These higher humidity levels would actually increase the amount of alcohol evaporation within the barrels, resulting in the distinct pattern of low-proof whiskey coming from the distillery. Rossville Union, MGPs rye brand, is named after the original Lawrenceburg distillery, Rossville Distillery. According to our guide, MGP fills four of these tanks every day with only one week off in the fall for maintenance. Foundry Distilling Continues Brewery Collaborations WIth Sixth Glass Whiskey, You Can Now Livestream From A Whiskey Barrel. View an alternate. Bathed in low lights with an energetic perspective on sound and presence. Event Information. Email address will not be displayed with the comment.). More Information Contact News & Press. One of the biggest surprises I learned while touring MGP Distillery was about maturation. Some whiskey companies retain long term contracts that see their output reduced, but steady in terms of aged whiskey from MGP. MGP didnt fully take over until 2011, after Seagrams had gone out of business and the company had changed hands a few times. 2 spirits were outsourced from MGP in Indiana to get them started, however Glenn's Creek finished aging them in the barrels and 2 are 100% theirs from start to finish. For the super-fans of MGP, this was head scratching news. Germany is a top producer of rye and their grain breeding programs are developed by local farmers and university researchers whereby they track key statistics like ferulic acid levels which is a huge help for any alcohol producer. We visited just the one warehouse that was racked. Who was working these barrels and whose whiskey is this? Its like the Willy Wonka of whiskies! But even with the cost savings being realized, Seagrams as a beverage producer was on uneasy legs as a company. The next letter indicates the mashbill that was used. James E. Pepper Distillery ABV: 58% Average Price: $50 The Whiskey: This is two to three-year-old MGP 95 (depending on the single bottle your find) that's shipped to Lexington, Kentucky's James. An advantage to MGP now out of hiding is that it can release its own spirits, like its George Remus Repeal Reserve bourbon that launched last November. With the luxury of time, capital, and experience gained over the years, MGP can think long term instead of being under pressure to knock it out of the park right away; It can craft products based on a ton of research from brands, consumers and the bartending community. One of the most impressive parts of the plant that we visited was the control room a monitor-filled war room, of sorts. A lot like [Series] one but higher proof.. Admission price and availability vary. Meaning a blended whiskey with majority bourbon (at least 51%) but no neutral spirits or coloring. E. Seagram Distillery is one of the more fascinating pieces of history in modern-day bourbon lore. Having trouble reading this image? The percentage of each vintage is listed on the bottle. Age: 4 Years. All of it is aged 6-7 years, with the light whiskey being up in the eights., At 88 proof, its made for cocktails, but David confessed its great for cooking. Today MGP Distillery produces whiskey, vodka, gin, neutral grain spirits, and industrial alcohol. Kentucky bourbon distilleries are located east and south of Louisville. Drop the little street level guy on Ridge Avenue and take a Google walk up the street and around to the side of the property. He ended up selecting the 5th profile variety and the 7th profile variety as the ones that Seagrams would produce. 2021 Null Media LLC All Rights Reserved. MGP bourbon stands for Midwest Grain Products, an industry term used to describe mass-produced bourbon in Lawrenceburg, Indiana. But officially George Ross opened the Rossville Distillery in 1847. URLs automatically linked. Check out the Whiskey Tribe to stay updated on all the official distillery events and news. Remus Repeal Reserve (Second Release) This is also a blend of MGPs high rye mashbills but from four different lots comprising 10- and 11-year-old stock. Nose: This is a caramel bomb on notes of oak, vanilla . November 27, 2019 at 08:16 AM, I understand there are no tours; however, if we are passing through town is there a gift shop or a place where you can purchase product. 20_14 offers contrasting doublebills at Copenhagen Distillery. Remus Repeal Reserve, George Remus (both bourbon and rye whiskey) Rossville Rye Whiskey, Eight and Sand Blended Bourbon Whiskey, Tanners Creek Bourbon. Its an old train phrase meaning smooth sailing.. In 2000, newly formed beverage conglomerate Diageo and French spirits company Pernod Ricard finalized agreements to divvy up the assets of the former spirits giant. This led to a wave of distilleries looking far and wide for large stocks of aged whiskey to supplement their operations before their own whiskey could be aged and released. The high proof that Light Whiskey was being distilled at stripped away much of the body and character and left behind a very light tasting spirit. Price per Drink (50 mL): $4.00. Luxco wasn't exactly hurting prior to this, as their reported 2020 net revenue being $202M. Till Vodka This vodka is produced at the Atchison, Kansas distillery and made with locally sourced wheat. Purchase Info: This sample was provided by the producer for review purposes. We spent some time in the Rack House, where the identifiable scent of wood and whiskey fills the air. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. For example: a recipe that would be called OESV at Four Roses would actually be called LESV if it was distilled at the Indiana distillery. Samuels (or Mr. Sam as hed be remembered) first task was naming the plant the Jos. These whiskies by themselves would have been labeled as bourbon, rye whiskey, corn whiskey and Canadian whiskey by todays standards because that is essentially what went into the typical batches of their products. Then, 7 Ridge Avenue. Crowded Barrel Whiskey Co. 16221 Crystal Hills Drive Austin, TX 78737 512.850.9622. tastingroom . For starters, all of their whiskeys are blends of mashbills. The headlines from January 2020 were awash with the news that MGPs stock had plummeted 24% after a report came out of the shortfall in the sales department of whiskey to customers. Not only was the labeling incorrect, it was deemed to be outright false. Shelagh Stautberg | When the Lawrenceburg Distillery was examined, it was determined that the stills had more capacity to produce spirits than they were currently selling to their customers and that their warehouses were running out of room to put all of the aging stock. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Since Seagrams has never marketed their GNS as a type of whiskey, the makeup of a typical batch of GNS would forgo any malted grain and instead use 100% corn. Midwest Grain Products bought the distillery in 2011, hence the current name. It is believed that modern day MGPI bourbon and rye whiskey recipes have been around since the beginning of Seagrams two iconic brands. Referred to as a campus because of the sheer spread of it, there are upwards of 40 buildings that make up MGP. Fortunately during this time, the recipes, facilities and yeast remained the same. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. There seems to be a widely held rumor that the distillate has changed from what was being produced during the LDI days compared to what is being produced today under MGPI ownership. So far, most of the line of MGP spirits is available in about 13 states. MGPs master blenders have been experts at creating great whiskey for years and their brands are excellent reflections of that expertise. Operating in Atchison, Kansas, and Lawrenceburg, Indiana, MGP began as a humble grainbelt distillery in 1941 and has since grown into a leading supplier of premium distilled spirits, and specialty wheat proteins and starches. We toured the facility, we met the team behind the spirits, and we dranka lot of whiskey! "We make a lot," came the definitive reply. Great whiskey can never be rushed, but thankfully with the expansions taking place today, many bottles will be guaranteed to wear a Produced in Lawrenceburg, IN on their label long into the future. Drinkhacker was invited to one of these media days recently, so I got a chance to experience this proverbial Chocolate Factory first hand. Barrel entry for every standard MGP mashbill is 120 proof, but the company recently began allowing custom barrel entry proofs for its contract clients; part of a slew of changes they've made to compete with a growing number of contract distillers around the country. These products are fermented and distilled on site, aged on site or elsewhere, and bottled up as a zillion different brands on the marketplace. Related :: Touring MGP Distillery in Indiana, Exploring Tullibardines Marquess Collection, and Visiting J. Henry Whiskey Farm. This warehouse can store a massive amount of barrels, to the tune of 300,000, which may make it one of the largest barrel-aging warehouses in the world. For everyone else, they had to settle for the young distillate that MGP had only recently started to produce. The most publicized incident occurred under Pernod Ricards ownership as they began to sell rye whiskey to the Templeton Rye Whiskey brand based out of Templeton, Iowa. Starting in 2018, MGP decided to get in on its own action, launching an impressive portfolio of house brands that now include five whiskeys, as well as a vodka. Yeah, it's not my jam either. But there are several smaller details that create variances between every barrel of whiskey that rolls out. In 1933, a Canadian company named Seagrams (owned by Samuel Bronfman) purchased the Lawrenceburg, Indiana distillery. MGP already had a large distilling operation in Atchison, Kansas, but looked favorably upon its acquisition of an aged whiskey producing powerhouse. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. For the first time ever, MGPI would now have their bourbon bottled from barrels that the customers would hand-pick. The palate is rich and oily, and continues the classic trend with plenty of rye spice, vanilla, and clove. That unknown was soon answered with a resounding thud of the worldwide recession that hit in 2008. Bottled at 94 proof (47% ABV), George Remus is a combination of two high-rye mash bills aged over five years. But by 2014-2015, it began to appear that perhaps MGP had let too many barrels roll out too quickly. Get Drinkhacker's top stories, exclusive goodies, and more! MGP Ingredients Rossville Distillery in Lawrenceburg, Indiana has been making whiskey at the same location since 1847. Cost: The tour costs $8. Touring MGP Distillery is often compared to seeing inside Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory. The Federal government wanted the companys assets split instead of being sold to one beverage producer to avoid creating a monopoly. Seagrams also produced a large amount of light whiskey at its Canadian distilleries with the Valleyfield Distillery in Quebec still producing large amounts of it for Diageo today. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Your comment has not yet been posted. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. With Seagrams exiting the market altogether, assets of multiple distilleries were split between Pernod Ricard and Diageo to avoid monopoly laws. Copyright 2020 Kelli Nakagama. Its a way to put everything we have together at a nice reasonable price point, Master Blender David Whitmer explained. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Kelly E Hayden | An enjoyable sipper or cocktail companion, especially for $30. This prevents automated programs from posting comments. The core part of its business will always be to supply other brands, but it has made the decision to make room for its own products in its business as well. First of all, although many pictures of the warehouses at Lawrenceburg, Indiana facility show barrels being stored on their side (aka, in ricks), the large majority are actually stored on palates (upright). With such a long history of producing quality whiskies, its no wonder Lawrenceburg takes special pride in its nickname, Whiskey City., The former Seagrams distillery in Indiana, now the home to MGP (image via Prairie Rose/The Whiskey Wash). (You can use HTML tags like
and to style your text. Yet there are no manicured grounds, no craft cocktail bar, no tours and no visitors allowed. Old Fourth Distillery was launched by five friends (two of whom are also brothers) in 2013 with the aid of a Kickstarter campaign. Its clearly an industrial site you wont find much in the way of landscaping but its also not as factory-like as I imagined. As the curtain is drawn back on MGP Ingredients, and the shift of awareness moves towards its direction, I look forward to watching it step into the spotlight that it has avoided for so long. I live in Naples Florida I need help getting this, Posted by: Everything from industrial alcohol to vodka is produced there, but lately it's become best known for its bourbon and rye. Larry Ebersold, the Master Distiller for LDI, did depart with the company during this transition (and later went on to advise New Riff on how to run their distillery), but he left behind a fully trained mentor in the form of Greg Metze. MGP Distillery Whiskey Tasting with Master Blender Pam Soule . But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. But the experience was absolutely incredible and I am insanely thankful for such a unique and memorable experience. The MGP distillery has been around since 1847, under various different owners, most famously Seagram's, whose name still adorns the facade. A very different distillery experience - craft to the extreme. Seagrams approach to aging their barrels of whiskey was different from the warehouses and rickhouses that stored bourbon for Kentucky distilleries. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This includes around 80-85% of the market's rye, according to MGP estimates. They say that makes for a mellower whiskey. MSRP: $50 (2019) Official Website. There are also slight differences in a barrel stored upright versus a barrel stored on its side. After much research into this theory, there seems to be no change in the distillation process, grain sources, mashbills or aging techniques. A large majority of the stock that remained were purchased through contract agreements with other smaller NDPs until no more unclaimed barrels remained in the warehouses. With a giant plant capacity, Pernod Ricard began to explore the market for all of the product they had in their warehouses. Next, the expansion team looked within their home state and found a massive warehouse in Sunman, Indiana that was previously owned by international packaging company Deufol. It's a blend of bourbon, rye, light whiskey, and corn whiskey. feat. This second release is at 100 proof, and MGP plans to keep future releases at that proof point. Many of the skilled workers and technicians on the present MGP team were inherited from the previous distillerys owners. Rossville Union rye whiskey is a blend of their 51% and 95% rye whiskey mashbill whiskeys aged about 5-6 years. They actually own two distilleries though we only hear about this one. They also make a ton of bourbon and neutral spirit used for vodka and gin. Companies started to trickle in as America and the world were slowly changing their preferences to more unique and complex tastes thanks to a robust food and cocktail culture that was ignited by various internet platforms. The Jos. The Indiana distillery has access to use basically all of the yeast strains that Four Roses does (O, F, K, Q and V) as well (Fun Fact #4: The V yeast strain could not survive long enough to propagate in the Gimli, Ontario plant, so Seagrams had them use a different one). Though not as sexy as barrels stored in a rickhouse, palletizing barrels makes more sense in term of volume able to be stored. While enthusiasts today obsess over the specifications of their whiskey (mashbills, barrel entry proof, years aged, etc), many of these specifications were not hard and fast rules that were required to be duplicated with precision in the 1930s. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. So why Germany? This release is a blend of 159 barrels, all aged five to seven years and bottled at 94 proof (47% ABV). This gives these products a point of differentiation from their many clients' products. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. But I was recently invited to tour the legendary campus and learn about MGP Distillerys whiskey brands. Our tour of MGPs massive operation included a bit of a history lesson on the town of Lawrenceburg, Indiana. The Rossville Union name pays homage to the first distillery on the now-MGP site: Rossville Distillery. Light Whiskey, on the other hand, was a product that was distilled between 160 to 189.9 proof. They are currently available in 14 states with hopes to eventually reach the entire United States. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The facility is not set up for tourists or photography, and basically we were able to see what we could see. It is common now to find many brands out there like Tumblin Dice, Smooth Ambler, Barrell Craft Spirits and Backbone Bourbon Company releasing 4-5 year old aged distillate simply because there are no older stock available for purchase. As Pernod Ricard began to transfer management personnel out of Indiana, they also gutted a fair amount of documentation and Standard Operating Procedures. Distillery and Gift Shop Hours Mon-Sat 9:00am-5:00pm EDT Sunday 11:00am-5:00pm EDT The Distillery is closed Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day. Thus, the names were born for each. But geography played the most important role in why this area was picked for distilling. Several of these improvement drawings remain in the archives at the Lawrenceburg, Indiana plant to this day. When it comes to the vodka, theirs is made from wheat, when most of their clients' vodka is made from corn. E. Seagram Lawrenceburg Plant in Indiana began churning out various distillates including whiskey, clear spirits and other malted beverages for the Seagrams portfolio right away. Review: Southern Star Standard Bourbon and Double Rye (2022), A Visit to Nelsons Green Brier Distillery, Review: Spirits of French Lick The Mattie Gladden Bourbon Bottled in Bond, Review: Rossville Union Straight Rye Barrel Proof (2022), Gold Spot was not part of the Mitchell and Son, This 19 year old expression is notable as the o, The latest release from Codigo 1530 owned i, Everythings available as a subscription thes, A pair of whiskeys designed to showcase the dis, This is a surprisingly good wine find out. In 1933 at the end of Prohibition, the distillery was purchased by Seagram and run by the company until 2001. But its outright mind-blowing when I realized that wasnt the only fermentation room! E. Seagram Lawrenceburg Plant.. You may know them for their newly built Lux Row Distillery in Bardstown, KY. MGP reportedly paid $475M in cash and MGP stock value to Luxco. 7 Crown was so popular world-wide that it was unofficially the first brand of whiskey to claim the world record of 1 million cases sold followed later on by the first to sell 100 million cases (in the 1970s) and first to sell 300 million cases (1983). These cookies do not store any personal information. Unfortunately, very little information is usually given by companies that source single barrels from MGP as to which warehouses and which levels the barrels came from. Your email address is never shared. MGP does not give tours of its facility they are extremely tightlipped about the details around their smaller craft brand partners and photography is strictly prohibited inside much of the plant. Regardless of this setback, the most important pieces to the distilling operations at LDI remained behind in the form of personnel in critical positions. Samples: I got to try all 4 of their selections. And it was one of FIVE. Qualified candidates who are detail oriented and quality minded are encouraged to apply. Now blended bourbon legally means it must be at least 51% bourbon, no neutral grain spirits, no caramel coloring, and no added sugars. This prompted Pernod Ricard to begin looking for a buyer for the LDI facility. Drinkhacker was founded in 2007 by Christopher Null, a longtime entertainment, technology, and lifestyle writer, award-winning winemaker, and the finicky proprietor of what has been called "the best home bar in San Francisco". You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. MGP distillery. Great water leads to great whiskey and every distillery needs lots of it. Curated by Rune Kielsgaard. This one is a blend of 83 barrels and a combination of different mash bills. The press trip I took to the distillery was more about introducing these products to the world than the various client brands made here, but naturally that was of interest too. We began the tour in the barrel-filling building where MGP can fill an impressive five barrels every 30 seconds. Diageos long-term contract with Pernod Ricard to make these spirits kept the distillery in the black while also having the capacity to seek other brands to produce for. On the bourbon end of MGP Distillerys whiskey is the George Remus brand. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The buildings are all attractive red brick, like at Buffalo Trace, and along the rooflines of the large rackhouses are the words Seagrams and Since 1857, reminding you that this place is no newcomer to whiskey-making. As recently as 2020, MGPI took yet another step forward by recognizing the whiskey enthusiasts thirst for single barrel products. That is, until recently. The nose is fairly classic bourbon with plenty of caramel and just the right amount of fragrant oak. Questions surround every barrel at MGPI. In early October, I received an exclusive invitation to peek behind the curtain of one of the most important distilleries in Americaand one of the most secretive. The palate is heavy with caramel, vanilla, and toffee notes with a bold rye spice and a hint of smoke. Thus began a series of incidents where the public began to witness hometown brands sprouting up with their own whiskey for sale that was usually made in Indiana. Lawrenceburg, Indianas location right on the Ohio River provides easy and cheap transportation channels to move products up and down the Mississippi River to the East Coast, it also sets above a massive underground limestone shelf that spans across much of the state of Kentucky and provides the water necessary to make a great whiskey. Luckily there is a clear point of differentiation. Comments (5). In addition, MGP has positioned all of their products at a super-premium price point to allay the concerns of some clients who are selling below or above that level. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Copyright 2020 Kelli Nakagama. Therefore, none of these brands should taste anything like the 100+ brands already using MGP products. La Casa del Caminos Comedor & the Rooftop Lounge Offer California-Inspired Citrus City Grille Reveals 2022 Christmas Eve Menu. Made from 100% wheat grown in Kansas, Till vodka actual has some flavor to it. MGP whiskies were so sought after that any product aged for more than 10 years was guaranteed to sell out instantly and fetch huge premiums on the secondary marketplaces. At the same time, they began pulling the curtain back on their distilling operations at the former Seagrams Distillery, inviting media to tour the facility and introducing the world to the first MGP products the company can actually talk about. We were hosted by CEO Gus Griffin and VP of brands Andrew Mansinne along with MGP Ingredients talented production team, including Lawrenceburg plant manager Mike Templin and corporate director of quality David Whitmer. Camper English | The nose is full of clove, mint, and some dried fruits, while the palate shows more baking spice and brown sugar. Details: Heaven Hill's wheated mash bill (68% corn, 20% Wheat, and 12% malted barley). With MGP products crowding the liquor store shelves today, its safe to say theyve come a long way in the spirits world since then. The company has a four-barrel minimum for whiskey, or one tote for new distillate for whiskeys, gins, or grain neutral spirits. Barrel entry for every standard MGP mashbill is 120 proof, but the company recently began allowing custom barrel entry proofs for its contract clients; part of a slew of changes theyve made to compete with a growing number of contract distillers around the country. In Kentucky, the alcohol percentage of whiskey goes up during maturation since the water evaporates faster than alcohol. What became increasingly clear was that the success of MGP lies in the fact that it can pretty much customize whatever its clients desire. It is not exactly known why the producers felt the need to develop a new category of whiskey, but production costs and the changing tastes of American drinkers (to lighter drinkers) were certainly at the forefront. Its not open to the public and MGP is notoriously secretive about what it makes or for who. Footer sidebar. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. ), (Name and email address are required. Labelled a blended bourbon, its a blend of high rye bourbon, rye, light whiskey, and corn whiskey. July 29, 2021 at 01:00 PM. LDI was listed for sale again, looking for its 4th owner in just over a decade. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. MGP is the largest supplier of sourced, aged whiskey in America for the many companies that dont actually distill themselves (Non-Distilling Producers or NDPs), and theyre also a contract distilling powerhouse, working with customers from the earliest stages of the whiskey-making process. So George Remus Straight Bourbon Whiskey is a mix of the 21 and 36 percent high rye bourbons, and Rossville Union is a blend of the 95 and 51 percent rye mashbills. So Seagrams way around this was to include the smallest amount of malted barley necessary to keep this designation. We were unable to take pictures in the distillery room, but as it passes through several floors of a building we could really only see one section of the column still and a part of the squareish gin stills anyway. Light Whiskey also didnt have a set mashbill or barrel entry proof, but Seagrams elected to barrel theirs at 140 proof. 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