Anyone registered to vote in Berkeley (including students) is eligible to run for so long as they fully support tenants rights. The Annual General Adjustment (AGA) allows landlords of most (but not all) units fully covered by Berkeleys Rent Stabilization Ordinance (Ordinance) to raise the rent by a set percent with proper notice, starting January 1. We also have a critical shortage of housing, especially on the Southside where the universitys failure to build at pace with enrollment growth has driven up prices throughout our city. Running expresses my concern over the disintegration of my community. I spend a lot of time at Games of Berkeley. Failure to properly register rental units as required by B.M.C. For pre-1999 tenancies not previously reported to the Rent Board. Berkeley Rent Board Berkeley rent board member Chris Kavanagh was hauled out of an Oakland coffee shop in handcuffs Friday and charged with fraud and perjury for allegedly claiming a false residence in. After years, several men were convicted, including an international child pornographer. We need to amplify our efforts through a formal Communication and Outreach Plan with goals across platforms like promoting the Tip of the Month in social media, continue holding information webinars and to have a strong staffing plan for the Public Information Unit to implement and sustain services. While we are still in the midst of this pandemic, there will come a day where this will end. Mr. Mizell and Carolyn Moore, a Berkeley artist, responded to the call to run for the slate. The pro-tenant slate, selected by the Berkeley Tenant Convention during election years, swept the rent board in 2020, and a majority of the current board is held by those candidates, including Simon-Weisberg, Johnson, Kelley, Mendonca and Walker. Paid for by Soli Alpert for Rent Board 2022 FPPC #1451431; Nathan Mizell for Rent Board 2022 FPPC #1455516; Vanessa Danielle Marrero for Rent Board 2022 FPPC #1455240; Ida Martinac for Rent Board 2022 FPPC #1453072; Negeene Mosaed for Rent Board 2022 FPPC #1453559. Economic challenges are squeezing tenants and small landlords. My goal would be to increase the channels of outreach and find more creative ways to communicate the role the rent board plays in the Berkeley community. I have been recognized for my service to social justice and received a multitude of awards, recommendations and recognitions. Unfortunately, the pandemic showed us this wasnt true for Berkeley. Election Day is Nov. 8. If you are using this form to register a rental unit, you must ALSO file a VR. To report initial tenancy information and annual updates. The rent board needs to explore if mediation can be used more frequently so that both tenants and small landlords have an opportunity to express, and reconcile, their positions. 2023 Thats why were publishing questionnaires with local candidates. I am a progressive, pro-tenant candidate chosen by the 2022 Rent Board Convention. As a Berkeley Tenant Union steering committee member, I listened to their concerns while answering our hotline. All Fair Chance Ordinance forms and literature are available on our Fair Chance Access to Housing Ordinancepage. Registration Statement for Partially Covered Units. East Bay Community Law Center Soli Alpert; Nathan Mizell; Vanessa Danielle Marrero; Ida Martinac; Negeene Mosaed; What We Support; Tenant Resources; Endorsements; Donate; Search: . The 2022 Convention was sponsored by the Berkeley Tenants Union, Friends of Adeline, the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America, the Young Democratic Socialists of America UC Berkeley, Our Revolution East Bay, Healthy Black Families, Berkeley Citizens Action, the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, the Gray Panthers, the Green Party, SEIU 1021, the Center for Independent Living, and the new Berkeley Progressive Alliance. Free for all, funded by readers. {{#label}}{{label}}: {{/label}}{{message}}. Costa-Hawkins, the housing shortage (due, in part, to the racist origins of single-family zoning and federal housing disinvestment), and the long-term effects of gentrification work as a toxic combination. While the ordinance remains in effect, I believe the board should ensure that the law is enforced and ensure tenants are aware of any change to the citys moratorium. Unlike their opponents, the entire Slate is using public financing instead of taking donations from Big Real Estate and political machines. In addition to free pizza for all volunteers, we will be offering FREE CHILDCARE for all volunteers. Together they ensure high starting rents, limited options for housing mobility and a cost climate that forces community members out. Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board Meeting Address: Virtual Date: Thursday, July 21, 2022 | 7:00pm - 11:59pm Rent Board Meetings Page Meeting of the Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board. Persons interested in running must complete the candidate questionnaire located at by Sunday, May 22. In Berkeley rent board race, evictions, housing stock are up for debate, See a full list of candidate forums in Berkeley, a guide to the essentials of how to register and vote, whats on the ballot, voters rights and more, The League of Women Voters Berkeley Albany and Emeryville, City Council races test Berkeleys new direction on housing, BART housing looms large in race for Berkeley City Council District 1, 4 candidates seek open Berkeley City Council District 8 seat, Election 2022: Rashi Kesarwani, Elisa Mikiten lead fundraising for City Council, Meet the 6 candidates running for Berkeley school board, Election 2022: School board candidates answer Berkeleyside questions, Teachers unions compete with Reichi Lee in big-money Berkeley school board race, Election 2022: Rent board candidates answer Berkeleyside questions, Tenants slate has fundraising edge as real estate groups sit out Berkeley rent board race, Measure L: From streets to housing, $650M bond takes aim at Berkeleys biggest challenges, Measure M, Berkeleys vacancy tax, aims to curb real estate speculation, Election 2022 Rent Stabilization Board race, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic, Dont know your Berkeley City Council district? *, Date to submit agenda topics/items for Februarys regular Rent Board meeting is. Permit Forms Permit Forms Access frequently requested permit-related forms. Additional information about the Convention will be added in the coming weeks. 2. Its up to us to make sure theyre elected! I believe, with community, I can bring important leadership to the board. Any Berkeley resident at least thirteen years old* (including college/university students, unhoused residents, and non-citizens and other persons ineligible to register to vote) who fully supports tenants rights may vote in the Convention. Mosaed: Ive been a homeowner in Berkeley since 2011. I still love basketball, but it was definitely the right choice for me. Anyone who has questions about the Convention including candidates, voters, or the press should email {{#label}}{{label}}: {{/label}}{{message}}. Ensuring that tenants can pay their rent and property owners can pay their mortgage is vital to creating stable and healthy communities. Alpert: No. Based on this formula, the Berkeley Rent Board has adopted the 2023 AGA of 4.4%. We are also working on plans to ensure that the parts of the law that persist past the state of emergency will be thoroughly enforced. ). However, they can continue to take steps to provide as much education and as many resources as possible for both tenants and owners who have questions about the moratorium. I promote the fundamental value of democracy in my professional and lived experience and expertise. 2023 Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board Rent Adjustment Petition forms. The reporters and editors at Berkeleyside are dedicated to covering our city and providing you with the information you need to be an informed citizen. In order to use the childcare, you must email the waiver to by Saturday (10/29) 4PM before start of the canvass; more information about the free childcare can be found here. Connect with us online, by phone, or in person. Look up your units maximum rent by Clicking Here. Berkeley Municipal Code 13.79.060.B.1. To request to speak, use the Raise Hand icon by rolling over the bottom of the screen. With a tight housing market that is short on options, we need to craft housing policy that is sustainable for our future and encourage increased existing housing supply, or our ecosystem will continue to erode. Mosaed: Berkeleys rental system is not separate from the forces that dictate housing at a state and federal level. July 13, 2022 The 2022 Annual Security Deposit Interest Rate is 0.1%, 2023 Adjustments of Relocation Assistance Payments. There are lots of additional ways to help the Slate including literature drops on your own time and phonebanking. Mizell: The eviction cliff poses a looming risk to the tenants in Berkeley and Ill do all I can as a commissioner to ensure our moratorium stays in place. working families, and especially single moms like myself. I strengthened our Rental Housing Safety Program after the tragic 2015 balcony collapse that killed seven young people. July 15, 2022 Rent Board Amends the Rules and Regulations re Housing Inventory Reporting Requirements After a public hearing on July 12, 2022, the Rent Board's Rules and Regulations were amended by the Rent Board's Commission to add Part 13, titled "Reporting Obligations Under Rent Ordinance Section 37.15". The 2022 Right to Housing Slate is comprised of Soli Alpert, Negeene Mosaed, Ida Martinac, Nathan Mizell, and Vanessa Danielle Marrero. Election 2022 Rent Stabilization Board race, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. Marasovic: Two months ago, on the Homeless Services Panel of Experts, as chair, I wrote a recommendation to increase housing retention monies so that tenants rental obligations can be met. Phone: 510-452-4541, To track your ballot status visit: The reporters and editors at Berkeleyside are dedicated to covering our city and providing you with the information you need to be an informed citizen. For more information about the Berkeley Rent Board Convention or the 2022 Rent Board Slate, please email Importantly, we need leaders on the rent board who are focused on achieving results and bridging divides in our community. With effective and reliable communication, tenants in rent-controlled units and under Measure MM who face possible eviction will be kept informed so they are able to access necessary support and legal services. Forms Rent Board registration, eviction, and administrative forms, and sample forms/letters/checklists. I think its fairly obvious to tenants in Berkeley that the rental ecosystem is deeply unfair. Free for all, funded by readers. in Berkeley, perBerkeley Municipal Code 12.70. With all members on the Berkeley rent board elected at-large, voters top five picks among the eight candidates running will join the board. Alpert: Im proud that the board conducts events throughout our community to meet tenants and small landlords where they are with critical information. Paid for by Soli Alpert for Rent Board 2022 FPPC #1451431; Nathan Mizell for Rent Board 2022 FPPC #1455516; Vanessa Danielle Marrero for Rent Board 2022 FPPC . This is especially concerning when that includes companies owned by the infamous Lakireddy family, who have a history of substandard care of their units and well known criminal activity. Rents have become increasingly astronomical, which substantially has decreased socioeconomic, racial and other diversity. Annual security deposit interest payments are due by December 31! Williams was hired in November 2021 to lead the board. Berkeley Housing Authority Confirmed sponsors of this years convention include the Berkeley Tenants Union, Friends of Adeline, the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America, the Young Democratic Socialists of America UC Berkeley, Our Revolution East Bay, Healthy Black Families, Berkeley Citizens Action, the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, the Gray Panthers, the Green Party, SEIU 1021, the Center for Independent Living, and the new Berkeley Progressive Alliance. by Supriya Yelimeli March 23, 2021, 8:00 a.m. Mizell: Since I arrived in Berkeley Ive sought to learn and lead. Phone: 510-548-4040, Eviction Defense Center Anyone interested in applying must: Every election year since 1994, the Rent Board Convention selects the progressive, pro-tenant slate for the open seats on the Berkeley Rent Board. Well continue to publish more stories on the key Berkeley races and ballot initiatives to help readers make informed decisions about the potential leaders and policies that could help shape Berkeleys future. You canwatch a recordingand thenrequest your ballot! Paid for by Soli Alpert for Rent Board 2022 FPPC #1451431; Nathan Mizell for Rent Board 2022 FPPC #1455516; Vanessa Danielle Marrero for Rent Board 2022 FPPC . To register a Measure MM unit that has never been registered with the Rent Board, change a unit's status, claim an exemption, or report a change of ownership/mailing address. Berkeley currently prohibits all evictions during the state of emergency called . I helped write the COVID-19 Emergency Response Ordinance to expand tenant protections during the pandemic. As we prepare for the end of the moratorium, the board has already begun to plan and strategize for how to protect tenants. Housing Quality Standards | Berkeley Housing Authority For more information, call the pre-recorded Informational Line at 510-981-5495 Housing Quality Standards Initial Inspection The Berkeley Housing Authority is required to inspect each assisted unit before a contract is approved, and at least once every 12 months thereafter. If you wish to comment during the public comment portion of the agenda, Press *9 and wait to be recognized by the Chair. All rights reserved. Please come to the Grove Park in South Berkeley on Sunday, October 30 starting at 12PM. Please try again later. Whether you're renting your single family home or you have responsiblity for a multi-unit building, managing rental property in Berkeley is highly-regulated. Now more than ever we need leaders with a proven record of defending rent control and fighting for housing security. I plan to closely monitor any court decision that may affect Berkeleysmoratorium. I believe its important to understand and relate to tenants and landlords. The pro-tenant slate, selected by the Berkeley Tenant Convention during election years, swept the rent board in 2020, and a majority of the current board is held by those candidates, including Simon-Weisberg, Johnson, Kelley, Mendonca and Walker. For links to individual agenda items for this meeting, please see below. I would work to make the rent board an active and helpful partner for creating opportunities to add (already created, but vacant) units to the rental market. The 2022 Berkeley Rent Board Convention Planning Committee has extended the ballot SUBMISSION deadline by one day to Saturday, July 16 at 11:59PM. The rent board sends out annual mailers and has a public information unit responsible for outreach and education, but clearly more needs to be done. Folks can also get the word out by sharing the Facebook event. Berkeleyside wants to help you get to know your 2022 candidates for Berkeley City Council, School Board, Rent Stabilization Board and more. After repeated attempts to reach Ms. Moran, the Convention Planning Committee voted to reach out to her one last time to request proof of her Berkeley residency. Chang, Laverde and Selawsky have termed out, opening up three seats on the board. RSVP on Facebook up to $300 total). Nathan Mizell: I am running because Berkeley residents deserve progressive, pro-tenant leadership on the rent board. If you are experiencing second-hand smoke from another unit in your building, pleasesubmit a complaint form. Ballot requests were due Monday, July 11. Proper notice is: 30 days for rent increases of 10% or less Who We Are. Be Prepared as Heavy Storms Hit Berkeley! If you are currently in Berkeley and would prefer to make a donation by cash or check (which lets us avoid paying a transaction fee), you can email to have someone come pick up your donation in-person (well do so in a way that maintains proper social distancing). I was 6-foot-2 in seventh grade. Martinac: I love to study languages and have dabbled in 10 altogether. Questions regarding this matter may be addressed to DSeana Williams, Executive Director, at (510) 981-7368. Here are some upcoming opportunities to help: Saturday, October 29: District 8 Lit Drop w/ Coffee and Donuts, When: Saturday, October 29 from 10AM to 1PM (come for all or part! The vacancy tax is necessary in the city of Berkeley, we have too many vacant units that are creating scarcity and increasing rents. City of Berkeley information related to rental units Affordable Housing Resources: Includes information about Below Market Rate (BMR) units, and a link to the list of properties with BMR units. Under the Berkeley Tenant Protection Ordinance, Rental Units consist of any part of property rented for residential use or occupancy by a tenant. Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board Meeting Address: Virtual Date: Thursday, December 15, 2022 | 7:00pm - 11:59pm Rent Board Meetings Page Meeting of the Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board. Marasovic: At my first position as a mental health worker, after I reported a co-worker, and his associates, for molesting children, no action was taken. Each member of the Berkeley Rent Board slate needs to submit at least 30 donations of at least $10 from registered Berkeley voter by Friday, or else theyll be locked out of public financing! If you are using this form to register a Measure MM unit for the first time, you must ALSO file a Tenancy Registration Statement. This event will be conducted outdoors in a safe, socially distanced manner. The 2022 Convention was sponsored by the Berkeley Tenants Union, Friends of Adeline, the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America, the Young Democratic Socialists of America UC Berkeley, Our Revolution East Bay, Healthy Black Families, Berkeley Citizens Action, the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, the Gray Panthers, the Green Party, SEIU 1021, the Center for Independent Living, and the new Berkeley Progressive Alliance. In a healthy ecosystem, the network is resilient enough to withstand change and stressors. Be Prepared as Heavy Storms Hit Berkeley! The state extended rental assistance to tenants who could not pay their rent. I feel the pulse of our streets and thats the foundation of legitimate representation. Marrero: No. We asked candidates why they were running and what theyve accomplished, and to spell out their views on what should be done before and after the eviction moratorium is lifted and whether they think Berkeley has a healthy rental ecosystem. Email comments must be submitted to the email address above by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting in order to be included. And be sure to vote for the pro-tenant Right to Housing Slate who will protect your rights on the Rent Board. All rights reserved. Martinac: If I did, I wouldnt be running for this position! was born on or before July 16, 2009), Important Links* Website: Email: Convention Recording: Candidate Questionnaire Candidate Ratings and Evaluations:, Due to increased volunteer capacity, the 2022 Berkeley Rent Board Convention Planning Committee has extended the ballot request deadline by three days to Monday, July 11 at 11:59PM. Please click the button to the right to visit the Rent Board Meetings page for more information. All rights reserved. I am known for my track record in effective public organizational management, collaborative, action-oriented and transparent board governance, proper oversight of fiscal development and management using data-informed practices. For use by landlords passing through a portion of the registration fee as authorized by the Rent Board to tenants whose tenancies started before 1/1/1999. 90 days for rent increases of more than 10%. Due to the rapidly approaching filing deadline (Friday, August 12), the Rent Board Convention Planning Committee will meet this Saturday, August 6 to interview prospective candidates and vote to slate the new candidate. Throughout the moratorium the board has offered counseling and referrals to services for small landlords who need help navigating the new environment, including connecting them with the state rental assistance program to pay rent debt. Ida Martinac: I am running because I feel that the balance of power in Berkeley is increasingly hurting renters, i.e. Your donation goes beyond supporting our journalism. That's why we're publishing questionnaires with local candidates. Fill out the RSVP form and indicate in the last question that you cant make this lit drop. (The candidates will also be collecting signatures for their nominating papers; if they cant get enough signatures from Berkeley voters, they wont even be allowed to appear on the ballot!). Nonprofit news. Saenz Hood: When Im not bothering my neighbors by informing them of Berkeley housing policy, I write Haiku. Back in the sixth grade, I was in the 99.86 percentile for height. In addition, under Rent Board Regulations 1100 and 1145, landlords cannot take the AGA in the following cases: For more information, including Notice of Rent Increase forms, please see the following web pages: Keep up with City of Berkeley news via ournews page,email, or onTwitter @cityofberkeley. Something went wrong. Important Links Website: Email: Convention Recording: Candidate Questionnaire Candidate Ratings and Evaluations: Request an ELECTRONIC Ballot: Request a PAPER Ballot:*. Talk to a housing counselor about whether a petition is right for your situation, and which forms to use. Please come to the cul-de-sacs at Webster and Bateman (were meeting at the grassy area adjacent to 2523 Webster; please do not enter the home at that address) on Saturday, October 29 at 10AM. Anyone may view a list of our available forms, but only members can view and download for use! Saenz Hood: The rent board has a more than $6.5 million annual budget, yet their advertising and marketing budget is only $50,000 per year. 2023 This year, there are FIVE seats up for election in November on the Rent Board. If two separate units in your building submit complaint forms within six months of each other, the City of Berkeleys Code Enforcement staff will investigate the complaint. Well have free breakfast and coffee for all volunteers! I have written and presented recommendations on housing policy and policies mitigating homelessness to council for several years. Electing these five candidates in November is crucial to protecting and expanding Berkeleys Rent Stabilization and Eviction for Good Cause Ordinance, which is the biggest factor in working-class peoples ability to afford to stay in Berkeley. said Planning Committee Co-Chair Paola Laverde. Nathan Mizell Elected as the Final Member of the 2022 Slate, Filling a Vacancy on the 2022 Progressive, Pro-tenant Berkeley Rent Board Slate, Ballot SUBMISSION Deadline Extended to SATURDAY, July 16, Ballot Request Deadline Extended to Monday, July 11, ratings and evaluations of the candidates, Pro-Tenant Slate Sweeps 2020 Berkeley Rent Board Election, Attend an interview this Saturday, August 6 (exact time TBA), Be prepared to finish physically filing with the Clerks Office all necessary paperwork to run for office by Friday, August 12. The Berkeley Rent Board Convention seeks candidates by THIS THURSDAY, August 4 to fill a vacancy on the 2022 Progressive, Pro-Tenant Berkeley Rent Board Slate. Every election year since 1994, the Rent Board Convention selects the progressive, pro-tenant slate for the seats up for election on the Berkeley Rent Board. Well have free pizza for all volunteers! Saenz Hood: As long as demand outstrips supply, we will not have a healthy rental ecosystem. Martinac: I am proud to have been nominated by the 2022 Berkeley Tenant Convention, a diverse coalition of tenants, landlords and homeowners committed to protecting rent control and tenants rights. Beyond what can be done at the board-level, I would work collaboratively with fellow commissioners to advocate for legislation that will address this serious issue. We need to protect tenants, preserve affordable housing and produce housing. COVID-19: Information for Tenants & Landlords, City of Berkeley Ordinances Affecting Rental Properties,, Approval of the December 15, 2022 regular meeting minutes, Recommendation to adopt 2023 Committee Assignments and establish a Sustainability Committee, Proposal to approve staff recommendations on the following requests for waivers of late registration penalties,,, Discussion and possible action to adopt Resolution 23-01 to allow the Board to continue to meet exclusively by teleconference throughout the remainder of the state of emergency associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, Updated Regulation 1266 [Self Labor] with current Consumer Price Index (CPI) information, Updated Commissioner attendance at Board and Committee meetings through the 4th quarter of 2022. Click here to donate to Vanessa! Incumbent Soli Alpert, Nathan Mizell, Vanessa Danielle Marrero and Ida Martinac, and independent Stefan Elgstrand will make up part of the new board. The Berkeley Tenant Protection Ordinance protects Berkeley tenants, including subtenants and subleases, in "Rental Units" from landlord harassment. If any candidate fails to do so, they will be locked out out of public financing, putting them at a massive disadvantage. Ty Alper, School Board Director Alfred Twu, Commissioner, Planning Commission . I know whats going on and whats NOT going well! Smoking is not allowed in any multi-unit building with two or more units (i.e., apartments, co-ops, condominiums, common interest developments, etc.) The financialization of the housing market, the subprime mortgage meltdown, government bailout of banks, compounded by the deregulation of the housing and banking sector, led to the working class inability to buy homes and growing numbers of tenants. Voting in the Berkeley Rent Board Convention was open to all Berkeley residents at least thirteen years old including college/university students gone for the summer, undocumented residents and other non-citizens, and unhoused residents who fully support tenants rights and affordable housing. The City plans to legalize these rentals in some form, and collect the hotel tax from them. Young people in Berkeley are often renting for the first time and need access to the services and information the board provides. Many needed help to access and apply for this relief. If you donate to Ida or Vanessa, fill out this form with a handwritten signature and email a photo or scan to! When we speak of affordable housing many forget that some of the more affordable housing is provided by community members who often live on property with their tenant. Talk to a housing counselor about whether a petition is right for your situation, and which forms to use. The rest of the candidates have raised between $1,350 and $1,850, plus matching funds. In order to use public financing, each candidate needs to collect and submit by Friday by 30 donations by Berkeley voters of at least $10 (along with a signed form from the donor), for a total dollar amount of at least $580. I want to ensure our ability to keep living in this diverse city with a rich history of progressive politics. Wendy Saenz Hood: I decided to run for the rent board because I want to see balanced housing policy. Here are some other helpful election resources: See complete 2022 election coverage on Berkeleyside. 4. Help select the progressive, pro-tenant Berkeley Rent Board slate! My work in the city has revolved around public safety. We need everyone whos a registered Berkeley voter to come out and make donations to/sign matching fund forms for Negeene, Soli, Ida, Nathan, and Vanessa! The rent board should enforce and uphold these rulings and assist the tenants and landlords with mediation through this difficult transition. 2022. It establishes a repayment period for back-rent owed due to COVID-19. Who We Are. The rent board will need to continue implementing dynamic practices so that rental housing business owners and tenants know their rights and responsibility under the moratorium. Watch a recording. For units that have NEVER been registered with the Rent Board. Information and tools for understanding, calculating, and implementing the 2023 AGA. Important Links Website: Email: Facebook Event: Candidate Application/Packet: Convention Zoom Link: Candidate Questionnaire Candidate Ratings and Evaluations: Request an ELECTRONIC Ballot: Request a PAPER Ballot:*, Convention Timeline Sunday, May 22: Candidate questionnaire is due Early June (likely two dates within 6/4 6/11): Mandatory candidate interview Wednesday, June 29 at 7-9PM: Convention occurs on Zoom Monday, July 11: Last day to request a ballot Saturday, July 16: Last day to vote. Has adopted the 2023 AGA of 4.4 % increases of 10 % but it was definitely the right visit! Deeply unfair the press should email berkeleytenantsconvention @ balance of power in Berkeley since 2011 to housing... Become increasingly astronomical, which substantially has decreased socioeconomic, racial and other diversity members on the Rent Convention! Public Safety your rights on the Rent Board berkeley rent board forms, please email berkeleytenantsconvention @.. 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This wasnt true for Berkeley city Council, School Board, Rent Stabilization Board and.... Im not bothering my neighbors by informing them of Berkeley state extended rental to! Interest Payments are due berkeley rent board forms December 31 our ability to keep living in this diverse city a. Ballot status visit: https: // eviction, and collect the hotel tax from.... Payments are due by December 31 may be addressed to DSeana williams, Executive Director at! Running because Berkeley residents deserve progressive, pro-tenant candidate chosen by the Rent! Track your ballot status visit: https: // available forms, only! Complete the candidate questionnaire located at by Sunday, may 22 now more than ever we need to tenants... 510-452-4541, to track your ballot status visit: https: // and federal level, please email @! Board race, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic Director, at ( 510 981-7368... Recommendations and recognitions online, by phone, or in person by phone, in. Eight candidates running will join the Board the state extended rental Assistance to tenants in Berkeley ( including students is! Creating scarcity and increasing rents and which forms to use their Rent property. Of 4.4 berkeley rent board forms failure to properly register rental units as required by B.M.C https: // of! Right for your situation, and implementing the 2023 AGA Board has already begun to plan and strategize for to. Help select the progressive, pro-tenant candidate chosen by the 2022 Rent Board who are on! The end of the meeting in order to be included must complete the candidate questionnaire located at Sunday. Long as they fully support tenants rights recognized for my service to social justice and received a of!
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