His promise is the light by which we see our loved ones safely home. You can draw inspiration from the deceaseds life by observing their favorite hobbies, pets, vacation spots, and family members. Husband and wife headstones are still in use today. This can be a way to remember both parents and to keep their memory alive. Because we design our letterforms and draw them out freehand, we will be able to perfectly match the original inscription. Christians share a cross as a symbol of their faith. However, there are many ways to enhance a headstone, and make it a richer tribute for your loved one. I truly appreciate your insight on choosing a shared design for a couples headstone. Starting at $119.95, you're bound to find something that fits your needs in the marketplace. Companion Grave Markers allow for two people to share a text and image, as many other headstone dealers do. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, 15. To live is not to die; rather, it is to leave our hearts behind. The purpose of death is to gain, Philippians 1:1. Tasked with this responsibility, a monumental mason needs to make sure that the wording is clear, appropriate and meets your satisfaction. Theyre a fitting name for memorial services that honor two deeply connected lives. Headstone Inscriptions for Husband and Wife I Will Sleep In Peace Until You Come To Me I Will Be In The Wind That Moves By You Together Again Together Forever They Lived And Laughed, Loved, And Left Just Whisper My Name In Your Heart And I Will Be There My Love, I Will See You In Heaven Soulmates True Soulmates There Is No Parting In Heaven While a companion headstone is shared, it can and should reflect the individual interest of each. Either of these compassionate gentleman will be happy to help you with this emotional process. Loved and remembered. When husband and wife are buried side by side there are a couple of options. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs., over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. Despite an increase in divorce cases, some couples are intended to be together for a long time. As a last resort, be on the lookout for someone who writes your obituary and will be remembered on your grave. Fax: (724) 770-9835 "Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:8 13. Monument Company in Goshen & Elkhart, Indiana (574) 537-8663. Quote for Price If the husband or wife whose name is to be added to the joint headstone has instructed in their will for us to complete the headstone, the funeral director will ring us and we will remove the headstone, clean it up, box it and store it for at least a year before reinstalling it with the new inscription. An additional inscription, not to exceed two lines (and shown at the bottom of the niche cover, under all decedents), can include a term of endearment or reference (e.g. It is often the case that the deceased (the person who owns the plot deed the majority of the time) owns the plot deed. I don't tend to encourage this so much as it can lead to a headstone looking cluttered. Goodnight and God bless you. The installation of a double plot headstone is an honorable and loving gesture in the aftermath of the deaths of two close friends. Short Sayings A long life well lived. For todays headstone, granite or bronze are the material of choice. Beloved wife, daughter, sister, granddaughter, neice, cousin, friend and poet, Loving & Loved, Wife, Mother, Daughter & Sister, "Never Say Goodbye, Always Say So LongUntil We Meet Again. Click here to see an example of a headstone with lettering on the base of the monument. Phone (724) 770-0100 If you have space and the desire, you can also bury your loved ones on your own property. His Wife Bridget. If you are at a loss for words and would prefer to have some assistance, feel free to call the main Rome Monument office in Rochester, PA at 724-770-0100 and ask for Vince Dioguardi or Chris Morgan. As a result, you will be able to devote more space to your hobbies. Convention suggests that a husband's name is inscribed on the left and the wife's on the right of the gravestone, as you look at the marker from the foot of the grave. A bevel headstone is a vertical marker with only a slight rise that is so low on the ground it looks more horizontal. Do you repeat the surname or not on a husband and wife headstone? From The Body Of My Mother, He Named Me." To add a name to an existing headstone you should hire a professional engraver who will perform the engraving on-site. Etched images and portraits, engraved epitaphs and inscriptions, and other artistic elements make a husband and wife companion memorialboth unique and beautiful. Although slow and steady wins the race, you can rest assured that taking your time will pay off down the road. When you purchase a grave marker or headstone, you can personalize it with a short inscription that tells passersby more about the deceased. Gravestones have a long history of honoring loved ones who have passed on. A double headstone is larger than a single headstone, and that size difference is generally reflected in the cost. Make a personalized obituary that honors both you and your deceased loved ones. We are experts at lettering and engraving in a decorative fashion on cemetery markers and public monuments. - Name of first husband (divorced), duration 38 years: "Brown". Its important to keep active. Companions to headstones are also referred to as double headstones. The prefix nee (with an accent over the first e) or b is commonly used when adding a maiden name. Here are a few lines from his works that may be used for headstone inscriptions: "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this and this gives life to thee." - "Sonnet 18". Some days will be better than others. then the monument typically has two names on it, husband and wife. "Be devoted to one another in love. This is much harder to do with headstones which have been installed using pin fixings and a base. Epitaphs for Headstones and Memorials from Pacific Coast Memorials. In most cases, we provide one gravesite and a single headstone for all eligible family members. Introduction- the challenge of designing a double headstone. The love and tenderness they demonstrated touched us deeply. Loving Father, Husband and Son; Fought for Freedom; Proud Soldier). 24. I have fought the good fight. Let's pretend that these were my mother's names: - First name: "Dorothy"; - Middle name: "Joan". Choosing a memorial quote is one of the first steps in the headstone design process. Never Apart. Short Memorial Quotes for Loved Ones. When a cemetery is used for Halloween fun, they usually combine Fearsome Frank, who believed he could rob a bank, and Spider-Man. A beloved mother and father at rest. Make sure whatever type of headstone or inscription you desire is permitted by the cemetery. It is also common to include the persons name, dates of birth and death, and a brief message or quote. Even if you are skilled with words, it is so hard to do a person's memory justice, and to sum up a whole life in just a short inscription can feel like another pressure among the many that come with the departure of someone close to you. When including a carving I encourage choosing a carving which has equal relevance to both husband and wife. Obviously, the type of marker will influence the price. He that believeth in the son shall live (Proverbs 13:10). Classic headstone inscriptions Dearly beloved In loving memory Once met, never forgotten Remembered with love In ever-living memory of. What space will you need and what will the future inscription look like? Alexander Pope Simply the best. John 3:3. Your smile, love & heart will be missed forever. Without further ado, let's get started What is an Epitaph? This is in my opinion quite old fashioned and I tend to avoid this sort of design. This will likely involve a new headstone for three people. I encourage you to consider using the back of the headstone for a longer inscription or epitaph; this has the advantage in that it will mean that there is not a large gap below the first name and the epitaph which might have otherwise been at the bottom of a headstone for a single person. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.. Where can a new name be added to a gravestone if the original is deceased? When a woman lost her rights after marriage; she lost her name as well. A nickname or description of someone is an epithet. As a starting point, the following suggestions may be useful in working on Central Memorials in Cremated Areas. Some sample memorial inscriptions to help you choose the right wording for a loved one's headstone engraving. There are many choices of headstone designs, headstone inscriptions and headstone materials from granite, stone, marble etc. A husband and wife headstone is a tribute to a loving couple and a means for them to remain together in eternity. However, some common elements that are often included are the wifes name, dates of birth and death, and a brief epitaph or quotation. Our skilled craftsmen have years of experience at inscribing letters, words, phrases, quotes and epitaphs in a decorative fashion on cemetery markers and public monuments. They will not be able to recover from death. They are a sensitive, concise way of commemorating the deceased . Sarah Marie Ellmore Jackie James Gleason IV Arlenis Kahlo Gutirrez If the decedent had a nickname, it's ideal to place it in quotes after the first given name. "As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him." | Psalm 103:13. Any alphabet. Etched images and portraits, engraved epitaphs and inscriptions, and other artistic elements make a husband and wife companion memorial both unique and beautiful. Call 305-594-4628 for ordering information. Check our headstones and markers. Remembered with love. We rarely place inscriptions around the edges of the stone or on the base, although we are certainly profficient at this process and would be happy to perform this monument lettering as well. See photos of headstone epitaphs for married couples. Single slant monument prices start at $1,800.00. Natalie Wood was one of the biggest movie stars of her generation when she died tragically in a mysterious drowning at age 43. If both parents are already dead it is quite nice to place both first names together on one line, with the surname below these names, followed by two sets of dates, rather than repeating the surname twice. This option is not restricted to those married in life; it is for all who shared a bond and a lifetime of unity. Note: For burial in a private cemetery, check with officials at the specific cemetery to make sure they allow the style you want. When selecting epitaphs for parents, you dont have to choose from a single set of options. John 6:47, Remember Me, O Lord When Thou Comest into Thy Kingdom. Always in Stone Goshen IN (574) 537-8663. Always say so long until we meet again. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:14, 19. If one person is still alive and will be added in future, it is important to design the headstone to allow room for the husband or wife to be added to the headstone, without being cramped or to look like an afterthought, but at the same time it is important to design the headstone so that it does not look as if it is unfinished. We want to ensure that the pastor approves the inscription for a churchyard memorial. Many have an artistic design; others share a moving inscription. They symbolize an official mourning site, a place where friends and family can gather to mourn and pay tribute. You can feel the light in the presence of Christ and his company. Fly on dear boys from this dark world of strife On to the land of promise, to eternal life. To add a name to an existing headstone, you should hire a professional engraver who will engrave the gravestone on-site. You're talking about an "epitaph," a commemorative inscription on a gravestone. If possible, postpone any life-changing decisions until you are able to handle them. Personalized Memorial Stones Personalized Garden Stones Personalized Heart Funeral Memorial Memorial Plaques Memorial Service Memorial Jewelry Large Garden Stones ", And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give your rest. They are also grieving and understand. The important thing is to make sure we leave enough space for the final name. Hugh O'Donnell, Dungloe. "For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband" | 1 Corinthians 7:14. Let us assume, for the purpose of this article, that the husband is the deceased veteran. When choosing an epitaph or quote for a joint husband and wife headstone, it is important to consider the design carefully to make sure there is enough space on the headstone. "Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty I'm free at last. This verse was cut short to fit our needs here. The beauty of commissioning a bespoke hand carved headstone for a husband and wife, is that we can start with the inscription and then work backwards, choosing the right stone to fit the inscription rather than trying to fit an inscription to a specific stone. During this time the original headstone lettering may have faded or weathered. This probably includes family members. Upright Headstone Monuments. Bronze lettering for monuments is done through a casting process. There are many wonderful ideas for headstone inscriptions that use only a few words. I also prefer tall and narrow headstones to short and wide ones. Headstones will usually have the date of birth, date of death, and a short headstone inscription that includes a favorite quote, saying, or phrase. . Please choose one option from each heading, 1-5, and one or more option/s from Option 6 to create your inscription: STARTING AN INSCRIPTION. It is the survivors that will be visiting the grave; they should feel comfortable with the inscription and engravings. Carved in the rock an eternal roes to give inspriation and courage. Religious Requirements Religious convention may determine the way in which family names are presented on the gravestone. Fergus created Stoneletters Studio in 2003, after training at the Kindersley Workshop. Headstones can sink over time. More on that in a bit. This is not traditional, yet would be greatly appreciated by future generations. The couple shared a home and belongings while alive. It is while still alive that a couple can discuss what to do about a second spouse. Dearly loved son of a seach. Her Husband Anthony O'Donnell. Rep. Donald Norcross (D-N.J.) has introduced legislation that would change that. His Daughter Ellen Sharkey. In this article, Ill go over my top ten tips for selecting an inscription for your headstone. Died Jan 1870 . It can be used to give a womans maiden name. Fax: (724) 770-9835 Blessed Are The Pure In Heart. These are very simple but touching sayings that are ideal for a headstone of any type. It is a way of releasing pain and sharing memories with others who knew the deceased. If its surviving children or other relatives making plans for a wake, addressing the grave and headstone comes soon after writing the obituary. Other articles in this series include: to have and to hold from this day forward.. Your love will light the way, your memory willl be forever with us. This design would depend on the cemetery or churchyard allowing such headstones, as sometimes there is a minimum width, so that this would not be possible. The name should usually be displayed in the first, second, and third place, but it is also common to show the last place in the order. Please find a selection of examples of additional headstone inscriptions below : ORIGINAL HEADSTONE INSCRIPTION ADDED HEADSTONE INSCRIPTION Each headstone would need to be designed so that they looked complete in themselves, whilst at the same time looking part of a pair once the second headstone is in place. There are other options for adding nicknames, such as the first (Nickname) last or the first (Nickname) middle last. Matthew 11:28, Loving & loved, husband, father, son and brother, Jesus says, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. There is little difference in the cost of engravings for either the granite or the bronze headstone. Occasionally people add the second name without the dates even though they are still alive, sometimes adding the date of birth and leaving the date of death to be added later. A headstone inscription, often known as an epitaph, is a short text that honours the person who is deceased. Sometimes however, two separate carvings might be chosen, each to echo an interested or love for the husband and wife respectively. Choose a handcrafted headstone if possible. Memorial Inscriptions commonly include a heading, name, dates of birth and death and/or age, relationships and a short verse and/or message. Devoted in love. Bronze markers frequently have a removable plaque with the name, date of birth, and date of death of the deceased. Then, when the . It is critical that you work with a skilled professional in order to ensure a high-quality finish to the headstone. . A headstone is a marker that sits above a grave, and the headstone inscriptions written on them usually include the deceased's name, date of birth, date of death and sometimes simple sayings or verses. When there is no end to the grief, there may be a problem with depression. bible verses, quotes, and sayings to choose from for your Headstone, Monument or Grave Marker. 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