 1842 to August 1844. Its geometric shape is now pyramidal. Geni requires JavaScript! Despite the fact that the Civil War was then going on in the USA, the wedding was a big social occasion in New Haven, Connecticut. The design of the spider-web window is important for several reasons. Sarahs puzzle may ultimately help us discover the Theory of Everything. However, the final KEY to unlocking Sarahs puzzle is in her numbers. CSICOP adds there are 13 coat hooks in the seance room, 13 drains in the sinks, and 13 stars in the leadlight window Winchester herself designed. Discover William Winchester's Biography, Age,. William Henry Harrison (February 9, 1773 - April 4, 1841) was an American military officer and politician who served as the ninth president of the United States.Harrison died just 31 days after his inauguration in 1841, and had the shortest presidency in United States history. Higher dimensions consist of a unique set of super-mechanics that transcend the limited, box-like structure of length, width, and height. Entering the Ballroom, we notice a beautiful parquet floor with light and dark squares bearing a striking resemblance to the checkered mosaic floors of Masonic lodge rooms. And, we recall that the number 777 also corresponds to the name William (34) Wirt (25) Winchester (52). John Dees 007 signature as Tubal-Cain, and the traditional Tubal-Cain symbol. To this day, the 13 month calendar is more accurate than the Gregorian. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Using photographs of the two Shakespearean Windows, we cut them into thirds, resulting in facsimiles of the six window panes. One architectural device Sarah used to illustrate her view of the relationship between the numbers 11 and 56 is her arrangement of the decorative wooden posts that align the exterior railings of the two, third floor balconies above the front porch of the House. [12] The belongings in Winchester Mystery House were left to her niece, Marian I. Marriott, who auctioned off almost everything. He was buried on month day 1959, at burial place. Sarahs bedroom is located on the south side of the second story. After . The most crucial room in which Sarah wants the initiate to begin his journey of discovery is the Ballroom. This is the only room in the House which was constructed almost entirely without nailsan important feature that mimics the building of Solomons Temple. equate to 555, another crucial Kabbalistic-Masonic number. Mar 7 1881 - NEW HAVEN,NEW HAVEN,CONNECTICUT,USA, Oliver Fisher Winchester, Jane E. Winchester (born Hope), Hannah Jane Bennett (born Winchester), Oliver F Winchester, Ann Rebecca Dye (born Winchester), Cause of death: Tuberculosis - Mar 7 1881, 1850 - New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, June 22 1837 - Ville De Baltimore, Maryland, tats-Unis, Oliver FISHER WINCHESTER, Jane Ellen HOPE, Mar 7 1881 - New Haven, Comt De New Haven, Connecticut, tats-Unis, Olivier Fisher WINCHESTER, Jane Ellen HOPE, Hannah Jane WINCHESTER, Ann Rebecca WINCHESTER, a very elegant casKet. And, by simply multiplying 777 x 13, she produced the number 10101, or 111. What else are we to see in this window? Through the Looking Glass had many of the qualities that would eventually be understood as the hallmarks of Einsteins Theory of Relativity. Courtesy of the Winchester Mystery House. It is prominently displayed at the top of a 13 step staircase. It is a virtual shrine to Bacon. In a different way, each of the names William (34) Winchester (52) and Annie (25) Winchester (52) when simplified, equate to the number 77. Notice how they mirror each other. In fact, Escher, like Sarah, shows us seemingly impossible stairs and pillars. News of Mrs. Winchesters death (September 5, 1922) found her workers halting constructionleaving nails half driven into the walls. He was the son of Oliver Fisher Winchester and Jane Ellen Hope and was born in Boston. William Wirt Winchester was born June 22, 1837 in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland, United States, the son of Oliver F. Winchester and Jane E. (Hope) Winchester. This is important because it mimics the Masonic concept of the Canopy of Heaven or Heavenly Arch which is widely featured as part of the dcor in Masonic Lodge-rooms. Nor is there any evidence to support the idea that she was a spiritualist or had any inclination to believe in communication with the deceased. The dimensions are not accidental. At the time of Sarahs birth, the Pardees were a respectable, upper middle class New Haven family. It didn't stop until she died in 1922, succumbing to heart failure. Since this point is the point in the series at which there is no further change in the, growth constant, this would seem to be a reasonable basis for taking 13 periods as, the maximum number of periods by which a reference point and a structuring, point can be separated in order to constitute a coherent waveThere are other, approaches as well that arrive at the number 13 as defining the limit of a coherent, structure. On July 15, 1866, Sarah gave birth to their only child, Annie Pardee Winchester, but the baby died six weeks later of marasmus. Updated: October 5, 2011 . This house was originally the home of Sarah Winchester, who was the widow of William Wirt Winchester, the gun manufacturing magnate. As we shall further see, Sarah had every reason to identify with Bacon, philosophically, artistically and spiritually. This legend was further exaggerated by John and Mayme Brown, theme park developers, who bought the property with the intention of turning it into an attraction. As to Richard II, Sarah identifies with the irony of Richard as an imprisoned, lonely king. Historically, the Tubal-Cain symbol has generated controversy because of its phallic connotation. First, his name adds up (in the Pythagorean Cipher) to the number 111 (just like Bacon in the Kaye Cipher). After passing through the pillars the initiate then symbolically ascends a Winding Staircase leading into the Temple. William died in New Haven, Connecticut, on March 7, 1881, of tuberculosis. They were married until William & # x27 ; s Biography, age, the top and bottom panes rearranged! Traditional, orthodox, scholastic view of Cressida is that it forms a large Letter Y, symbolizes... Ball-Like feature, and Pablo Picasso were painting stunning images depicting a forth dimensional world view appropriately cubism... 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