Looking for more? Menu Men aren't alowed to ride on the back of a motorcycle but women It got to the point that it became a massive traffic jam and an ongoing driving hazard, so the town forbade parking there at all. The country has a population of 15 million people and spans an area of 108,890 square kilometers making it one of the smallest countries in Central America. It is illegal to poach a Sasquatch in at least two Washington counties. . Turns out there are a lot of placesthathave strange laws, though many arehopefully archaic and rarely enforced. It is illegal in Alabama to open an umbrella on the streets of Montgomery. Maybe people were tired of being interrupted by noise while trying to enjoy a sub after a long day? In Los Angeles, it's illegal to blow smoke in someone elses face. In San Pedro La Laguna, Solol, local authorities may not accept a copy of your passport as identification, and may fine or detain you if you cant produce your original passport or a certified copy when asked. 35. Per state laws, a person who is already drunk may not knowingly enter a bar to drink more, or remain in the bar that got them drunk in the first place. Final verdict:If you swear every time you stub your toe or drop your keys, don't move to Rockville, Maryland. 10 of the Most Controversial Laws Ever Passed, Countries Without Laws Against Domestic Violence. In Skamania County, they were worried enough to pass a law stating that the "slaying of Bigfoot to be a felony and punishable by five years in prison.". It has been updated twice since then in 1871 and 1964. Yikes! We're not sure who would think to do this, but it is illegal to pour salt on a highway in Hermosa Beach. Operators of underground coal mines must provide an adequate supply of toilet paper with each toilet. Characterized by Hollywood stars, beautiful state parks, bustling streets, and a buzzy art scene, L.A. is nothing but interesting. In Oxford, it is illegal to drive around the town square more than 100 times in a single session. Visit our corporate site. While you try to ponder what such a dance would even look like, find solace in the fact that this law could never actually be enforced, thanks to a slightly weightier document called the First Amendment. Image: Unsplash. You may be asked to pay a small amount of money to take photographs of both children and adults. Why not outlaw idiotic drivers, while youre at it, New Mexico? But what makes things bad for women in these nations? Visitors beware: it is strictly prohibited to pronounce Arkansas incorrectly. The Asian nation is one of the last countries to hold onto this outdated law. What Is The Biggest State In The United States? If you have a garage attached to your house in Long Beach, then you should know that it's illegal to store anything aside from your vehicle in there. One of the strange laws in California states that it's illegal for a balloon to fly more than five feet high. What a shocker. What are some strange laws in Jamaica? Not Sell My Personal Information. The logic behind this weird law was that sleeping around heavy machinery was a bad idea. Emily Cain, executive director of EMILY's List and and former Minority Leader in Maine, says that to stop the assault on reproductive rights, we need to start demanding more from our state legislatures. The 50 states of the United States are allowed by the federal constitution to formulate and implement their own laws. In Oklahoma,"every person guilty of secretly loitering about any building, with intent to overhear discourse therein, and to repeat or publish the same to vex, annoy, or injure others, is guilty of a misdemeanor.". It may still be illegal to throw snowballs in Topeka, Kansas. Sara's Law protects kids that fight back. One lighter margarine law, however, stuck around: Restaurants were forbidden to substitute margarine for butter unless a customer requested it for fear of triggering allergic reactions. The law was fittingly nicknamed the Sip and Spit law. In fact, if you're super into astrology, you might want to stay away from the town altogether. It's illegal in Los Angeles to report a motel with a cockroach problem to the postal service. Marie Claire is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. In Nevada, it is illegal to use an x-ray device to determine someones shoe size. It is illegal to build, maintain, or use a nuclear weapon within Chico, California city limits. Final verdict: This weird law sounds like something made up by a fed-up best friend. In Los Angeles County, all the food brought to a childrens camp must be approved by the camp director before being consumed. World Population By Percentage of Blood Types, Prohibited to open an umbrealla on a street, Illegal to throw confetti or spray silly string, Flamingoes are not allowed in barber shops, Denying someone a glass of water is prohibited, Spitting is only permitted on baseball diamonds, It is illegal for car dealers to show cars on Sundays, A pickle is not a pickle unless it bounces, One is not to walk backwards after sunset, It is prohibited to fly over water without sufficient supplies, The singing in public places while wearing a bathing suit is not allowed, Skateboarding without a license is prohbited, One is not to live on a boat for more than 30 days, Illegal to eat fried chicken any way but with your hands, Chickens are not permitted to cross the road, It is prohibited to gift a box of chocolates weighing more than 50 lbs, The giving of whiskey to dogs is prohibited, No kites allowed to be flown within city limits, It is illegal to catch a fish with bare hands, Nobody is to step out of a plane mid-flight, Christmas decorations must not be up past January 14th, It is not permitted to take a lion to the movies, Beer is not to be given to hospital patients. Good to know now; unfortunately, when the oath took effect in 1848, many would-be duelists turned to murderous street brawls instead. Final verdict: Idiotic college students are to blame for this one. For example, Kekchi, Mopan Maya, and Quiche are three of . See if you can follow along: wearing a bulletproof vest while committing or attempting to commit a crime of the first degree, is a crime of the second degree. Eating out can be challenging at times. Talking in church is a serious offense, at least in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Lots of wacky laws have been written over the years, and they were all written for a reason. Hawaii is full of weird rules, with it against the law to have two alcoholic drinks sitting in front of you, get a tattoo behind your ear, and eat your second wife. Until 2012, it was illegal to throw your Frisbee after the lifeguard specifically asked you not to do so. It was enacted in the 1970s to essentially label horses as vehicles. You can't buy your waitress a drink in El Monte. Hereare 14 strange laws to keep in mind next time you book a trip. Yemenhas repeatedly been named the worst country for womenin the world. If you want to name your baby something other than the 7,000 approved names,you need to get approval from the government. The chemicals in them can be toxic, causing nausea and irritation to the eyes and skin. Final verdict:Don't worry, your workplace costume party is probably fine. Well send you a link to a feedback form. 7. The National Domestic Workers Bill of Rights, reintroduced today, would establish a new set of standards for the people who work in our homes and take a vital step towards racial and gender equity. A Family Name. Final verdict: The point of this weird law was to help bolster state art agencies. Statute 163.03 states that Floridians cannot hang their clothes on a clothesline to dry. The rule was introduced on October 13, 1939, as a war measure to alleviate mental strain on the populace, and has technically been in effect since. three weird laws n Brazil is that you can kiss in public, you cant commit suicide, and your not allowed to die without mayors permission What is the capital of Guatemala? We use some essential cookies to make this website work. difference between classical realism and structural realism. Mayan mathematicians developed the concept of zero long before Europeans did! 2. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. He believed that all men should be willing to defend their country at any time with their lives if necessary. Running out of gas on the motorway will lead to finesbasically, you should have known better and planned ahead, like any self respecting German. We've rounded up 9 of the most outrageous laws that discriminate against women, with a bonus five that exist on American soil. . Final verdict: Were not sure how this law originally came to pass, but we can tell you why. The reason behind this law is not entirely clear; however, it may have been due to Carreras strong belief in militarism. Guatemala is well-known for its awe-inspiring treasures. , No hunting on Sundays, unless youre killing raccoons. A fine of up to $700 is in store for anyone who feeds the pigeonsin Venice's St. Mark's Square. Before you worry about the people, remember that they signed up for the match while the bears did not. Students at the University of Colorado kept getting too lit at frat parties (pun intended). 'Til death do us part takes on a whole new meaning in thePhilippines: Divorce is illegal. In Louisiana it is illegal to steal someone elses crawfishlike, really illegal. Smoking in El Monte? Nobody is to cross state lines with a duck atop their head, Anyone disturbing church services is subject to a citizens arrest, Tapping feet, nodding head, or moving to music in any water is prohibited in restaurants, It is required that a person lend a phone to another in need, No bingo games shall last more than 5 hours, The serving of beer and pretzels simutaneously is not allowed, Professional sports are not to be played on Sundays, it is prohibited to catch a fish using a lasso. The Utah Legislature passed a law in 1909 that made it illegal to hunt elephants. Los Angeles takes bathing seriouslytheres more than one law relating to bathing. Sometimes these laws border on the seriously ridiculous, and other times they point to important cultural values that might be different than your own. 60 Weird Laws Around the World By Lissa Poirot and Brittany Alexandra Sulc, updated on August 4, 2022 Getty Images Every country is different, and every country's laws are different. Apparently there are also no laws about babies or squirmy toddlers riding on motorcycles. Final verdict: Heres yet another weird law that we wish was a joke. It is illegal to sell rope after 6 pm. 15 weird dog laws you didnt know existed in America, have not fought a duel with deadly weapons, Alexander Hamilton was involved in at least 10 duels, 13 things a funeral director wont tell you. Final verdict: Nevada takes itself a little too seriously sometimes. The Pink Ibis bird is a symbol of fertility in Central America and has even been linked with twins, as it has two colors on its feathers: black and white. 34. Answer: El Salvador is the only Central American country that has no visible population of African descent. It has been syndicated by Cosmopolitan.com, TIME.com, TravelandLeisure.com and GoodHousekeeping.com, among other publications. I'm an Associate Editor at the Business of Fashion, where I edit and write stories about the fashion and beauty industries. That's one way of enforcing a phone-free evening. Read on to know some weird facts about Guatemala. What does it mean to be a California.com Recommended Business? To keep it that way, the state has officially outlawed billboards (with some exceptions) and aerial advertising, part of an urban beautification initiative that dates to 1927. Acatenango is also a very active volcano with frequent eruptions. Exceptions are made for people in wheelchairs, participating in parades or having a medical emergency. There, swearing in public is against the law. 7. Giving credence to its reputation as Americas Dairyland, Wisconsin law demands that all cheese and butter produced in the state be highly pleasing. Oh, and cows have the right-of-way on highways. Final verdict: Sounds great, doesnt it? At this time, the Maya were the most powerful civilization in Mesoamerica. Where this law exists: Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Conditions for women around the world vary greatly, fromseemingly utopic conditions for females in Scandinavian nations (opens in new tab)to huge pay gaps and rampant abuse inthe nations in Middle East, South America, and Southeast Asia (opens in new tab). 32. Outside Guatemala City attitudes are more conservative and same-sex couples should avoid public displays of affection. Weird laws in Florida An unmarried woman cannot go skydiving on a Sunday It is illegal to sing while wearing a bathing suit Oral sex is illegal It's illegal to skateboard without a skateboarding license. With the situation rapidly evolving, organizations are desperate for help. Yes, its unfair, but you shouldve thought about that before becoming a nocturnal sushi chef. The States That Have the Biggest Pay Gap for Women (opens in new tab) Foreigners have been caught up in the violence. If you spit outside a public building like city hall, you could be found guilty. I sure hope that means everyone gets free drying machines! This is in part due to laws established during colonial and modern times prohibiting entrance to the country of people of African descentDeath Penalty for Drunk Drivers in El Salvador Al. Among the lengthy list of itemsthat aren't allowed to beimported into Singapore is chewing gum, a rule enforced inorder to keep public spaces clean. The fact that it needed to be made a law means that someone tried it, doesnt it? 20. The law states that only the owner, pump operator or employee is allowed to pump the gas. Leggings? Seems straightforward enough, right? We're not sure why this law was passed, but it has stuck around and become a town tradition. Grease theft, it turns out, was a huge problem in NC before this 2012 law passed, with midnight grease-bandits persistently preventing Biodiesel companies from purchasing restaurants excess oil to convert into fuel. For instance, if you bathe in someone elses bathwater, its considered an illegal act in L.A. Bathhouses are against the law, too. If you're in Glendale, you best make sure that adorable puppy of yours isn't in the elevator. Vermont passed a law just to say there would never be a law prohibiting the use of clotheslines. Sorry, yall: No more seeing how long you can work the steering wheel with your teeth. 13. Final verdict: No, someone didn't get a coin stuck in their ear. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Were not sure what prompted the law to be made in the first place, but its not the worst law written. Guess you should always listen to the lifeguard. Final verdict: Technically, it was Wisconsins downright war against margarine that began in 1895. This law was enacted to prevent people from being forced to foot the bill for food they didnt order. Final verdict: Dunkin Donuts and coffee are as American as it gets, and so is this weird law. Thanks to a 1961 law added to the city code as a publicity stunt, it is illegal to eat fried chicken in the poultry capital of the world with anything other than your fingers. Pasadena business owners should know that it's unlawful for the boss and secretary to be alone in the same room. Meanwhile, state officials are still unable to get a green-light for their new TV show, Law And Order: VDU. 27. State law maintains that "no person shall move uphill on any passenger tramway or use any ski slope or trail while such person's ability to do so is impaired by the consumption of alcohol or by the use of any illicit controlled substance or other drug.". , Dont shake your rug out of the window before 8am. In Prince William County, it is illegal to keep a skunk as a pet. Also illegal: spray string, confetti, and bathing in public fountains. Any form of the "occult arts" is illegal to practice in Yamhill, including "fortune-telling, astrology, phrenology, palmistry, clairvoyance, mesmerism, spiritualism or any other practice or practices generally recognized to be unsound and unscientific whereby an attempt or pretense is made.". The most popular are white-water rafting near Acatenango Volcano, kayaking on inland Lake Atitln and along the Pacific coast, spelunking in the limestone labyrinths of the Petn plateau, and volcano climbing and mountain biking in the sierras above Antigua Guatemala. What was the BONUS ROUND answer last night? 18. identify these U.S. states without their borders? Its also the name of Guatemalas currency. People used to set up bear-wrestling rings. Visiting a new state? It's a common misconception that it is illegal to drive barefoot. Laws against fun are most common in centuries-old legislation. Raise Your Voice to State Legislators, The Future of Afghan Women and Girls Depends on What We Do Next, How to Help Afghanistan Refugees and Those Who Need Aid, Its Time to Give Domestic Workers the Protections They Deserve, seemingly utopic conditions for females in Scandinavian nations, the nations in Middle East, South America, and Southeast Asia. Final verdict: In some states, Sunday is still seen as a day of rest. If you're an avid moth hunter, take note of one of the strangest. For this reason, Skamania County has considered Bigfoot-poaching a felony since 1969still punishable by a $1000 fine. Hitting 100 on the autobahn is a thrilling feeling, but you'd best keep an eye on the road and the other on the needle. Shady psychics probably wont bother jumping through all the hoops. In Reno, its illegal to sit down on public sidewalks because the point of sidewalks is to walk. No, you cant lie down on them, either. No selling alcohol in an emergency Utah has stringent alcohol regulation laws. Final verdict: Do you know how to tell if a pickle is legit? But mostly, they will have to endure the humiliation of being called shellfish for the rest of their life. Home to lush, rolling hills, forested pathways, and year-round moderate temps the East Bay Area is ideal for cycling trails and bike rides. California's 11 Most Affordable Places to Live, The 7 Most Affordable Places to Live in the Bay Area, The 7 Best Restaurants To Check Out in Santa Cruz, 7 Things to Know Before Moving to Sacramento, 9 Best Bakeries In San Francisco For Pastry Afficionados, Checklist of 10 Things to Do After Moving to a New Place, 9 Reasons Santa Cruz Should Be Your Next Hometown, Interesting Facts About Lake Tahoe, California, A Guide to California's Annual Music Festivals, 9 Nobel Prize Winners That Hail from California, We're committed to helping you discover the places, people and businesses that make our state Golden. You can still dress up for the holiday, theater productions and emergency drills. Perhaps one of the best-known injustices against women around the. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023 worldatlas.com, 50 Dumb Laws From Across the United States. Or parties on campus? If your pickle doesn't bounce in the state of Connecticut, you could be looking at a hefty fine. It's abit counter intuitive, but Down Undergetting patrons toodrunkat the pub is met with heavy fines. 1. In Goodyear, Arizona, it's illegal for any person to spit on the public sidewalks, highways, or crosswalks. And 1964 topics in a personalized feed while you 're in Glendale, you might to... Emergency drills what makes things bad for women in these nations essential cookies to this! Law and order: VDU laws Ever passed, Countries Without laws fun... St. Mark 's square i sure hope that means everyone gets free drying!! In Rehoboth Beach, Delaware an avid moth hunter, take note of one of most! 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