Take time by the forelock and honour your God. Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord is our righteousness. You will bring many to Christ, because you yourself abide in Christ. Verse Revelation 3:10. It was founded for a special purpose. Revelation 3:10-11 New King James Version 10 Because you have kept [ a]My command to persevere,I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come uponthe whole world, to test those who dwellon the earth. Did He not look with exceeding satisfaction in His grace upon that servant who felt and answered to His own feelings about His people? Show yourself watchful, and strengthen what remains and what is going to die. [Note: Showers, p. (a) There is a door of missionary opportunity before every man and he need not go overseas to find it. They came out, but not far enough. To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna." The Philadelphian saints, like the limpet, which has but little strength, stuck firmly to the rock, and they are commended for it. "What I say to you, I say to all: watch" ( Matthew 24:42-43; Mark 13:37). This may well stand for the beauties of life and character which only the grace of Christ can give. (iv) On the faithful Christian the name of the new Jerusalem is to be written. They dragged down the Christian from his own heavenly associations to that of a spurious Jew. In short, as the book itself afterwards shows that the church will be on high outside the scene of its varied troubles and inflicted judgments, so the motive assigned in the preface is of a strikingly holy nature, adapted to those who walk by faith, not by sight, and free from all selfish considerations "for the time is at hand." We have intervention on every side. In the gospel it is said, God gives Him to have life in Himself. "He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death." He is man; but the man seen then and thus is a divine person, the eternal God Himself. It set out along the valley of the River Maeander until it reached what were known as the Gates of Phrygia. Smyrna and Philadelphia are the only churches that receive no blame from the Lord, but only praise and encouragement. This is an aorist imperative and describes one definite action. [Note: Beale, p. We can hardly suppose that this name was given to it after it received the Christian religion, and that it was so called from that Christian affection that all believers have, and should have, one for another, as the children of one Father and the brethren of Christ; but rather that it was its ancient name, on account of the love and kindness which the citizens had and showed to each other as a civil fraternity. It was thus that Hanum treated the servants of David ( 2 Samuel 10:4). Jesus Christ will mark his faithful ones with his new name: what that name was we need not even speculate, for no man knows it ( Revelation 19:12), but in the time to come, when Christ has conquered all, his faithful ones will bear the badge which shows that they are his and share his triumph. One of these days we are going to go into the phone booth and change our clothes and we are going to come out with super power and we are going to just point at the Russians and they will just shrivel and die. ], "In contrast to the fate of Eliakim [see comment on Revelation 3:7], who was like a peg that gave way, and the buildings that perished in Philadelphias earthquakes, the victor is assured that his place in the city which comes down out of heaven is eternally secured." 7 "If Gundry's view of Rev. When they reached the top they found the battlements completely unguarded. The address is to the overcomer, who is accordingly put before the call to hear. If you are left without discipline, in which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons" ( Hebrews 11:6; Hebrews 11:8). Jesus declares Himself to be all this; yea, more than this "the living one, and I became dead." "Withhold not correction from the child; for, if you beat him with a rod he will not die. But the Lord will compel the recognition of His own testimony. He that receives it shall live, but without it there is no spiritual life. In a certain sense it was better to be a Daniel in the midst of ruin than to have had the best position when times were prosperous, and when things looked fair. Holman Hunt was right when in his famous picture The Light of the World he painted the door of the human heart with no handle on the outside, for it can be opened only from within. Who that knows ecclesiastical history, who that has present acquaintance with souls, is not aware that the saints of God, with ever so little light, have been exceedingly nourished and helped by the Apocalypse; while men of learning have made it as dry as an old almanac? He talks to some of you, and you are so dogmatic, and firmly rooted, he calls you pig-headed, and says it is no use arguing with such bigots; and so he goes to argue somewhere else. It is a church state in responsibility though not in real power, being an ecclesiastical body which presents horrors in the Lord's eyes, but not without a remnant dear to Him. You might as well establish another religion on Mother Goose rhymes or something, or Aesops Fables. Such terms alone become one who is divine. It is manifest that all carries out the same solemn impression. When man thus regulated after the Jewish pattern, the whole beauty and aim of the church of God was ruined in principle. There is no surer way of allowing a child to end in ruin than to allow him to do as he likes. God we don't want to go on living in a lie or a fallacy. Recall from Revelation 1:9, perseverance, or patience comes through trial and tribulation. Never but here occurs an address to a certain number of assemblies, particularly one so definite and significant symbolically as seven. So now He is warning concerning His coming for the church. (c) He must have the ability to tell what he has to say, so that his witness may make its true impression on those who hear. Scripture does not reveal Jesus Christs new name elsewhere. That is my only hope. Revelation Unwrapped: Commentary on Revelation by John Richardson on SharedBookshelves.com. But you have a few people in Sardis who have not defiled their garments and they will walk with me in white raiment, because they are worthy. It is dark. In the introduction to this letter the Risen Christ is described in two phrases. Beasley-Murray regarded the hour of testing as a designation of the trial itself rather than as a period of testing (cf. ( Revelation 3:1-6 Continued). In Revelation 3:10 we are back again amidst beliefs which are characteristically Jewish. Possibly if they had felt stronger they might have presumptuously quitted the word of the Lord for the opinions of men, as the Galatians did, and then they would have lost their reward. . In the Pastoral Epistles we read: "She who is self-indulgent is dead even while she lives" ( 1 Timothy 5:6), The Prodigal Son is he who was dead and is alive again ( Luke 15:24). Behold, I will give you those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who call themselves Jews and who are not, but who lie. This is not association with Christ in His public reign, but in that which is proper to Him above the world altogether. You may never become more numerous, or more influential; but do let it be true of you, that you have kept God's word. Those who at Christ's call are caught up to heaven. The gospel of Christ is the word of his patience. Revelation 3 - Jesus' Letters to the Churches (Continued) A. He is spoken of as Son of man; and, as we know, this is the quality in which it is given Him to execute every kind of judgment. The Spirit says, "Thou hast a little strength." II. It was in an area where there was a very large Jewish population. This is given up now. I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in, and will sup with him ( Revelation 3:20 ), Eating supper is a very significant act from a Biblical standpoint, from a cultural standpoint at the time of Christ. [Note: See Newell, pp. III. "He that overcometh, and he that keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations." The godly remnant of Jews, having to do with a special and most fierce but circumscribed tribulation, have only to flee to the mountains in order to escape till Jesus appears in glory, to the confusion of their foes. More Resources: Revelation 1: Jesus is the Heart of Revelation Read Articles By Subject Spiritual Deceptions Prophecy Walking through Revelation Revelation 1 Commentary: The Revelation of Jesus Seven Churches See the album Less. It was Ezekiel's threat to Israel that her enemies would strip her of her clothes ( Ezekiel 16:37-39; Ezekiel 23:26-29; compare Hosea 2:3; Hosea 2:9; Micah 1:8; Micah 1:11). Some think it a great thing to be members of a popular sect, but when the great curtain rolls up, and all things are seen as they are, and not as they seem, do you not think that that church will be most commended which was truest to the teaching of the Holy Spirit in everything? You go into a post-Christian era when you get to Europe. At one time that temple was the social, administrative and commercial centre of the whole area. (4.) That can happen with the tasks of God. The reason for the word is that this famous tephra Phrygia, Phrygian powder, was exported all over the world in solidified tablet form in the shape of little rolls. This marks particularly the change in the chapter, and especially in the part before us. While, therefore, he had all that is properly Christian, he also had very special communications of another character for saints who will follow us at the end of this age. Such is the strength of the promise and the blessedness of it, that the Lord promises His own to be kept from the time. In the Spirit he must be, both to shut out every impression from external objects, and to give him an entrance into all that God was about to reveal; but first of all we should recognise the fact that it was on the Lord's day; and next that, before he was shown what was before, he must turn to the voice behind him and learn what the Lord judged of that which bore His name on the earth. The unwelcome visitation of a thief would be utterly incongruous if they were enjoying the sweet hope according to His own word, that He is coming for them quickly. (i) Sin is the death of the will. The solid truth of revelation, the doctrine of the Holy Ghost, a divine experience given to you by that Holy Ghost all this is the treasure of the church, and you are doing a holy thing when you guard it against every adversary. Here again we find a description of the Holy Ghost decidedly different from what meets us in the New Testament generally. 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. A man did not go home for it; it was simply a picnic snack eaten by the side of the pavement, or in some colonnade, or in the city square. We have seen how it was a border town, standing where the boundaries of Lydia, Mysia and Phrygia met, and founded to be a missionary of Greek language and culture to the barbarous peoples beyond. The church in Sardis: At the time Jesus spoke these words to John, the ancient city of Sardis had seen its best days and had started to decline. The sheep which grazed round Laodicea were famous for their soft, violet-black, glossy wool. And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder, so he shall open, and none shall shut: and he shall shut and none shall open." If God is the God of Amen, he is utterly to be relied upon. That letters were written to literal congregations from Ephesus to Laodicea seems to be unquestionable; but I cannot doubt that these were chosen, and the addresses so shaped to them as to bring before those who have ears to hear the complete circle of the Lord's testimony here below as long as there should be anything possessed (responsibly if not really) of a church character. You can become one with Me. The implication may appear to be that if a Christian denies Christ (Revelation 3:8) he or she will not participate in the Rapture. The nature of the rock meant that it developed cracks. The Risen Christ speaks of "the shame of the nakedness of Laodicea.". There is a doctrine known as the manifested sons of God that advocates the super sainthood. Gird up your loins and enter it. This prepares us for the true meaning of the remarkable chancre in the Apocalypse as compared with the rest of the New Testament. In it there is no redeeming feature. This is exactly Laodiceanism. Thus, either to dislocate the New absolutely from the Old, or to see no more than a repetition of the Old in the New, is an almost equal error. "Because this period of tribulation will immediately precede the coming of the Lord to earth in power and great glory (cf. REV 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. But that cannot happen if every day a man lives in the presence of Christ; he who walks hand-in-hand with Christ cannot be taken unawares by his coming. This is all the more likely because it was common at baptism to clothe a man, after he had emerged from the water, in clean white robes, symbolic of the cleansing of his life. In Revelation 3:9 the promise of the Risen Christ is that some day the Jews who slander the Christians will kneel before them. In the Christian life there must be unceasing vigilance against it. This we find formally and doctrinally in his gospel. I know your works. It was Jesus' promise that, if a man confessed him before men, he would confess him before his Father; and if a man denied him before men, he would deny him before his Father ( Matthew 10:32-33; Luke 12:8-9). I cannot but think that this state of things is referred to here: "Thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth." It is not now to bring them whether or not servants out of that position or even worse, and entitling them to take the place of children of God. And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shuts; and shuts, and no man opens ( Revelation 3:7 ); Now he is borrowing a description not out of chapter one in this. Do not be afraid. In the gospel we bear of eternal life in the Son and this in the grace of God given to the believer. Often these attacks are subtle. Your book matters, let's make it your way! Even in Sardis there are the faithful few. Because you say, I am rich, [endowed with great foundations and funds, we're rich.] Let them cry "Lo here, or lo there," but believe them not. All was the fruit, doubtless, of what had been works before, but in far greater maturity now. In a very different form it is the topic of John everywhere: we may trace Him as going up to heaven, where Paul above all contemplated Him glorified; but John's task is ever to point to Christ in connection with what He was here below. But nay, this will not do for Christ. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found your works (complete) before God ( Revelation 3:2 ). There are seven Churches, yet in each of them the Spirit operates with all his presence and power. The remnant is here plain. What He is is the main point. The word for beginning is arche ( G746) . He did not like spiritual conversation, neither do any of the breed. Sin is the killer of life's loveliness. Life was lived in an atmosphere of insecurity. Jesus Christ works through men; and the man who remains completely detached in his attitude to him has by that very fact refused to undertake the work which is the divine purpose for him. None the less is it "the word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ," even if it consists not of that which ministers directly to the edification of the Christian in his own position, but indirectly as announcing the doom of such as despise God and do their own will in the face of His revelation. I do not think that we should be so slow as we sometimes are in praising one another. There shall come a day when it will be found that the minorities have generally saved both the world and the church. Victory lies before you. Supposing that we have not such big heads as some have, and cannot excogitate or multiply sophisms and inventions as they do, it will be no small thing to be commended at the last, in these terms "Thou hast a little strength, but thou hast kept my word." Solomon made shields of gold, which were borne before the king when he went into the house of the Lord; but Rehoboam took away the shields of gold, and put shields of brass in their place. All was dark as to truth, and uncertain as to moral judgment. A truly vital Church will always be under attack. Yet the Lord owns whatever is good. you have kept the word . 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. Christian chivalry should make you feel it better to be a member of a church of six doing the Lord's work conscientiously than to be a member of a church of six millions which has turned aside from it. how loyally He accepts, and will not speak inconsistently with, the place of man to which He stooped. What do the white robes signify? The name Sardis (Sardeis, G4454, in Greek) is really a plural noun, for there were two towns, one on the plateau and one in the valley beneath. I have set it open, and kept it open, though there be many adversaries. Sir W. M. Ramsay said of Sardis that nowhere was there a greater example of the melancholy contrast between past splendour and present decay. Trench makes a list of people in the Bible who lost their place to someone else because they had shown that they were not fit to hold it. The promise of the Risen Christ is that the victor will sit with him in his own victorious throne. Thus we have all sorts of links in the chain. But that situation had its perils, and these perils had left their mark more deeply on Philadelphia than on any other city. This is one of the main sources of confusion on the subject of the Apocalypse to this day. Not so, I apprehend, where angels of the churches are spoken of. Nothing can be simpler. So we come to the end of the second section of the book of Revelation, the things which are. Jesus is not promising to keep His church from persecution because in the letters to the seven churches persecution, even death, was occurring. How stand the facts? The Book of Life is a conception which occurs often in the Bible. It is "he that openeth, and no man shall shut." He "ought himself also so to walk even as he (Christ) walked." ], Fifth, Jesus Christ will identify with His faithful people. Here we find Jezebel later. The seven spirits signifies the completeness of the gifts of the Spirit and the universality of his presence. In A.D. 17 there came a great earthquake which destroyed Sardis and ten other cities. (2.) Let us weigh a little more these remarkable words. Learn here, (1.) We shall never grow stronger by leaving the eternal word. "Behold, I come quickly!" God's word was there to deal with human conscience. What had these Philadelphian believers done that they should be praised? "He that loveth his son will continue to lay stripes upon him, that he may have joy of him in the end. Now, dear child of God, as I have said before, you may have but very little strength, you may often be tempted and tried, and cast down; but if you believe the word, there is more for the pleasing of God in a childlike faith than there is in the most glittering profession or in the most showy deeds. [1.] It was to her that one day all men would humbly make their submission. (iii) As the Revised Standard Version has it, he is the beginning of God's creation. Many understand by the hour of temptation the persecution under Trajan, which was greater and more extensive than the preceding ones under Nero and Domitian. Jezebel was a mother indeed a holy mother, said the deceivers and deceived. In the time of judgment those who are written in the book will be delivered ( Daniel 12:1). There is an unwritten saying of Jesus: "He who is near me is near the fire." Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is the new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name ( Revelation 3:11-12 ). Own . They were themselves corrupters and destroyers of true Christianity without knowing it. Revelation 1:1-3 indicates the judgment of which this book is about, was to come soon, for the time is at hand. It is quite another thing for Christians. There is a divine link in the sense as there was in the Spirit's mind an undistinguished reference; but then the Apocalypse gives it an incomparably larger range, and a more profound character. Nor is it that I have any doubt that it is a great sin to wipe off all public recognition of God in the world. They had shown this in the trials which they had experienced; he promises now, that in return he will keep them in the future trials that shall come upon the world. 2. They may have only a little strength; their resources may be small; but, if they are faithful, they will see the dawn of the triumph of Christ. [48] Edward A. McDowell, The Meaning and Message of the Book of Revelation (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1951), p. 58. It is not at all however a question of a place of shelter, but of complete removal from the period that is filled by the great trouble or trial that will come upon the habitable world. A bee knows the nearest way. It is the same idea again; it is as if the mark of God was upon Israel so that all men may know that they are his people. They hoarded up divine knowledge in their memories, preserved it in their affections, used it in their experience, and practised it in their lives. The time came when the narrow space on the top of the plateau was too small for the expanding city; and Sardis grew round the foot of the spur on which the citadel stood. To the church at Sardis 1. The answer is given by the last clause when "and" is taken away: the visions that he was going to behold and record in this book whatsoever things he saw. The Roman Christians are men who have been brought from death to life ( Romans 6:13). He promised to keep them from the hour of testing. The Lord then warns the angel at Sardis, that if he should not watch, He Himself will come on him as a thief, and he shall not know what hour Christ will come on him. A Church with a positive message is bound to be one to which there will be opposition. Dead Protestantism. He asks the Colossians to pray that a door of utterance may be opened for him ( Colossians 4:3). Hence, evidently, there is a comprehensive term employed with divine wisdom, "to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass." Those who still dared to live in the city were reckoned mad; they spent their time shoring up the shaking buildings and every now and then fleeing to the open spaces for safety. Another instance of favour that Christ promises to this church is persevering grace in the most trying times (Revelation 3:10; Revelation 3:10), and this as the reward of their past fidelity. They have slipped into the world, and share its fears and anxieties. Is this Christ? But he who is faithful will in the end come to a time when he is like a pillar fixed in the Temple of God and goodness has become the constant atmosphere of his life. The state of things might be ever so ruined; it might be even gross and false (as much was in several); but still there was an ecclesiastical profession if only for His judgment, which we do not find afterRevelation 4:1-11; Revelation 4:1-11. Whatever discovery may be made by the wise men of the age, let Christ be wisdom unto you. "As many as I love, I rebuke." ], Gundry believed that God will fulfill the promise of this verse at the Rapture, but he believed the Rapture will occur at the end of the Tribulation (the posttribulation view). Word was there a greater example of the will there came a great earthquake which Sardis! Am rich, [ endowed with great foundations and funds, we 're rich ]! Of David ( 2 Samuel 10:4 ) John Richardson on SharedBookshelves.com establish another religion on mother Goose or... Of Revelation, the place of man to which there will be opposition is near me is near fire... 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